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Pelatihan Refereshment

Food Safety Team Cikarang2021-8-31
Tujuan Pelatihan

Sekilas HAS23000-FSSC-ISO9001
di PT Mengniu Dairy Indonesia
Post Tes
Tujuan Pelatihan

Sekilas HAS23000-FSSC-ISO9001
di PT Mengniu Dairy Indonesia
Post Tes
1 Tujuan Pelatihan 质量为先,用匠心做好牛奶
Quality-oriented Manufacturing

1. Karyawan Paham dan turut serta dalam implementasi HAS23000 sistem (Sistem Manajemen Halal)
2. Karyawan paham dan turut serta dalam implementasi FSSC22000 (Food Safety System)
3. Karyawan paham dan turut serta dalam implementasi ISO9001:2015 (QMS)
Tujuan Pelatihan

Sekilas HAS23000-FSSC-ISO9001
di PT Mengniu Dairy Indonesia
Post Tes
2 Sekilas Tentang Halal-FSSC dan Halal 质量为先,用匠心做好牛奶
Quality-oriented Manufacturing

PT Mengniu Dairy Indonesia sudah tersertifikasi sistem HAS23000 – FSSC22000 dan ISO9001 : 2015
Sertifikasi HAS23000 sejak September 2018  oleh LPPOM MUI
Sertifikasi FSSC sejak tahun 2019  oleh SGS Indonesia
Sertifikasi ISO9001:2015 sejak pertengahan 2019  oleh BV Indonesia

FSSC 22000 ISO 22000 HACCP Halal ISO 9001

Certificate Certificate Certificate Assurance Certificate
System (HAS)
2 Pencapaian dari tahun 2018 产品等于人品,质量就是生命
Products speak morality , quality is as important as life

通过 MUI 审核认证,蒙牛印尼工厂 西爪哇农业部、食品安全和畜牧司、贝 印度尼西亚 SGS 对公司食品安全管

Yoyic 产品获得 SJH A 级认可。 卡西农业部等部门来访,对工厂出口卫 理体系进行全面审计,确保蒙牛生产
Through the MUI audit and certification, the 生条件开展准入许可审核 高质量的乳制品。
Yoyic products of Mengniu's Indonesian Visit from Ministry of Agriculture, Department Visit from SGS Indonesia during Food
factory have obtained SJH A-level approval. of Food Security and Livestock of West Java Security System Certification. A
and Department of Agriculture of Bekasi comprehensive audit to make sure that
Regency to inspect Mengniu’s sanitation and Mengniu produce top quality dairy
hygiene practice. This visit also serves to check products.
whether Mengniu’s establishment is ready for
export or not.
2 Budaya Kualitas 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

1 质量愿景 Quality
3 质量价值观 Quality
质量不妥协 An unswerving 弘工匠精神 Promote the
commitment to quality spirit of craftsmanship
追求零缺陷 担质量责任
Consumer- Take responsibility for quality
Pursue zero defect
重科学管理 Focus on 塑卓越运营 Achieve
Create perfect
management practices operational excellence
products with

Become a global
dairy quality
4 行为准则 Code of Conduct


质量方针 Quality Policy 数据说话 . 科学决

一次做对 . 追求卓越
Pursue excellence
Make well- through precise
informed execution
decisions based
on data

固守安全 . 匠心品 对标国际 . 创新引领

正直做人 . 诚信做事
质 Follow
Be a person of
Safeguard food international
honesty and a
safety and standards and lead
ingeniously worker of integrity the industry with
craft innovations
T (Trusted), 0 (Outstanding), P (Preferred)
2 HAS23000 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

 UU JPH nomor 33 tahun 2014 :

a. Registrasi produk Halal di bawah Kemenag (BPJPH), dan implementasinya sejak November 2020
b. Perusahaan dapat memilih LPH (Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal) dalam proses registrasi produk
c. Kewajiban Penyelia halal di dalam suatu perusahaan
d. Validitas Sertifikat Halal dari BPJPH yaitu 4 tahun
 Implementasi HAS2300 di PT Mengniu Dairy Indonesia
11 Kriteria SJH yang harus di lakukan antara lain
1. Kebijakan Halal 2. Tim Internal Halal 3. Pelatihan Internal dan eksternal,
4. Bahan 5.Produk 6.Fasilitas produksi 7.Prosedur kritis 8. Prosedur Penanganan Ketidaksesuaian 9. Keterlusuran
10. Audit Internal 11.Manajemen review
 19 Produk Mengniu sudah terdaftar di BPJPH dan MUI

Sertifikat Halal dari BPJPH Daftar produk Mengniu

yang sudah terdaftar di Mengniu
2 HAS23000 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

The origin of activities is tied to the Islamic rules  5 laws of activities in Islam :
wajib, sunnah, mubah, makruh, haram.

