Maths Project

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In mathematics, the word “sequence” is used in
much the same way as it is in ordinary English.
When we say that a collection of objects is listed in a
sequence, we usually mean that the collection is
ordered in such a way that it has an identified first
member, second member, third member and so on.
The study of sequence and series has a rich
background, fating back to ancient civilizations
such as the Babylonians and Egyptians, who used
Mathematical concepts related to sequence and
series for practical purpose like calendar systems
and construction projects.
One of the earliest recorded mathematical work on
sequence and series is attributed to the ancient
Greek Mathematician Euclid (around 300BCF),
who discussed arithmetic and geometric
progressions in his famous work.
During the Islamic Golden age, scholars like
Alkhwarizmi and Oman Khayyam made significant
contribution to understanding of sequence and
series, including the discovery of the binomial
The Renaissance sawa revival of interest in ancient mathematical
texts and the development of new mathematical ideas.
Mathematicians such as Leonardo Fibonacci and Pierre de Fermat
made notable contributions during this period. Fibonacci
introduced the famous fibonacci sequence, which models the
growth of populations and other phenomenon. Fermat worked on
the properties of numbers and made contributions to the theory
and numbers and the study of series convergence.
In the 18th and 19th centuries saw further developments in
sequence and series, particularly in calculus. Mathematicians like
Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz laid the foundation for
calculus, enabling the rigozous study for functions limits and
infinite series. Different series convergence test were formulated
during this time, providing methods to determine the convergence
or divergence and infinite series.
In 20th and 21st centuries, sequence and series continued to play a
crucial role in various branches of mathematics, physics,
engineering, and computer science. From application in numerical
analysis and mathematical modeling to cryptography and signal
processing, the study of sequence and series remains relevant and
vibrant in contemporary mathematics.
The historical background of sequence and series is a testament to
the enduring human quest for knowledge and understanding.
From ancient civilizations to the modern era, mathematics have
explored and refined these fundamental concepts, shaping the
course of mathematical thought and laying the ground work for
countless application across diverse fields.
A sequence of numbers is a set of numbers arranged in a definite order.
Definite order means that there is a first term, a second term, a third term
and so on…
Eg: 1 2 3 4 ….
5 6 7 8 ….
A sequence can be finite or infinite depending on the number of terms. We
are mainly interested in infinite sequence.
1 2 3 4 …. n

a1 a2 a3 a4 an

Let a1 a2 a3 ….. be the first term, second term, third term, and so on of a
sequence. In such listing of numbers, to each positive number n there
corresponds the element an .
An infinite sequence is a function f:N R defined by f(n)=an , n∈N (the set of
natural numbers) and a finite sequence is a function f:{1,2,3,….n} R
defined by f(n)=an , n∈N.
The sequence is denoted by {an }

If {an }= {a1 ,a2 ,a3 … } be s sequence, then the sum of the terms
a1 ,a2 ,a3 of the sequence that is, a1 +a2 +a3 + … is called series.
Difference between sequence and progression

The difference between a progression and a sequence is that a progression

has a specific formula to calculate its nth term, whereas a sequence can be
based on a logical rule like 'a group of prime numbers'. For example: {2, 4,
6, 8, 10} is a progression. Its nth term is 2n.
Types of sequence or progression
a)Arithmetic sequence
b)Geometric sequence
c)Harmonic sequence

A] Arithmetic sequence: A sequence is said to be arithmetic sequence

or progression if difference between it’s term is same.
Eg: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7…..
i.e. t2 – t1 = t3 – t2 = t4 – t5
2-1 = 3-2 = 4-3 …..same

B] Geometric sequence: A sequence is said to be geometric sequence

if the ratio between it’s term is same.
Eg: t2 /t1 = t4 /t5 = t3 /t2
6/3 = 24/12 = 12/6 …..same
If a is the first term and d be the common difference of an A.P or A.S the
first nth term of this sequence are,

C] Harmonic sequence: A sequence whose reciprocal form is

arithmetic sequence is called harmonic sequence.
Eg: 1/2 ,1/4,1/6,1/8….(H.S)


If any term between first and the last one of arithmetic sequence is called
arithmetic mean.
If A be the single arithmetic mean between two numbers a and b then
Now a,A,b forms an A.S
or, A-a=b-A
thus, A=a+b
If any term between the first and the last one of geometric sequence is
called geometric mean.
Let a and b be the two quantities and G be single geometric mean between
a and b the a, G, b will form G.S.
or, G/a = b/G
or, G2 = ab
Thus, G= ab.


