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Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Waste Management Plan
Waste Generation Streams
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Waste Water (Hazardous and Non-Hazardous)

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment
Concrete waste water Industrial Non-Hazardous Concreting civil works Onsite evaporation pond
Oil/Diesel mixed with water Hazardous Waste Maintenance of Vehicles and diesel- Disposed of in 3rd party company approved
operated equipment and dedicated to recycle this waste
Hydrotest waste water To be defined as pe analysis Pre-Commissioning hydrostatic tests After analysis, this waste shall be categorized
of pipelines, equipment and/or tanks. for re-use onsite, or to disposed of in
hazardous waste landfill or Government Water
Treatment Plants
Sewage waste water Industrial Non-Hazardous Toilets, mess halls and ablution Disposed of in Government Water Treatment
Waste areas. Plants
Gas Turbines water wash Hazardous Waste Water wash of gas turbines pipelines Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
3rd party company
Chemical cleaning water Hazardous Waste Steam cycle pipeline cleaning Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
process 3rd party company
Laboratory Waste water Hazardous Waste Water Laboratory for Steam Cycle Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
3rd party company
Oily/Diesel Water Hazardous Waste Oily/Diesel water from Diesel Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
Generators use/maintenance 3rd party company
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Non-Hazardous Waste

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Food leftovers Domestic Waste Mess halls Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
by 3rd party company.
Cardboard Inert Waste Packages from new materials from Sell to 3rd party recycle companies
Wood Inert Waste Packages from new materials from Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
Warehouses by 3rd party company.

Formworks from civil activities

General carpentry shops

Concrete Inert Waste Construction of foundations and Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
buildings by 3rd party company.
Plastics Inert Waste Packages from new materials from Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
Warehouses by 3rd party company.
Textiles Inert Waste Use of rags from cleaning and Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
general purposes by 3rd party company.
Paper Inert Waste Offices Sell to 3rd party recycle companies
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Non-Hazardous Waste

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Calcium Silicate Inert Waste Insulation of steam pipelines Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
by 3rd party company.
Rockwool Inert Waste Insulation of steam pipelines and Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
equipment by 3rd party company.
Fiber glass, Glass Inert Waste Construction of Drainage water Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
Reinforced Pipes systems by 3rd party company.
Electrical cable Metal Waste Cable pulling Sell to 3rd party recycle companies

Steel scrap Metal Waste Steel erection Sell to 3rd party recycle companies

Metal cladding scrap Metal Waste Steam pipeline insulation Sell to 3rd party recycle companies

Welding rod waste Metal Waste Steel erection Sell to 3rd party recycle companies

Air filters Inert Waste Maintenance of vehicles. Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
by 3rd party company.
Gas turbine Inlet air filter house
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Non-Hazardous Waste

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Rebar and wire Metal Waste Construction of foundations and Sell to 3rd party recycle companies
Excavation soil Inert Waste Construction of foundations and Onsite recycle
buildings Sell to 3rd party recycle companies
Glass Inert Waste Packages from new materials from Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
Warehouses by 3rd party company.

Asphalt Industrial Non-Hazardous Roads asphalt carpet Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
Waste by 3rd party company.
Water filters Industrial Non-Hazardous Water Treatment Plant Disposed of in Non-hazardous Waste Landfill
Waste by 3rd party company.
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Hazardous Waste

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Diesel waste Hazardous Waste Maintenance of Vehicles and Disposed of in 3rd party company approved
equipment and dedicated to recycle this waste

Fuel pump house

Greases and lubricants Hazardous Waste Maintenance of vehicles and Disposed of in hazardous waste landfill by 3 rd
equipment party company
Used Oil Hazardous Waste Maintenance of vehicles and Disposed of in 3rd party company approved
equipment and dedicated to recycle this waste

Gas Turbines, steam turbines lube

oil systems

Maintenance to rotating equipment

Solvents Hazardous Waste Maintenance of vehicles and Disposed of in hazardous waste landfill by 3 rd
equipment party company

Paint works
Paint and paint containers Hazardous Waste Paint Works Disposed of in hazardous waste landfill by 3 rd
party company
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Hazardous Waste

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Rags with oil/diesel Hazardous Waste Maintenance of Vehicles and Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
equipment 3rd party company.