Law of
Halal / Haram

Things / Goods
The origin of all of things is permissible (allowed) as long as there is no
argument that forbid (from al-Qur’an or al-Hadits)  Halal or Haram

Halal : Sesuatu yang di bolehkan menurut ketentuan islam

Thayib : Sesuatu yang baik, suci/ bersih, lezat
Najis : Sesuatu yang kotor menurut ketentuan syariat islam
2 HAS23000 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and
2 FSSC22000 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

FSSC Is Food Safety System Certification base on ISO 22000 : 2018, PRP ISO/TS 22002-1 Food & additional
Management (Allergent Management, Food Defense,etc)
2 FSSC22000 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

Tahun 2019  Fssc versi 4.1

Tahun 2020  FSSC versi 5
Tahun 2021  FSSC versi 5.1
2 FSSC22000 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

1. Fermented Milk Drink 3. Yogurt

• CCP : 2 • CCP : 3
CCP 1 : Sterilisasi Gula 2 CCP 1: Pasteurisasi Bahan Baku Susu
(T;122-128C, 15 detik) (T;74C - 78, 15 - 20 detik)
CCP 2: Mesin X-Ray CCP 2 : Sterilisasi Pre- Tereatement
Glass : 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.5 mm, 4.0 mm (T;92-98C, 300 - 330 detik)
Ss : 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.8 mm CCP 3 : Mesin X-Ray
Glass : 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.5 mm, 4.0 mm
Ss : 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.8 mm

4. Gochang
2. Yogurt Drink • CCP : 2
• CCP : 2
CCP 1 : Sterilisasi Pre- Tereatement CCP 1 : Sterilisasi Pre- Tereatement
(T;92-98C, 300 - 330 detik) (120 0C s.d. 122 0C, 4 sec s.d. 6 sec.)
CCP 2: Mesin X-Ray CCP 2: Mesin X-Ray
Glass : 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.5 mm, 4.0 mm Glass : 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.5 mm, 4.0 mm
Ss : 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.8 mm Ss : 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.8 mm
2 FSSC22000 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and
2 FSSC22000 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and
2 ISO9001 : 2015 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

ISO9001 : 2015 Is International Standard that use process approach, which incorporates
the Plan - Do -Check - Action act (PDCA) Cycle and Risk - Based thinking

Name of System Description Detail

1. ISO 9001 : 2015 10 clause 1. Scope,

2. Normative references
3. Term&definitions
4. Context of the
5. Leadership
6. Planning
7. Support
8. Operation
9. Performance of ISO9001
: 2015
10. Improvement
2 ISO9001 : 2015 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

QMP 1 : Customer Focus

References :
1. ISO Quality Management QMP 2 : Leadership
QMP 3 : Engagement of People

QMP 4 : Process Approach

7 QMP 5 : Improvement
QMP 6 : Evidence - based
of decision making
QMP 7 : Relationship management
2 ISO9001 : 2015 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

ISO 9001 : 2015 at PT Mengniu used certification body

“Bureau Veritas Indonesia”

appointment letter from Top Management Audit Certification of ISO 9001 : 2015 has been
conducted on 11 October 2019
Tujuan Pelatihan

Sekilas HAS23000-FSSC-ISO9001
di PT Mengniu Dairy Indonesia
Post Tes
3 POST TEST 终端定胜败,质量定生死
The terminal will win or lose, quality will determine life and

1. Sebutkan ada berapa Klausul HAS23000 dan sebutkan?

2. Sebutkan ada berapa ISO9001: 2015 dan sebutkan?
3. Apa yang dimaksud FSSC ?
4. Apa yang dimaksud HACCP – VACCP – TACCP?
5. Apa fungsi dari Mesin X-Ray ?

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