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Introduction to Control Systems

Text book: K. Ogata Modern control Engineering. 5 th edition

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 1

• Robotic systems
• Missile guidance systems
• Industrial processes
• Transportations

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 2

Liquid-level system

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 3

Manipulated Controlled variable
variable plant

Reference input

Feedback Signal


DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 4

• controlled variable is the quantity or condition
that is measured and controlled. the controlled
variable is the output of the system.
• The manipulated variable is the quantity or
condition that is varied by the controller so as to
affect the value of the controlled variable.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 5

• Control means measuring the value of the
controlled variable of the system and applying
the manipulated variable to the system to
correct or limit deviation of the measured
value from a desired value.
• Plants.. Plants. A plant may be a piece of
equipment, perhaps just a set of machine
parts functioning together, the purpose of
which is to perform a particular operation.
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 6
• Processes. defines a process to be a natural,
progressively continuing operation or
development marked by a series of gradual
changes that succeed one another in a
relatively fixed way and lead toward a
particular result or end;
• Systems. A system is a combination of
components that act together and perform a
certain objective.
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 7
• Disturbances. A disturbance is a signal that
tends to adversely affect the value of the
output of a system. If a disturbance is
generated within the system, it is called
internal, while an external disturbance is
generated outside the system and is an input.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 8

• Feedback Control Feedback control refers to
an operation that, in the presence of
disturbances, tends to reduce the difference
between the output of a system and some
reference input and that does so on the basis
of this difference.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 9

Closed-Loop control Versus Open-Loop
• Feedback control systems. A system that
maintains a prescribed relationship between
the output and the reference input by
comparing them and using the difference as a
means of control is called a feedback control

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 10

Closed-loop control systems
• Closed-loop control systems. Feedback control systems
are often referred to as closed-loop control systems.
• In practice, the terms feedback control and closed-loop
control are used interchangeably.
• In a closed-loop control system the actuating error
signal, which is the difference between the input signal
and the feedback signal , is fed to the controller so as to
reduce the error and bring the output of the system to a
desired value.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 11

open-loop control systems
• open-loop control systems. Those systems in
which the output has no effect on the control
action are called open-loop control systems.
• In other words, in an open-loop control
system the output is neither measured nor fed
back for comparison with the input.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 12

• In the presence of disturbances, an open-loop
control system will not perform the desired
• Open-loop control can be used, in practice,
only if the relationship between the input and
output is known and if there are neither
internal nor external disturbances.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 13

• Closed-loop versus open-loop control systems.
possible to use relatively inaccurate and inexpensive
components to obtain the accurate control of a given
plant, whereas doing so is impossible in the open-loop

From the point of view of stability, the open-loop

control system is easier to build because system stability
is not a major problem. On the other hand, stability is a
major problem in the closed-loop control system,

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 14

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 15
• The amount or fuel admitted to the engine is adjusted according to
the difference between the desired and the actual engine speeds.
The sequence of actions may be stated as follows:
• The speed governor is adjusted such that, at the desired speed, no
pressured oil will flow into either side of the power cylinder.
• If the actual speed drops below the desired value due to disturbance,
then the decrease in the centrifugal force of the speed governor
causes the control valve to move downward, supplying more fuel, and
the speed of the engine increases until the desired value is reached,
• On the other hand, if the speed of the engine increases above the
desired value, then the increase in the centrifugal force of the
governor causes the control valve to move upward. This decreases the
supply of fuel, and the speed of the engine decreases until the desired
value is reached.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 16

Robot control system

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 17

• the computerized robot recognizes the
presence and orientation of each mechanical
part by a pattern-recognition process that
consists of reading the code numbers attached
to it. Then the robot picks up the part and
moves it to an appropriate place for
assembling, and there it assembles several
parts into a component. A well-programmed
digital computer acts as a controller.
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 18
Temperature control system

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 19

• The temperature in the electric furnace is measured
by a thermometer, which is an analog device.
• The analog temperature is converted to a digital
temperature by an AID converter.
• The digital temperature is fed to a controller through
an interface.
• This digital temperature is compared with the
programmed input temperature, and if there is any
error, the controller sends out a signal to
the heater
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 20
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 21

Laplace Transform

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 22

• Why Laplace Transform
• Definition of Laplace Transform
• Existence of Laplace transform
• Laplace transform Table
• Laplace Transform properties
• Inverse Laplace Transform

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 23

Why Laplace Transform

• Solving linear differential equations

• Obtaining transfer functions

• Converts many functions into algebraic functions of s

• Converts LDEs into algebraic equations of s

• Use graphical techniques for predicting a system performance with out

solving DE

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 24

Definition of Laplace Transform

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 25

Existence of Laplace transform
Laplace transform of a function f(t) exists if
1. f(t) is sectionally continuous in every finite interval in the range t> 0

2.f(t) is of exponential order as t approaches infinity. A function f(t) is said to be of exponential

order if a real, positive constant a exists such that the function

approaches zero as t approaches infinity.


DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 26


DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 27

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 28
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 29
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 30
Laplace Transform Pairs

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 31

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 32
• the inverse Laplace transform can be
obtained by use of the inversion integral

• However, the inversion integral is


DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 33

• A convenient method for obtaining inverse
Laplace transforms is to use a table of
Laplace transforms.

. In this case, the Laplace transform must be in

a form immediately recognizable in such a

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 34

• Quite often the function in question may not
appear in tables of Laplace transforms
• then we may expand it into partial fractions
and write F(s) in terms of simple functions of
s for which the inverse Laplace transforms
are already known.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 35

Partial-fraction expansion method for finding
inverse Laplace transforms.
• For problems in control systems analysis, F(s), the Laplace
transform of f(t), frequently occurs in the form

• where A(s) and B(s) are polynomials in s. In the

expansion of F(s) into a partial-fraction form, it is
important that the highest power of s in A(s) be greater
than the highest power of s in B(s),
• If such is not the case, the numerator B(s) must be
divided by the denominator A(s) in order to produce a
polynomial ins plus a remainder
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 36
• It should be noted, however, that in applying
the partial-fraction expansion technique in
the search for the inverse Laplace transform
of F(s) = B(s)/A(s) the roots of the
denominator polynomial A(s) must be
obtained in advance. That is, this method
does not apply until the denominator
polynomial has been factored

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 37

If F(s) is broken up into components,

and if the inverse Laplace transforms of F1(s),

F2(s), . . . , Fn(s) are ready available, then

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 38

Inverse Laplace Transforms
There are three cases to consider in doing the partial fraction expansion of F(s).

Case 1: F(s) has all non repeated

simple roots.(distinct poles)
Case 2: F(s) has complex poles:

Case 3: F(s) has repeated poles.

