3.) Impact of ICT On Society

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1he lmpacL of lC1 on socleLy 1

nllne Servlces
1he lnLerneL can be used for a vasL amounL of
ways lncludlng Lo search for resLauranLs legal
advlses onllne shopplng llke aL Amazon 1he
Lree maln ones are
W eople pay onllne for a servlce provlded by
parLlcular organlzaLlons
W eople can do Lhelr onllne shopplng
W eople can use nllne banklng
nllne LransacLlons and oLhers
eople can now pay Lhelr councll Lax parklng flnes and oLher Lhlngs Lhrough
Lhe lnLerneL
Some of Lhese servlces needs you Lo pay onllne llke
W Applylng onllne for a drlvlng llcense
W Applylng for a Lax dlsc onllne
W 8ooklng for a LesL onllne
W rderlng books uvu's eLc
WhaL allows onllne banklng ls Lhe banklng servlce called Card paymenL
gaLeway sysLem Lhese allow companles Lo accepL cusLomers Lo do onllne
Lher servlces can be [usL for lnformaLlon and Lhere are many more llke Lax
paymenLs and refllllng reservlng llbrary books arranglng packages Lo be
dropped off
W lnLerneL ls a neLwork of compuLer neLworks
connecLed LogeLher by rouLers and can be
LhoughL of as Lhe cabllng and connecLors as
well as Lhe compuLers Lhemselves
W 1he worldwlde web ls [usL a parL of Lhe
lnLerneL along wlLh emall flle Lransfer eLc
ofLen ln P1ML formaL
1exL book deflnlLlon (llLerally)
nllne shopplng
nllne shopplng ls where cusLomers can easlly shop for producLs on Lhe
lnLerneL Lo geL Lhe producL dellvered Lo Lhelr doorsLep 1he onllne shopplng
lndusLrles have grown lmmensely due Lo Lhe facL LhaL
W lLems are cheaper onllne slnce you don'L need a warehouse sLaff or reLall
W CusLomers can compare prlces of producLs
W CusLomers can shop from anywhere wlLh a compuLer and a lnLerneL
connecLlon aL Lhelr own Llme
W ulsLance lsnL an lssue
W 1lme lsnL wasLed unllke lf you go all Lhe way around varlous shops
W 1here ls also a loL more manufacLures Lo choose from nowadays
urchaslng Lhe goods
1 ueclde whlch onllne shop Lo shop aL
?ou can use prlce comparlson servlces Lo see
whlch sells for whlch prlces and where you
can geL one for Lhe cheapesL prlce whlch ls a
repuLable aL Lhe same Llme
8rowse producLs
ln Lhe caLegory menu choose Lhe Lype of Lhe
producL you are looklng for and speclfy whaL
you need SelecL Lhe one you wanL by slmply
cllcklng on Lhe producL ln mosL cases
use Lhe vlrLual shopplng baskeL
ne you have declded whlch producL LhaL you
wanL Lo buy you place lL ln your vlrLual
shopplng baskeL !usL llke a real shopplng
baskeL you can add/remove or change Lhe
CheckouL '$'
lf Lhe cusLomer ls new Lo Lhe onllne shopplng
webslLe Lhey may have Lo reglsLer wlLh a
username and password 1hen cusLomers
enLer Lhelr
W bllllng address
W Shlpplng address
W 1helr phone number
W Lmall adress
SecurlLy lssues
lf Lhe cusLomers personal daLa and paymenL
deLalls are lnLercepLed by a hacker Lhen can
use lL for ldenLlLy LhefL or con boLh Lhe
cusLomer and shop ln order for Lhls Lo noL
happen Lhe paymenL deLalls are encrypLed so
LhaL even lf a hacker was Lo lnLercepL Lhe
paymenL deLalls Lhey wouldn'L be able Lo
make any sense of lL or declpher lL unless Lhelr
neLwork server has Lhe encrypLlon key
1hls ls when deLalls of credlL cards or bank
accounLs are Lrlcked ouL of cusLomers when
Lhe hackers who acL as Lhough Lhey were
represenLaLlves of banklng organlsaLlons 1hey
mosLly ask cusLomers for personal deLall
lncludlng bank accounL number password and
oLher deLalls saylng LhaL lL ls for a updaLe!
harmlng ls on a much blgger scale Lhan
hlshlng and lL wlll redlrecL Lhe real webslLes
Lrafflc Lo Lhe bogus one where cusLomers wlll
Lhlnk LhaL Lhey are enLer Lhe deLalls on Lhe
genulne bank webslLe buL acLually Lhey are
glvlng away Lhelr deLalls Lo a hacker!
W 1hls ls when deLalls of credlL cards or bank
accounLs are Lrlcked ouL of cusLomers when
Lhe hackers who acL as Lhough Lhey were
represenLaLlves of banklng organlsaLlons 1hey
mosLly ask cusLomers for personal deLall
lncludlng bank accounL number password and
oLher deLalls saylng LhaL lL ls for a updaLe!
harmlng ls on a much blgger scale Lhan
hlshlng and lL wlll redlrecL Lhe real webslLes
Lrafflc Lo Lhe bogus one where cusLomers wlll
Lhlnk LhaL Lhey are enLer Lhe deLalls on Lhe
genulne bank webslLe buL acLually Lhey are
glvlng away Lhelr deLalls Lo a hacker!

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