Any term between the first and last term of harmonic sequence is
harmonic sequence is harmonic mean. Let H be the harmonic mean
between a and b. Then a,H,b forms H.S.
1/a,1/H,1/b are in A.S
or, 1/H-1/a= 1/b-1/H
or, 1/H+1/H=1/b+1/a
Thus, H=2ab
Let A be the arithmetic mean and G be the geometric mean and H be the
harmonic mean between two unequal positive real number then,



The corresponding particles sum of the first n term be Sn
Thus, S= a+ar+ar2 +ar3 +…..+ arn-1
S= a(1-rn )
Let a+ar+ar2 +ar3 +….arn-1 +….be an infinite geometric series. It is denoted
by S∞ . If |r|<1 that is, -1<r<1 then sum of the series exists so S∞ = a
where, a=t1 (first term)
r=t2 /t1 (common ratio)
Sequences and series have a wide range of applications in various fields:

FINANCE: In finance, sequences and series are used in calculating

compound interest, annuities, and amortization schedules. For example,
the future value of an investment with compound interest can be modeled
using a geometric series.

PHYSICS: In physics, sequences and series are utilized in analyzing periodic

motion, such as oscillations and waves. They are also used in the study of
electrical circuits, where Fourier series are used to represent periodic

COMPUTER SCIENCE: Sequences and series are essential in algorithms and

data structures. They are used in analyzing the time complexity of
algorithms, generating pseudo algorithms and in cryptography.
BIOLOGY: Sequences and series are used in bio informations for analyzing
DNA sequences, protein sequences, and genetic data. Algorithms based on
sequences and series are employed in sequence and series are employed in
sequence alignment, gene prediction, and phylogenetic analysis.

STATISTICS: Sequences and series are used in statistical analysis, such as

time series analysis and regression analysis. They help in modeling and
predicting trends and patterns in data.

ECONOMICS: In economics, sequences and series are used in analyzing

economic models, such as in calculating present value, future value, and
net present value in investment analysis.

TELECOMMUNICATIONS: In telecommunications, sequences and series are

used in coding theory, modulation techniques, and error correction codes.
They play a crucial role in designing efficient communication systems.
Many real life situations can be modeled using sequences and series.
There are a range of everyday applications involving the arithmetic
sequence as well.

For example; While placing the tiles on a newly built house, the amount of
tiles required to fully over the floor can be hence easily calculated by using
the knowledge regarding the sequence and series. Therefore, the workers
hence uses the sequence and series in their daily work.
Similarly if someone is wanting to save the $25 given to them in their
birthday, but then adds to it according to the following plan. On the day
after the birthday they will add a further $26 to the savings. On day two
they will add $27, continuing on this manner until the day before her next
birthday, the money they are gonna have can be easily calculated by
carefully adding up the installments day by day until the total is obtained
by the simple formula of arithmetic sequence.
It is also used in measuring the rate of change of population.
-Provide a foundation for studying limits, convergence, and divergence.
-Study of infinite series, enables mathematics to investigate sum of
infinite number of terms.
-Predict outcome of a situation and help in decision making.
-Analyze the data that have been arranged in a list.
-Help the students to understand and solve problems.

-Series involving irrational numbers not having closed form solutions.
- Computation of series can be challenging/ time consuming.
Sequence and series form fundamental concepts in mathematics, providing
a framework for understanding patterns and relationships within sets of
numbers. A sequence is a list of numbers arranged in a specific order,
which can be either finite or infinite. Sequences come in various types,
including arithmetic and geometric, each defined by it’s unique rule for
generating successive terms. Series on the other hand, represent the sum
of the terms of a sequence. Understanding whether a series converges to a
finite value or diverges to infinity is a central concern in the study of
sequence and series. Various convergence tests, such as the comparison
test, ratio test, and integral test, offer methods to determine the behavior of
series. These tests examine the properties of the terms within the series ti
ascertain convergence of divergence. Mastery of sequence and series is
essential for building a solid foundation in mathematics and it’s
applications across diverse disciplines.

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