(multiple poles)

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 39

Case #1 Partial-fraction expansion when F(s)
involves distinct poles only
• Consider

-z1,-z2,…-zm are the zeros of F(s)

-p1,-p2,…-pn are the poles of F(s)
Partial Fraction Expansion

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 40

Multiply both sides by (s+a1)
a 2 ( s  p1 ) a n ( s  p1 )
( s  p1 ) F ( s )  a1   ....  a 2 ( s  p1 )
s  p2 s  pn

Set s= -P1

( s  p1 ) F ( s ) s   p1  a1

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 41

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 42
Partial-Fraction Expansion
10s K1 K2
Hs    
s  4 s  9  s  4 s  9
 10s  10s  40
K1  s  4        8
 s  4 s  9 s 4 s  9 s 4 5
 10s  10s  90
K 2  s  9       18
 s  4 s  9 s 9 s  4 s 9 5
8 18 8s  72  18s  72 10s
Hs      Check.
s4 s9 s  4 s  9  s  4 s  9 

ht   8e4 t  18e9t ut 

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 43

Case #2 Partial-fraction expansion when
F(s) involves complex poles
• Since the initial equations are real, complex
poles will always appear as complex conjugate
pole pairs
• Complex poles pairs in the partial fraction
expansion of the Laplace transform

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 44

Method of completing the square

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 45

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 46
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 47
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 48
Algebraic method
• Multiply both sides by a common

• Equate the coefficients of equals powers

2s  k1s  7k2 s
3 3 3

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 49

• Find the inverse Laplace transform of


DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 50

• we notice that F(s) involves a pair of complex-
conjugate poles, and so we expand it into the

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 51

• By comparing coefficients of s^2, and s terms
on both sides of this last equation,
respectively, we obtain

from which

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 52

• Therefore,

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 53

• The inverse Laplace transform of F(s) gives

If the pair of poles are imaginary, then

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 54

Case #3 Partial-fraction expansion when
F(s) involves multiple poles
• Instead of discussing the general case, we
shall use an example to show how to obtain
the partial- fraction expansion of F(s).

• Consider the following F(s):

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 55

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DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 61
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 62

• In solving linear, time-invariant, differential

equations by the Laplace transform method, two
steps are involved.

1. By taking the Laplace transform of each term in

the given differential equation, convert the
differential equation into an algebraic equation in s
and obtain the expression for the Laplace
transform of the dependent variable by rearranging
the algebraic equation.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 63

• 2. The time solution of the differential
equation is obtained by finding the inverse
Laplace transform of the dependent variable.

• Example

Find the solution of the differential equation

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 64

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 65
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 66
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 67
Mathematical Modeling
of Dynamic Systems

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 68

• Mathematical Models
• linear and nonlinear systems.
• transfer function
• block diagrams
• Examples

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 69

Need for Mathematical models
• Must have a quantitative Mathematical model
in order to understand and control complex
• Must have fundamental methods for modeling
many physical systems:
• Electrical
• Mechanical
• Hydraulic
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 70
Steps in Modeling
• Understand the physical systems and its
• Make appropriate simplifying assumptions
• Use basic principles to formulate the
mathematical model
• Write differential and algebraic equations
describing the model
• Check the model for validity
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 71
What will the model be used for
• Solution of the differential and algebraic equations
allows system response and performance to analyzed
and designed
• The Laplace transform will be applied to the model to
allow convenient manipulations and dynamic analysis
• Input-output relationships for system and components
will be obtained
• Controller models will be designed that can be
implemented in hardware
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 72
Simplicity versus accuracy
• . It is possible to improve the accuracy of a mathematical
model by increasing its complexity.
• we must make a compromise between the simplicity of the
model and the accuracy of the results of the analysis.
• In deriving a reasonably simplified mathematical model, we
frequently find it necessary to ignore certain inherent physical
properties of the system.
• In particular, it is always necessary to ignore certain
nonlinearities and distributed parameters that may be
present in the physical system.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 73

Linear systems
• . A system is linear if the principle of
superposition applies.
• The principle of superposition states that the
response produced by the simultaneous
application of two different input functions is
the sum of the two individual responses

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 74

Linear time-invariant systems
• A differential equation is linear if the coefficients are
constants or functions only of the independent variable.
• Dynamic systems that are composed of linear time-
invariant lumped-parameter components may be
described by linear time-invariant (constant- coefficient)
differential equations, Such systems are called linear
time-invariant (or linear constant-coefficient) systems.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 75

linear time-varying systems
• Systems that are represented by differential
equations whose coefficients are functions of
time are called linear time-varying systems. An
example of a time-varying control system is a
spacecraft control system. (The mass of a
spacecraft changes due to fuel consumption.)

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 76

Nonlinear systems
• A system is nonlinear if the principle of
superposition does not apply.
• Thus, for a nonlinear system the response to
two inputs cannot be calculated by treating
one input at a time and adding the results.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 77

Examples of nonlinear differential

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 78

Examples of nonlinearities

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 79

• transfer functions are commonly used to characterize the
input—output relationships of components or systems that
can be described by linear, time-invariant, differential

• The transfer function of a linear, time-invariant, differential

equation system is defined as the ratio of the Laplace
transform of the output (response function) to the Laplace
transform of the input (driving function) under the
assumption that all initial conditions are zero.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 80

Consider a system defined :

where y is the output of the system and x is the input

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 81

• The transfer function of this system is
obtained by taking the Laplace transforms of
both sides of Equation under the assumption
that all initial conditions are zero, or

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 82

Comments on transfer function
• The transfer function of a system is a mathematical model in that it is an
operational method of expressing the differential equation that relates
the output variable to the input variable.

• The transfer function is a property of a system itself, independent of the

magnitude and nature of the input or driving function.

• The transfer function includes the units necessary to relate the input to
the output; however, it does not provide any information concerning the
physical structure of the system. (The transfer functions of many
physically different systems can be identical.)

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 83

• If the transfer function of a system is known, the output or
response can be studied for various forms of inputs with a
view toward understanding the nature of the system.

• If the transfer function of a system is unknown, it may be

established experimentally by introducing known inputs and
studying the output of the system.

• a transfer function gives a full description of the dynamic

characteristics of the system, as distinct from its physical

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 84

Impulse-response function. Consider the output (response) of
a system to a unit impulse input when the initial conditions are
zero, Since the Laplace transform of the unit-impulse function
is unity, the Laplace transform of the output of the system is

The inverse Laplace transform of the output gives the impulse

response of the system. The inverse Laplace transform of G(s),
is called the impulse-response function. This function g(t) is
also called the weighting function of the system.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 85

To derive the transfer function

1. Write the differential equation for the system.

2. Take the Laplace transform of the differential

equation, assuming all initial conditions are zero.