Fuel pump house

Oil metal drums Hazardous Waste Maintenance of Vehicles and Onsite recycle as temporary hard barricades

Gas turbines, steam turbines lube oil

Fluorescent Light Tubes Hazardous Waste Maintenance to lighting systems Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
3rd party company.
Ammonia and its empty Hazardous Waste Steam stream conditioning and Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
containers laboratory analysis 3rd party company.
Caustic soda and its empty Hazardous Waste Steam stream conditioning and Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
containers laboratory analysis 3rd party company.
Sulphuric Acid and its Hazardous Waste Steam stream conditioning and Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
empty containers laboratory analysis 3rd party company.
Gas filters Hazardous Waste Gas pressure regulating station Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
3rd party company.
Decayed radioactive Hazardous Waste QA tests for welding works Transported and Disposed of by Radiography
sources Lab Test company through
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Hazardous Waste

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Filters impregnated with oil Hazardous Waste Maintenance of Vehicles and Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
equipment 3rd party company.

Gas turbines, steam turbines lube oil

Batteries Hazardous Waste Maintenance of Vehicles and Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
equipment 3rd party company.

Maintenance of battery banks

Resins Hazardous Waste Erection of Glass reinforced pipes Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
3rd party company.
Adhesives Hazardous Waste Different process in the construction Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
of Buildings 3rd party company.
Printer cartridges (Tonners) Hazardous Waste Document printing Disposed of in Hazardous Waste Landfill by
3rd party company.
Refrigerant Freon 22 Hazardous Waste Maintenance of Air Conditioning Empty cylinders to be returned to suppliers
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Biological Waste

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Medical material used in the Hazardous Waste Medical facilities Disposed of in hospital centres for incineration,
Emergency Medical Room by 3rd party company
Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Air emissions

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Welding fumes Hazardous gases and Combustion gases from gas cutting For this type of emissions, different actions will
particles and from gas welding be taken in order to minimize/reduce the
emitted quantities as low as reasonably
CO2 Greenhouse gas Combustion gases from gas cutting possible. Among them:
and from gas welding
-Periodic maintenance to combustion engines,
Gas turbine combustion process vehicles.
NOx Indirect greenhouse gas Mobile sources combustion engines
-Water spray to reduce the emissions of dust
Acid rain generator (Nitric Gas turbine combustion process from ground disturbance processes
-GE Energy’s Dry Low NOx 2.6 Combustion
Ozone generator System to be online during Gas Turbine’s
SOx Acid rain generator Mobile sources combustion engines
(Sulphuric Acid) -Constant monitoring of compliance quality of
Gas turbines combustion process the Fuel Gas and the Liquid Fuel for the Gas
Turbine operation.
CO Toxic Gas Mobile sources combustion engines

Gas turbines combustion process

Appendix 1 – Waste Generation Streams

Air emissions

Type of Waste Category of Waste Generation Source Type of treatment

Dust Particulate air pollutant Excavation process For this type of emissions, different actions will
be taken in order to minimize/reduce the
PM10 Mobile sources combustion engines emitted quantities as low as reasonably
possible. Among them:
Gas turbine combustion process
-Periodic maintenance to combustion engines,
Volatile Organic Organic chemical pollutant Fugitive emissions from: vehicles.
Ozone generator -Fuel diesel systems -Water spray to reduce the emissions of dust
from ground disturbance processes
-Gas pressure regulating system
-GE Energy’s Dry Low NOx 2.6 Combustion
-Gas turbines System to be online during Gas Turbine’s
-Air conditioning units
-Constant monitoring of compliance quality of
the Fuel Gas and the Liquid Fuel for the Gas
Turbine operation.

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