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ID: 221411058
SEMESTER : 5th (B)

Institutions are defined as helping form stable
expectations, hence institutions can only be changed
infrequently if they are to fulfill this function.
Economic institutions
Economic institutions are durable systems of economy
that are established and embedded with social rules and
conventions that structure social and monetary
Role of economic institutions

Economics has variously been defined as

a social science that involves itself in the
study and analysis of production,
distribution as well as consumption of
goods and services.
Bangladesh Economy summary

GDP-per capita:
purchasing power parity - $2470

GDP-composition by sector:
Agriculture: 40.6%.
Industry: 20.4%.
Services: 39.6%
Labor force: 70.96 million
Currency: 1 taka (Tk) = 100 poisha.
Fiscal year: 1 July-30 June.

Section: B
Bangladesh Bank

Bangladesh Bank is the Central Bank of Bangladesh and is a member

of the Asian Clearing Union.

Bangladesh Bank is the first central bank in the world to introduce a

dedicated hotline (16236) for the general populace to complain any

banking related problem. Moreover, the organization is the first
central bank in the world to issue a "Green Banking Policy.
1. Formulation and implementation of monetary and credit policies.
2. Management of the country's international reserves.
3. Issuance of currency notes.
4. Acting as banker to the government.
5. Money Laundering Prevention.
Controlling the Nation’s Currency
Another main function of Bangladesh Bank is to control the
nation’s currency reserves. Again, by controlling the
exchanging rate, it protects the value of national currency in
international market. So, in a short, Bangladesh Bank
always attempts to maintain the value of national currency

Name: Fahmida Ibrahim

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

 Aims for an Asia and Pacific free from poverty

 Initiate
and maintain dialogue with the Government
of Bangladesh (GOB) on issues that are of relevance
to ADB operation in country
 Prepare the country partnership strategy and its
annual updates
United Nations Development
 Poverty
Reduction and Achievement
of MDGs
 Democratic Governance
 Crisis prevention and Recovery
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)is

the centralized official bureau in Bangladesh for
collecting statistics on demographics the
economy, and other facts about the country and
disseminating the information

 Name: Dipika Rani Dobey

 ID: 221411057
 Semester: 5th
 Section: B
Topic 1 :

Bangladesh Institute of International And Strategic Studies

• Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies

(BISS) is a statutory institution established on 25 June. 1978
• Established with aim of the undertaking and promoting
research and deliberation on international affairs, security
and developmental issues.
Topic 2: The Bangladesh Institute of
Development Studies

• The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) is

an autonomous multi- disciplinary public research
organization Supported by the Government of Bangladesh.
• BIDS functions as a think tank, helping formulate socio-
economic policies.
• The institute conducts research on development economics,
rural development, demographics and social sciences.

 Name: Sadia Muntaha prome

 ID: 221411061
 Semester: 5th
 Section: B
Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission

 The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange

Commission (BSEC) is the regulatory authority
responsible for overseeing and regulating the
securities market in Bangladesh. It was established
in 1993 under the Securities and Exchange
Commission Act, with the aim of ensuring
transparency, fairness, and efficiency in the
country's capital market.
Key responsibilities and functions of
the Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission (BSEC)
 Regulation and Supervision.
 Investor Protection.
 Approval and Oversight.
 Market Development.
 International Cooperation.
The Bangladesh Investment
Development Authority (BIDA)
Description :
The Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)
is the principal government agency responsible for
promoting and facilitating investment in Bangladesh.
Established in 2016 through the merger of the Board of
Investment (BOI) and the Privatization Commission, BIDA
plays a crucial role in attracting both domestic and foreign
investment to contribute to the country's economic growth
and development.

ID: 221411059
5 semester

Section - B
The Bangladesh Economic Zones
Authority (BEZA)

The Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority
(BEZA) is a government agency responsible for
promoting and overseeing the establishment,
development, and management of economic
zones in Bangladesh.
ROLE OF The Bangladesh Economic
Zones Authority

 BEZA was established in 2010 under the

"Bangladesh Economic Zones Act" with the aim
of accelerating industrialization, enhancing
economic growth, generating employment
opportunities, and attracting foreign direct
investment (FDI) by providing a conducive
environment for businesses to operate.

 The interconnectedness of these economic

institutions underscores their role in driving
economic development. Bangladesh strives for
prosperity, a resilient institutional framework will
continue to play a pivotal role in achieving its

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