3. Take the ratio of the output C(s) to the input R(s).

This ratio is the transfer function.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 86


A block diagram of a system is a pictorial

representation of the functions performed by each
component and of the flow of signals.
Such diagram depicts the interrelationships that
exist among the various components. Differing from
a purely abstract mathematical representation,
a block diagram has the advantage of indicating
more realistically the signal flows of the actual

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 87

• In a block diagram all system variables are
linked to each other through functional blocks.

• The functional block or simply block is a

symbol for the mathematical operation on the
input signal to the block that produces the
• The transfer functions of the components are
usually entered in the corresponding blocks,
which are connected by arrows to indicate the
direction of the flow of signals.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 88

Element of a block diagram.

The arrowhead pointing toward the block indicates the input.

the arrowhead leading away from the block represents the output.

Such arrows are referred to as signals.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 89

Summing Point

a circle with a cross is the symbol that indicates a summing

The plus or minus sign at each arrowhead indicates whether
that signal is to be added or subtracted.

It is important that the quantities being added or subtracted

have the same dimensions and the same units.
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 90
Branch Point
• branch point is a point from which the signal from a
block goes Summing point, concurrently to other
blocks or summing points.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 91

Block diagram of a closed-loop system.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 92

• B(s) the feedback signal
• E(s) actuating error signal
• G(S) Feed forward transfer function
• G(s)H(s) Open-loop transfer function

• C(s) / R (s) Closed-loop transfer function

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 93

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 94
• Modeling in State Space

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 95

Modern control theory versus conventional
control theory.
• Modern control theory is applicable to multiple-input—
multiple-output systems, which may be linear or nonlinear,
time invariant or time varying,

• conventional control theory is applicable only to linear time-

invariant single-input—single-output systems.

• modern control theory is essentially a time-domain

approach, while conventional control theory is a complex
frequency- domain approach.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 96

• State. The state of a dynamic system is the
smallest set of variables (called state
variables) such that the knowledge of these
variables at t = to, together with the
knowledge of the input for t≥ t0, completely
determines the behavior of the system for any
time t ≥to.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 97

• State variables. The state variables of a dynamic
system are the variables making up the smallest set
of variables that determine the state of the dynamic
system. If at least n variables x1, x2,. . . , xn, are
needed to completely describe the behavior of a
dynamic system (so that once the input is given for t
≥ to and the initial state at t = t0 is specified, the
future state of the system is completely
determined), then such n variables are a set of state

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 98

• State vector. If n state variables are needed
to completely describe the behavior of a
given system, then these n state variables can
be considered the n components of a vector
x. Such a vector is called a state vector.
• State space. The n-dimensional space whose
coordinate axes consist of the x1 axis, x2
axis,.. . , xn, axis is called a state space.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 99

• State-space equations. In state-space analysis
we are concerned with three types of
variables that are involved in the modeling of
dynamic systems:
• input variables,
• output variables,
• and state variables

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 100


Case #1 The input does not involve derivative terms

• By use of vector-matrix notation, an nth-order

differential equation may be expressed by a first- order
vector-matrix differential equation. If n elements of
the vector are a set of state variables, then the vector-
matrix differential equation is a state equation. In this
section we shall present methods for obtaining state-
space representations of continuous- time systems.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 101

• Assume that a multiple-input—multiple-
output system involves
• n state variables x1(t), x2(t),..., xn(t).
• Assume also that there are r inputs u1(t),
u2(t), . . . , ur(t)
• and m outputs y1(t), y2(t),…, ym(t).
• Then the system may be described by

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• then the state equations and the output
equations become

And the linearized equations

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 107

• Where:
• A(s) the state matrix, (n*n)
• B(s) the input matrix, (n*r)
• C(s) the output matrix,(m*n)
• D(t) the direct transmission matrix.(m*r)
• A block diagram representation of These

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 108

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 109
EXAMPLE Mechanical system

u(t) is the input to the system,

the displacement y(t) of the mass is the


. This system is a single-input—single-output


From the diagram, the system equation is

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 110

Let us define state variables x1 (t) and x2(t) as

Then we obtain

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 111

• Or

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block diagram for the system

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 113

Correlation between transfer functions and
state-space equations

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 114

• The Laplace transform

assume that x(0) is zero. Then we have


Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 115


By substituting this Equation into the output equation, we get

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 116

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 117
RC Circuit

Parameters: R,C

Independent variables (inputs): ei

dependent variables (outputs): eo, i

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 119

Laplace Transformed equations

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 120

LRC circuit
• Consider the electrical circuit shown . The
circuit consists of an inductance L (henry), a
resistance R (ohm), and a capacitance C
(farad). Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the
system, we obtain the following equations:

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 121

If e is assumed to be the input and e0 the output, then the
transfer function of this system is found to

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Transfer functions of cascaded elements

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 123

• Taking the Laplace transforms of Equations ,
assuming zero initial conditions, we obtain

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 124

And the transfer function

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 125

Liquid-level system

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 126

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 127
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 128
• For linear or linearized system

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 129

Example: Mechanical system
• Consider the satellite attitude control system . The diagram shows the
control of only the yaw angle θ.

• Small jets apply reaction forces to rotate the satellite body into the
desired position. The two skew symmetrically placed jets denoted by A
or B operate in pairs.

• Assume that each jet thrust is F/2 and a torque T = Fl is applied to the
system. The jets are applied for a certain time duration and thus the
torque can be written as T(t).

• The moment of inertia about the axis of rotation at the center of mass is
Let us obtain the transfer function of this system by assuming that
torque T(t) is the input, and the angular displacement θ(t) of the satellite
is the output.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 130


DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 131

• Applying Newton’s second law to the present
system and noting that there is no friction in
the environment of the satellite, we have

Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of this last

equation and assuming all initial conditions to be
zero yields

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 132

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 133
Block Diagram Manipulation
• We often represent control systems using
block diagrams. A block diagram consists of
blocks that
represent transfer functions of the different
variables of interest.
• If a block diagram has many blocks, not all of
which are in cascade, then it is useful to have
rules for rearranging the diagram such that
you end up with only one block.
For example, we would want to transform
the following diagram
Block Diagram Transformations
1.Combining blocks in cascade
2. Moving a summing
point behind a block
3. Moving a pickoff point ahead
of a block
4. Moving a pickoff
point behind a block
5. Moving a summing
point ahead of a block
6. Eliminating a
feedback loop
7. replacing summing points
8. Combining summing points
Don't use this
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 150
Signal-flow graph
• Alternative method to block diagram
representation, developed by S.J.Mason.
• Advantage: the availability of a flow graph gain
formula, also called Mason’s gain formula.
• A signal-flow graph consists of a network in
which nodes are connected by directed
• It depicts the flow of signals from one point of
a system to another and gives the
relationships among the signals. Note that the
signal flows in only one direction.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 152

