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The Evolution of Public Administration as a Field of Study

II. Public Administration in the Philippines

The Evolution of Public Administration as a Field of Study

The Evolution of Public Administration as a Field of Study


Traditional/Classical Phase
(1800s 1950s)


Modern Phase
(1950s Present)

Institutionalization of administrative capacity for collective purposes is the foundation of public administration

Development Administration (1950s


New Public Administration (1970s) New Public Management (1980s


Reinventing Government (1990s) PA as Governance

(1990s Present)


Traditional/Classical Phase (1800s 1950s)

All societies general welfare or the public interest

PA should not be considered administration of the public but administration for the public Client-oriented PA PA cameralism

II. Modern Phase (1950s Present)

Development Administration (1950s 60s)
Emerged with the third world countries as the focal point DA refer to developing countries (Asia) Concerned with increasing the capacity of the state to produce goods and services to meet and induce changing demands. Inducement and management of change to pursue development aspirations DA several assumptions (5) DA considered management of innovation Americans established the Institute of Public Administration at UP in 1952


Modern Phase (1950s Present)

New Public Administration (1970s)

New PA Minnowbrook Conference in 1968 at Syracuse University Rejected the classical and instead offered new principles Social equity was added to the definition of PA PA should be committed to both good management and social equity as values to be achieved New PA client-oriented, non-bureaucratic structures, participatory decision-making, decentralized administration and advocate-administrators New PA change

II. Modern Phase (1950s Present)

New Public Management (1980s 90s) and Reinventing Government (1990s)
NPM movement started in the late 1970s in UK under Thatcher government, NPM was long been practiced by other members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Best example of the NPM practice can be seen in New Zealands administrative reforms Shift into a Managerialist. (5) core beliefs of managerialism NPM and Reinventing Government born out of the continuing search for solutions to economic problems and produce government that works better but costs less NPM use of business model prescriptions for government 10 Principles in Reinventing Government Re-engineering - innovation

II. Modern Phase (1950s Present)

PA as Governance (1990s Present)
Due to the failed development interventions Governance Good Governance sustainable development Good governance sound development management (4) key principles

The Development of PA as a Discipline: An Overview of the Four Major Periods

I. Classical Approach (Late 1880s 1940s) II. Behaviorist Approach (Late 1940s 70s) III. Administration as Politics (New PA, 1960s 80s) IV. The Refounding Period (Currently Developing, Late 1980s)

I. Classical Approach (Late 1880s 1940s)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Politics-administration dichotomy Generic management orientation Mechanistic view of humans and the world Science of administration Centralization Commitment to democracy and the public service 7. Legalistic and Prescriptive 8. Goal efficiency and the belief that science.

II. Behaviorist Approach (Late 1940s 70s)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Studies actual behavior Generic management Logical-positivist outlook Fact-value dichotomy Concern for organizational structure and management 6. Descriptive rather than prescriptive 7. Literature-enriched 8. Goal understand organization

III. Administration as Politics (New PA, 1960s 80s)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Stresses organizational humanism Policy advocacy Participatory bureaucracy Representative bureaucracy Clientele representation Orthodox school of PA Politic-administration dichotomy Goal equity, process, accountability and policy advocacy

IV. The Refounding Period (Currently Developing, Late 1980s)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Public-private dichotomy Politics-administration dichotomy Reinventing government Results orientation rather than process orientation Performance measures Public choice school Privatization Goal efficiency, balanced with other concerns

Great Contributors to PA
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Woodrow Wilson (1856 -1924) Founder of American PA Frederick Taylor (1856 1915) Scientific Management Max Weber (1864 1920) The Concept of Bureaucracy Mary Parker Follet (1868 1933) A Thinker Ahead of Her Time Elton Mayo (1880 1949) The Hawthorne Studies and the Human Relations Movement Chester Bernard (1886 1961) Organizations as Systems of Exchange 7. Herbert Simon (1916 2001) The Idea of Bounded Rationality 8. Dwight Waldo (1913 2000) The Statesman with Eclectic Views about PA 9. Peter Drucker (1909 - ) Management by Objectives 10. Aaron Wildavsky (1930 1993) Budgetary Politics and Incrementalism 11. E.S. Savas (1931 -) Privatization is the Key to Better Government 12. David Osborne and Ted Gaebler Reinventing Government

Public Administration in the Philippines

Phil. PA: Beginnings, 1952 56 Foundations and Growth, 1957 72 The Transition Years: Social Consciousness and the Search for the Development Model, 1973 81 The Activist PA: Reform and Reflection, 1982 - present

Public Administration in the Philippines

November 1950 MOA Pres. Elpidio Quirino & William Foster (headed U.S. Pres. Truman mission to the Phils.) Quirino Foster Agreement (created the PHILCUSA) Establishment of IPA (John Lederle & Ferrel Heady) A natural response to a felt need Public Administration formally introduced as an academic discipline in the country June 1952 Center for public admin. education, training & research

Financing private contract negotiated (UP & University of Michigan) 3 areas of concern
1. Building of a public admin. library 2. Educational program 3. Conduct of research & publication of literature

Phil. PA: Beginnings,

1952 56
PA as a discipline formally intro. At the IPA IPA intention research, academic & in-service training & consultation svc in PA Students of PA have paid more attention to problems concerning efficient functioning of internal management Management principles (planning, budgeting & efficient personnel management) The discipline in the Phils. did not confront philosophical or epistemological questions

Foundations and Growth,

1957 72
IPA was renamed as Graduate School of PA (GSPA) in 1963, School of PA (SPA) in 1966, College of PA (CPA) in 1967 >Filipino scholars began to take over from their American counterparts >Carlos P. Ramos was appointed as Director of the IPA >Initiated the publication of PJPA in 1957, editor was Jose V. Abueva January 1956 revised the entire masters program in PA Program and Goals:
Organize and make available Develop and prepare Stimulate widespread interest

Contn.Foundations and Growth

Highlight 3 major areas of concern: - Local govt. admin.
Public accountability Comparative admin.

Dean Ramos broach the idea of publics or of clienteles

The Transition Years: Social Consciousness and the Search for the Development Model,
1973 81

Raul de Guzman assumed the deanship in 1973 from Dean Ramos PA move out of institution or organization oriented

The Activist PA: Reform and Reflection, 1982 - present

Researches and studies on: - Graft and corruption
Bureaucratic inefficiency Rural development Local govt. administration

Outward orientation continues Lifting of martial in 1981 perceived to be more rhetoric than reality More politically conscious PA Research in PA more descriptive than theoretical kind

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