• Node - a point representing a signal or variable.
• Branch – unidirectional line segment joining two nodes.
• Path – a branch or a continuous sequence of branches that
can be traversed from one node to another node.
• Loop – a closed path that originates and terminates on the
same node and along the path no node is met twice.
• Nontouching loops – two loops are said to be nontouching if
they do not have a common node.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 153

Signal-flow graph of block diagram
interconnected system

a11 x1  a12 x 2  r1  x1 Signal-flow graph

of two algebraic
a 21 x1  a 22 x 2  r2  x 2

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 154

Mason’s gain formula
The linear dependence Tij between the independent variable xi
(also called the input variable) and a dependent variable xj is

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 155

P k k
Write the gain formula in a simplified form: T k

Systematic approach:
1. Calculate forward path transfer function Pk for
each forward path k
2. Calculate all loop transfer functions
3. Consider nontouching loops 2 at a time
4. Consider nontouching loops 3 at a time
5. etc
6. Calculate Δ from steps 2,3,4 and 5
7. Calculate Δk as portion of Δ not touching forward
path k
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 156
1.Calculate forward path transfer function Pk for each forward path k.
PP1 G G
1 1 1G
2 3
G 2(path
4 2P  G 1)
5 G G G and
6 7(path 2)
P2  G5G6G7G8 (path 2)
2.Calculate all loop TF’s.
L1  G2 H 2 , L2  H 3G3 , L3  G6 H 6 , L4  G7 H 7
3.Consider nontouching loops 2 at a time.
Loops L1 and L2 do not touch Loops L3 and L4

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 157

4. Consider nontouching loops 3 at a time.
5. Calculate Δ from steps 2,3,4.
  1  L1  L2  L3  L4   L1 L3  L1 L4  L2 L3  L2 L4 
6. Calculate Δk as portion of Δ not touching
forward path k.

1  1  L3  L4  and  2  1  L1  L2 

The TF of the system is

Y ( s) P   P2  2
 T ( s)  1 1
R( s ) 

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 158

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 159
Time response of Control Systems

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 160

Transient response and steady-state
• The time response of a control system
consists of two parts:
• transient response means that which goes
from the initial state to the final state.(free or
natural response)
• steady-state response, we mean the manner
in which the system output behaves as t
approaches infinity.(forced response)

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 161

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 162
typical input signals
typical input signals to use for analyzing system
characteristics may he determined by the form of the
input that the system will be subjected to most
frequently under normal operation.
If the inputs to a control system are gradually changing
functions of time, then a ramp function of time may be a
good test signal.
if a system is subjected to sudden disturbances, a step
function of time may be a good test signal;
and for a system subjected to shock inputs, an impulse
function may be best.
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 163
• Once a control system is designed on the basis
of test signals, the performance of the system
in response to actual inputs is generally
satisfactory. The use of such test signals
enables one to compare the performance of
all systems on the same basis.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 164

• Consider the first-order system shown .
Physically, this system may represent an RC
circuit, thermal system, or the like.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 165

• A simplified block diagram is shown in Figure
(b). The input—output relationship is given by

In the following, we shall analyze the system

responses to such inputs as the unit-step, unit-
ramp, and unit-impulse functions. The initial
conditions are assumed to be zero.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 166

Unit-step response of first-order systems

• Since the Laplace transform of the unit-step

function is 1/s, substituting R(s) , we obtain

• Expanding C(s) into partial fractions gives

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 167

t(SEC) 0 T 2T 3T 4T inf
c(T) 0 63.2% 86.5% 95% 98.2% 1

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 168

• smaller the time constant T, faster the system
• Another important characteristic of the
exponential response curve is that the slope of
the tangent line at t = 0 is 1/T. since

• The output would reach the final value at t = T

if it maintained its initial speed of response
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 169
• the steady state is reached mathematically
only after an infinite time.
• In practice, however, a reasonable estimate of
the response time is the length of time the
response curve needs to reach the 2% line of
the final value, or four time constants.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 170

Unit-ramp response of first-order systems

• Since the Laplace transform of the unit-ramp

function is 1/s, we obtain the output of the
system as

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 171

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 172
Unit-impulse response of first-order
• Since the Laplace transform of the unit-impulse
function is R(s)=1, we obtain the output of the

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 173

• Comparison of the system responses to these
three inputs clearly indicates that :
• the response to the derivative of an input
signal can be obtained by differentiating the
response of the system to the original signal.
• the response to the integral of the original
signal can be obtained by integrating the
response of the system to the original signal
• This is a property of linear time-invariant

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 174

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 175

Example: servo system

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 176

The closed-loop transfer function of a second order system
and the block diagram are

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 177

• The dynamic behavior of the second-order system
can then be described in terms of two parameters
• undamped natural frequency
• damping ratio
• We shall now solve for the response of the system a
unit-step input. We shall consider three different
• the underdamped (0 < ζ < 1),
• critically damped (ζ = 1),
• overdamped (ζ> 1)
• ζ = 0, the transient response does not die out.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 178

Underdamped case (0 < ζ < I):

the damped natural frequency

For a unit-step input, C(s) can be written

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 179

2.undamped case ζ=0
the response becomes undamped and oscillations
continue indefinitely. The response c(t) for the zero
damping case can be obtained by substituting zeta = 0 in
forgoing Equation

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 180

Step Response
From: untitled/Constant (1) To: untitled/Transfer Fcn (1)




4 3



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec)

unit-step time response

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 181
• 3.verdamped case (ζ> 1):
• In this case, the two poles are negative
real and unequal. For a unit-step input

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas

4.Critically damped case (ζ = 1):
• If the two poles are nearly equal

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 183

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 184
transient-response specifications
• In specifying the transient-response characteristics
of a control system to a unit-step input, it is
common to specify the following:
1. Delay time, td
2. Rise time, tr
3. Peak time, tp
4. Maximum overshoot, Mp
5. Settling time, ts

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 185

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 186
• Rise time tr: we obtain the rise time t, by
letting c(tr) = 1in the output for under
damped case, or

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 187

• Peak time Referring to the same output, we
may obtain the peak time by differentiating
c(t) with respect to time and letting this
derivative equal zero. Since

and the cosine terms in this last equation cancel each

other, dc/dt, evaluated at t = tp, can be simplified to

This last equation yields the following

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 188
Since the peak time corresponds to the first peak overshoot,

.Maximum overshoot
The maximum overshoot occurs at the peak time or at t =
tp . Thus, Mp is obtained as

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 189

• Settling time
• The speed of decay of the transient
 n depends on the value of the time
• T= 1/
• Then the settling time is:

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 190

Example: Servo system with velocity feedback

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 191

For the system, determine the values of gain K and
velocity feedback constant Kh so that the maximum
overshoot in the unit-step response is 0.2 and the
peak time is 1 sec. With these values of K and Kh,
obtain the rise time and settling time. Assume that
J 1 kg-m2 and B = 1 N-m/rad/sec.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 192

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 193
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 194
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 195
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 196
Higher order systems &
Routh’s Stability Criterion

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 197

 Higher order systems

u t  y t 
Y  s   G  s U  s 

K   s  zi 
G s   i 1
 
 s  pi  s 2
 2 
k nk s   2
j 1 k 1

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 198

a q ak r b  s  2    c  2
Y s     k k nk k dk
s k 1 s  pk k 1 s 2  2 k nk s  nk

dk  nk 1   k2

 pk t
y t   a   k
a e
k 1
  e k nk t bk cos dk t   ck sin dk t 
k 1

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 199

 Additional pole
System model (temporally normalized)

G s 
 
sn2  2 sn  1  sn  1

 pole at 

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 200 200

 Empirical result
 Second order system response when

 10n Dominant pole pair

 10

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 201 201

Effect as pole approaches second order pair
 Fix damping ratio at z = 0.45
 Simulate for various values of third pole

Re  ppair   n  0.45n


Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 202 202



Normaized Response


1/  = -Pole=0.44444

1/  = -Pole=0.66667

0.4 1/  = -Pole=1.1111

1/  = -Pole=2.5

1/  = -Pole=20
1/  = -Pole=Inf

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 203
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 204
Routh’s Stability Criterion

• Goal: Determining whether the system is stable or unstable

from a characteristic equation in polynomial form without
actually solving for the roots.

• Routh’s stability criterion is useful for determining the

ranges of coefficients of polynomials for stability, especially
when the coefficients are in symbolic (nonnumerical) form

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 205

A necessary condition for Routh
• A necessary condition for stability of the system is that all of
the roots of its characteristic equation have negative real
parts, which in turn requires that all the coefficients be

A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for stability

is that all the coefficients of the polynomial
characteristic equation be positive.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 206

A necessary and sufficient condition
for Stability
• Routh’s formulation requires the computation of a
triangular array that is a function of the coefficients of the
polynomial characteristic equation.

A system is stable if and only if all the elements of

the first column of the Routh array are positive

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 207

Characteristic Equation

• Consider an nth-order system whose the characteristic

equation (which is also the denominator of the transfer
function) is:

a ( s )  a0 s n  a1s n 1  a2 s n  2    an 1s1  an s 0

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 208

Method for determining the Routh array
• Consider the characteristic equation:
a ( s )  a0  s n  a1s n 1  a2 s n  2  a3 s n 3    an 1s1  an s 0

• First arrange the coefficients of the characteristic

equation in two rows, beginning with the first and second
coefficients and followed by the even-numbered and odd-
numbered coefficients:

s n : ao a2 a4 
n 1
s : a1 a3 a5 
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 209
Routh array: method (cont’d)

• Then add subsequent n

s : ao a2 a4 
rows to complete the
n 1
Routh array: s : a1 a3 a5 
s : b1 b2 b3 

n 3
s : c1 c2 c3 
   
s : * *
s : *
s :
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas * 210
Routh array: method (cont’d)
• Compute elements for the s n : ao a2 a4 
3rd row:
n 1
s : a1 a3 a5 
a1a2  a0 a3 n2
b1  , s : b1 b2 b3 
n 3
a1a4  a0  a5 s : c1 c2 c3 
b2  ,
a1    
a1a6  a0 a7 s : 2
* *
b3 
a1 1
s : *
s :
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas
* 211
Routh array: method (cont’d)
• Compute elements for n
s : a0 a 2 a4 
the 4th row:
n 1
s : a1 a3 a5 
b1 a3  a1b2 n2
c1  s : b1 b2 b3 
b1 n 3
s : c1 c2 c3 
b1 a5  a1b3
c2     
b1 2
s : * *
b1 a 7  a1b4 1
c3  s : *
b1 0
s :
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas
* 212
Example 1:
Given the characteristic equation,
a (s)  s 6  4s 5  3s 4  2s 3  s 2  4s  4
is the system described by this characteristic equation stable?

• One coefficient (-2) is negative.

• Therefore, the system does not satisfy the necessary

condition for stability.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 213

Example 2:
Given the characteristic equation,
a ( s )  s 6  4 s 5  3s 4  2 s 3  s 2  4 s  4
is the system described by this characteristic equation stable?

• All the coefficients are positive and nonzero.
• Therefore, the system satisfies the necessary condition for
• We should determine whether any of the coefficients of the
first column of the Routh array are negative.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 214

Example 2 (cont’d): Routh array
a ( s )  s 6  4 s 5  3s 4  2 s 3  s 2  4 s  4
s : 1 3 1 4
s5 : 4 2 4 0
s : ? ? ?
s3 : ? ? ?
s2 : ? ?
s : ? ?
s0 : ?
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 215
Example 2 (cont’d): Routh array
a ( s )  s 6  4 s 5  3s 4  2 s 3  s 2  4 s  4
s : 1 3 1 4
4 * 3  1* 2 5
s : 4 2 4 0 b1  
4 2
s : 52 0 4 4 *1  1 * 4
b2  0
s3 : ? ? ? 4
4 * 4  1* 0
s2 : ? ? b3  4
s1 : ? ?
s0 : ?
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 216
Example 2 (cont’d): Routh array
a ( s )  s 6  4 s 5  3s 4  2 s 3  s 2  4 s  4

s6 : 1 3 1 4
s5 : 4 2 4 0 2.5 * 2  4 * 0
c1  2
s4 : 5 2 0 4 2.5
2.5 * 4  4 * 4
s3 : 2  12 5 0 c2   12 / 5
s2 : ? ?
2.5 * 0  4 * 0
s1 : ? ? c3  0
s0 : ?

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 217

Example 2 (cont’d): Routh array
a ( s )  s 6  4 s 5  3s 4  2 s 3  s 2  4 s  4
s6 : 1 3 1 4
s5 : 4 2 4 0
s4 : 52 0 4
s3 : 2  12 5 0 The elements of
s2 : 3 4 the 1st column
s1 :  76 15 0 are not all positive:
s0 : 4

the system is unstable

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 218

Example 3: Stability versus Parameter Range

Consider a feedback system such as:

The stability properties of this system are a function of the

proportional feedback gain K. Determine the range of K
over which the system is stable.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 219

Example 3 (cont’d)

• The characteristic equation for the system is given by:

s 1
1 K 0
s ( s  1)( s  6)

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 220

Example 3 (cont’d)
s 1
1 K 0
s ( s  1)( s  6)
• Expressing the characteristic equation in polynomial
form, we obtain:

s  5s  ( K  6) s  K  0
3 2

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 221

Example 3 (cont’d)
a ( s )  s 3  5s 2  ( K  6) s  K

• The corresponding Routh • Therefore, the system is

array is: stable if and only if

s3 : 1 K 6 4K  30
 0 and K  0
s2 : 5 K
 K  7.5 and K  0
s1 : (4 K  30) 5
s0 : K  K  7 .5

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 222

Example 4: Stability versus Two Parameter

Consider a Proportional-Integral (PI) control such as:

Find the range of the controller gains

( K , K1 ) so that the PI
feedback system is stable.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 223

Example 4 (cont’d)

• The characteristic equation for the system is given by:

 K1  1
1  K   0
 s  ( s  1 )( s  2 )

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 224

Example 4 (cont’d)
 K1  1
1  K   0
 s  ( s  1 )( s  2 )

• Expressing the characteristic equation in polynomial

form, we obtain:

s  3s  ( 2  K )s  K1  0
3 2

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 225

Example 4 (cont’d)
a ( s )  s 3  5s 2  ( K  6) s  K

• The corresponding Routh • For stability, we must

array is: have:

s3 : 1 2 K
s2 : 3 K1 K1
K1  0 and K  2
s 1 : ( 6  3 K  K1 ) 3 3
s0 : K1

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 226

Zero 1st column element
 Replace element by e > 0
 Proceed as usual
 Example
d  s   s3  3s  2

 s3 1 3
 s2 0   2
1 3  2
 s 0

 s0 2

2 sign changes  2 roots in RHP  Roots at 1,1,  2 

Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 227 227
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 228
Dr. Ibrahim Al-abbas 229
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 230
Basic control actions
• A controller compares the actual value of
output with the reference input, determines the
deviation, and produces a control signal that
will reduce the deviation to zero or to a small
• The manner in which the controller produces
the control signal is called the control action.
block diagram of an industrial control
Classifications of Industrial Controllers.

• 1. Two-position or on-off controllers

• 2. Proportional controllers
• 3. Integral controllers
• 4. Proportional-plus-integral controllers
• 5. Proportional-plus-derivative controllers
• 6. Proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative
Proportional Control of Systems.
• Such a system always has a steady-state error
in the step response. Such a steady-state error
is called an offset.
Integral Control of Systems.

Integral control of the system eliminates the

steady-state error in the response to the step
input.. 77
Response to Torque Disturbances
(Proportional Control)
Response to Torque Disturbances
(Proportional-Plus-Integral Control
• To eliminate offset due to torque disturbance,
the proportional controller may be replaced
by a proportional-plus-integral controller.
• If integral control action is added to the
controller, then, as long as there is an error
signal, a torque is developed by the controller
to reduce this error, provided the control
system is a stable one.
It is important to point out that if the controller were an integral controller,
then the system always becomes unstable because the characteristic

will have roots with positive real parts. Such an unstable system cannot be
used in practice.
Proportional-Plus-Derivative Control

. Thus derivative control introduces a damping effect. A typical response

curve c ( t ) to a unit step input is shown in
• Effect of Proportional,
Integral & Derivative Gains on the
Dynamic Response
Change in gain in P controller
• Increase in gain:

 Upgrade both steady-

state and transient
 Reduce steady-state

 Reduce stability!
P Controller with high gain
Integral Controller
• Integral of error with a constant gain
® increase the system type by 1
®eliminate steady-state error for
a unit step input
® amplify overshoot and oscillations
Change in gain for PI controller
• Increase in gain:

 Do not upgrade steady-

state responses
 Increase slightly
settling time

 Increase oscillations
and overshoot!
Derivative Controller
• Differentiation of error with a constant gain
® detect rapid change in output
® reduce overshoot and oscillation
® do not affect the steady-state response
Effect of change for gain PD controller
• Increase in gain:

 Upgrade transient
 Decrease the peak and
rise time

 Increase overshoot
and settling time!
Changes in gains for PID Controller
• These rules are used to determine Kp, Ti and
Td for PID controllers
• Firs Method: The response is obtained
experimentally to a unit step input. The plant
involves neither integrators nor differentiators
Second Method
• Set Ti= inf and Td=0, increase Kp from 0 t a
critical value Kcr where the output exhibits
sustained oscillations.
• Use Kcr , Pcr and Table 10-2 to determine the
parameters of the controller
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 258
Root Locus Design Method

Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 259


Learn a specific technique which shows how

changes in one of a system’s parameter
(usually the controller gain, K)
will modify the location of the closed-loop
in the s-domain.

Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 260

• The closed-loop poles of the negative feedback control sysem:

are the roots of the characteristic equation:

1  KG s H s   0

The root locus is the locus of the closed-loop poles

when a specific parameter (usually gain, K)
is varied from 0 to infinity.
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas
Root Locus Method Foundations
• The value of s in the s-plane that make the
loop gain KG(s)H(s) equal to -1 are the closed-
 KG s H s   0  KG s H s   1
(i.e. )

• KG(s)H(s) = -1 can be split into two equations

by equating the magnitudes and angles of
both sides of the equation.

Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 262

Angle and Magnitude Conditions
KG s H s   1

 KG s H s   1
 KG s H s   180 0
2l  1
l  0 , 1, 2 , 

 G s H s   1 K
 G s H s    180 o
2l  1 l  0 , 1, 2 , 
Independent of K
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 263
Chapter 5:
Root Locus Design Method

Part B: Drawing Root Locus directly

(= without solving for the closed-loop

Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 264

Learning by doing – Example 1

1) Sketch the root locus of the following


2) Determine the value of K such that the

damping ratio ζ of a pair of dominant
complex conjugate closed-loop is 0.5.
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 265
Rule #1
Assuming n poles and m zeros for G(s)H(s):

• The n branches of the root locus start at the n

• m of these n branches end on the m zeros
• The n-m other branches terminate at infinity
along asymptotes.

First step: Draw the n poles and m zeros of

G(s)H(s) using x and o respectively
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 266
Applying Step #1
Draw the n poles and m
zeros of G(s)H(s)
using x and o
respectively. 1
G s H s  
s s  1s  2 

• 3 poles:
p1 = 0; p2 = -1; p3 = -2

• No zeros
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 267
Applying Step #1
Draw the n poles and m
zeros of G(s)H(s)
using x and o
respectively. 1
G s H s  
s s  1s  2 

• 3 poles:
p1 = 0; p2 = -1; p3 = -2

• No zeros
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 268
Rule #2
• The loci on the real axis are to the left of an
ODD number of REAL poles and REAL zeros
of G(s)H(s)

Second step: Determine the loci on the real

axis. Choose a arbitrary test point. If the
TOTAL number of both real poles and zeros is
to the RIGHT of this point is ODD, then this
point is on the root locus
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 269
Applying Step #2
Determine the loci on the
real axis:

• Choose a arbitrary test

• If the TOTAL number of
both real poles and zeros
is to the RIGHT of this
point is ODD, then this
point is on the root locus

Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 270

Applying Step #2
Determine the loci on the
real axis:

• Choose a arbitrary test

• If the TOTAL number of
both real poles and zeros
is to the RIGHT of this
point is ODD, then this
point is on the root locus

Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 271

Rule #3
Assuming n poles and m zeros for G(s)H(s):
The root loci for very large values of s must be asymptotic to
straight lines originate on the real axis at point:
 p z
i i
s   n m
radiating out from this pointo at angles:
 180 2l  1
l 

Third step: Determine the n - m asymptotes of the root loci.

Locate s = α on the real axis. Compute and draw angles. Draw
the asymptotes using dash lines.
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 272
Applying Step #3
Determine the n - m asymptotes:
Locate s = α on the real axis:
p1  p2  p3 0  1  2
s     1
30 3
Compute and draw angles:
 180 2l  1 l  0 , 1, 2 , 
l 
  1800 2  0  1

 0   60 0

   180 2  1  1  1800

 1 30
Draw the asymptotes using
dash lines. Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 273
Applying Step #3
Determine the n - m asymptotes:
Locate s = α on the real axis:
p1  p2  p3 0  1  2
s     1
30 3
Compute and draw angles:
 180 2l  1 l  0 , 1, 2 , 
l 
  1800 2  0  1

 0   60 0

   180 2  1  1  1800

 1 30
Draw the asymptotes using
dash lines. Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 274
Breakpoint Definition

• The breakpoints are the points in the s-

domain where multiples roots of the
characteristic equation of the feedback
control occur.

• These points correspond to intersection

points on the root locus.

Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 275

Rule #4
Given the characteristic equation is KG(s)H(s) = -1

• The breakpoints are the closed-loop poles that satisfy:


Fourth step: Find the breakpoints. Express K such as:

K .
G s H s 
Set dK/ds = 0 and solve for the poles.
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 276
Applying Step #4
Find the breakpoints.
• Express K such as:
K   ss  1s  2 
G( s )H ( s )
K   s 3  3s 2  2 s

• Set dK/ds = 0 and solve for the

 3s 2  6 s  2  0
s1  1.5774 , s2  0.4226
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 277
Applying Step #4
Find the breakpoints.
• Express K such as:
K   ss  1s  2 
G( s )H ( s )
K   s 3  3s 2  2 s

• Set dK/ds = 0 and solve for the

 3s 2  6 s  2  0
s1  1.5774 , s2  0.4226
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 278
Recall Rule #1
Assuming n poles and m zeros for G(s)H(s):

• The n branches of the root locus start at the n

• m of these n branches end on the m zeros
• The n-m other branches terminate at infinity
along asymptotes.

Last step: Draw the n-m branches that terminate

at infinity along asymptotes
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 279
Applying Last Step

Draw the n-m branches that

terminate at infinity along

Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 280

Points on both root locus & imaginary axis?

• Points on imaginary axis

s  j jω?

• Points on root locus satisfy:

1  KG s H s   0

• Substitute s=jω into the

characteristic equation and - jω
solve for ω.
  0 or    2
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 281
Learning by doing – Example 1

1) Sketch the root locus of the following


2) Determine the value of K such that the

damping ratioSee
ζ ofclass
a pair of dominant
complex conjugate closed-loop is 0.5.
Dr.Ibrahim Al-Abbas 282
DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 283
Frequency Response Methods

• What is frequency response
• Frequency response plots
• Bode diagrams of basic factors

What is frequency response

So far we have described the response and performance of a

system in terms of complex frequency variable s=σ+jω and
the location of poles and zeros in the s-plane. An important
alternative approach to system analysis and design is the
frequency response method.

The frequency response of a system is defined as the steady-

state response of the system to a sinusoidal input signal. We
will investigate the steady-state response of the system to
the sinusoidal input as the frequency varies.

When the input signal is a sinusoid, the resulting output signal for LTI systems is
sinusoidal in the steady state, it differs from the input only in amplitude and

Consider the system Y ( s )  T ( s ) R ( s ) with r (t )  A sin t. R( s )  L {r (t )} 
s  2

m( s )
If T ( s )  , where p1, p2,…,pn are distinctive poles,
( s  p1 )( s  p 2 )  ( s  pn )
then in partial fraction expansion form, we have
k1 k2 k s  
Y ( s)    n  2
s  p1 s  p2 s  pn s   2
Taking the inverse Laplace transform yields
 s   
y (t )  k1e  p1t  k 2 e  p2t   k n e  pnt  L -1
 2 2 
s   
Suppose the system is stable, then all the poles are located in the left half plane and
thus the exponential terms decay to zero as t→∞. Hence, the steady-state
response of the system is

 s   
lim y (t )  L -1
 2 2 
 A T ( j ) sin(t   ), where   T ( j ).
t 
s   
For the system Y ( s )  T ( s ) R( s ) with r (t )  A sin t ,
the steady-state output is lim y (t )  A T ( j ) sin(t   ), where   T ( j ).
t 
That is, the steady-state response depends only on the magnitude and phase of T(jω).

Advantages of the frequency response

 The sinusoidal input signal for various ranges of frequency
and amplitude is readily available.
 It is the most reliable and uncomplicated method for the
experimental analysis of a system.
 Control of system bandwidth.
 The TF describing the sinusoidal steady-state behaviour of
the system is easily obtained by replacing s with jω in the
system TF.
Frequency response plots

• Polar plot
The TF G(s) can be described in the frequency domain by
G ( j )  G ( s ) s  j  R ( )  jX ( ), where R ( )  ReG ( j ), X ( )  ImG ( j )

The above equation is used for the polar polar plane

plot representation of the frequency
response in the polar plane.

Alternatively, the TF G(jω) can be represented by

G ( j )  G ( j ) e j ( j )  G ( )  ( )
X ( )
where G ( )  R ( )  X ( ) ,  ( )  tan 1
2 2 2

R ( )
Frequency response plots (cont’d)
Example – polar plot
Consider a simple RC circuit. The TF of the
system is
V2 ( s ) 1
G( s)  
V1 ( s ) RCs  1
The sinusoidal steady-state TF is
1 1 1
G ( j )   , where 1 
j ( RC )  1 j  / 1   1 RC
1  j  / 1 
The polar plot is obtained from G ( j )  R ( )  jX ( ) 
 / 1 2  1
1 j  / 1 
polar plot  
1   / 1  1   / 1 
2 2

To draw the polar plot, R(ω) and X(ω) at

typical frequencies, e.g., ω=0, ∞, are to be

Frequency response plots (cont’d)
Limitations of polar plots:
 The addition of poles and zeros requires the recalculation of the
frequency response.
 The effect of individual poles and zeros is not indicated.
A more widely used graphical tool to plot frequency response is the Bode

 Bode plot
The TF in the frequency domain can be written as
G ( j )  G ( )  ( )
For a Bode diagram, we normally use
Logarithmic gain in dB  20 log10 G ( )
Magnitude versus ω and phase versus ω are plotted separately.
Bode diagram
Advantages of Bode plots:
 Multiplication of magnitudes can be converted into addition by virtue of the
definition of logarithmic gain.
 Straight-line asymptotes are simple to be used for sketching an approximate
log-magnitude curve.

The use of a logarithmic scale for the frequency is a more judicious

choice than a linear scale of frequency as this expands the low
frequency range, which is more important in practical systems.
An interval of two frequencies with a
ratio equal to 10 is called a decade.
The slope of the asymptotic line in the
figure is -20dB/decade.
Bode diagram of constant gain K
For a generalised TF, Q
K  (1  j i )
G ( j )  i 1

 
( j ) N  (1  j m )  1  ( 2 k / nk ) j  ( j / nk ) 2
m 1 k 1

there often exist four basic factors, i.e.,

 Constant gain K
 Poles (or zeros) at the origin (jω)
 Poles (or zeros) on the real axis (jωτ+1)
 Complex conjugate poles (or zeros) [1+(2ζ/ωn)jω+(jω/ωn)2]

We will determine the Bode diagram for each of these factors.

Bode diagram of constant gain K
The logarithmic gain is a horizontal line on the Bode diagram,
20 log K  constant in dB
and the phase angle is
 ( )  0
Bode diagram of poles (or zeros) at the
origin (jω)
The log magnitude of a pole at the origin 20 log
 20 log  dB
The phase angle of 1/jω is constant and equal to -900, i.e.,  ( )  900
The slope of the magnitude curve is -20dB/decade for the pole at the
origin. For a multiple pole at the origin, the log magnitude is
20 log  20 N log  dB
 j N
and the phase is  ( )  90 0
The log magnitude of a zero at the origin is 20 log j  20 log  dB
and the phase angle is
 ( )  90

Bode diagram of

Bode diagram of poles (or zeros) on the real axis

The log magnitude of (1+jωτ) is 20 log
-1  20 log 1  ( ) 2
1  j
The asymptotic curve for ω<<1/τ is -10log1=0 dB, and the asymptotic
curve for ω>>1/τ is -20logωτ with a slope of -20dB/decade. The two
asymptotes intersect at the 0dB line when ω=1/τ, the break frequency
or corner frequency. The log magnitude at ω=1/τ is -10log2≈-3dB.
The phase angle of (1+jωτ)-1 is
 ( )   tan 1 

Bode diagram of

The Bode diagram of (1+jωτ)

is obtained in the same
manner as that of (1+jωτ)-1.
Bode diagram of complex
( j )conjugate
 2 ( j )  poles
 (or zeros)

The normalised form of a pair of complex conjugate poles can be written as

 1
G ( )  1  j 2u  u 2 , where u   / n

The log magnitude is 20 log G ( )  10 log(1  u 2 ) 2  4 2 u 2 

and the phase angle is  2u 

 ( )   tan 1  2 
1 u 

When u<<1, the log magnitude is -10log1=0 dB, and the phase angle approaches
00. When u>>1, the log magnitude approaches -10log(u 4)=-40logu, which results in
a curve with a slope of -40dB/decade. The phase angle, when u>>1, approaches -
1800. The magnitude asymptotes meet at the 0dB line when

u   / n  1.

Bode diagram of complex conjugate poles
(or zeros) (cont’d)
The magnitude asymptotes intersect at the 0dB line when u=ω/ωn=1.

asymptotes for
1  j 2u  u 
2 1
where u   / n

Bode diagram of complex conjugate poles
(or zeros) (cont’d)

Bode diagram of

The difference between

the actual magnitude
curve and the asymptotic
approximation is a
function of ζ. The max
value of the frequency
response occurs at the
resonant frequency, ωr.
When ζ→0, ωr→ ωn.
Bode diagram of complex conjugate poles
(or zeros) (cont’d)
The resonant frequency ωr is
determined by taking the derivative
of the magnitude of
1  j 2u  u 
2 1
, where u   / n

with respect to u, and setting it equal

to zero. The resonant frequency is
r  n 1  2 2 ,   0.707

and the max value of the magnitude

of |G(ω)| is

M P  G (r )  2 1   2  ,   0.707

Minimum phase transfer function
A TF is called a minimum phase TF if all its zeros lie in the
left hand s-plane. It is called a nonminimum phase TF if it
has zeros in the right hand s-plane.
The meaning of the term minimum phase becomes clear
from the following example. Suppose z,p>0, the TF
G1(s)=(s+z)/(s+p) has no zero in the right hand s-plane, but
TF G2(s)=(s-z)/(s+p) has a zero in the right hand s-plane.
The frequency response curves can be evaluated for real
frequency s=jω on the s-plane (with ω varying along jω-axis).
sz j  z sz j  z
G1 ( j )   G2 ( j )  
s p s  j
j  p s p s  j
j  p

sz j  z sz j  z
G1 ( j )   G2 ( j )  
s p j  p s p s  j
j  p
s  j

The amplitude characteristics of G1(jω) and G2(jω) are the same as

can be seen from 2  z2
G1 ( )  G 2 ( ) 
2  p2
However, the phase characteristics of G1(jω) and G2(jω) are
different because
1 ( )   j  z    j  p   1   2 2 ( )   j  z    j  p   1*   2

for minimum
phase &
phase TF

curves for basic

Example of drawing the Bode diagram

The Bode diagram of a TF G(s), which contains several poles

and zeros, is obtained by adding the plot due to each
individual pole and zero. For example, the TF of interest is
5(1  j 0.1 )
G ( j ) 

j (1  j 0.5 ) 1  j 0.6( / 50)   j / 50

The factors involved are:
1. A constant gain at K=5
2. A pole at the origin
3. A pole at ω=2
4. A zero at ω=10
5. A pair of complex conjugate poles at ω=ωn=50

5(1  j 0.1 )
G ( j ) 

j (1  j 0.5 ) 1  j 0.6( / 50)   j / 50

We plot the magnitude characteristic for each factor in the TF.
1. The constant gain is 20log5=14dB.
2. The magnitude of the pole at the origin is a straight line with a slope
of -20dB/dec and intersecting the 0dB line at ω=1.
3. The magnitude asymptote of the pole at ω=2 has a slope of
-20dB/dec beyond the break frequency ω=2.
4. The magnitude asymptote of the zero at ω=10 has a slope of
20dB/dec beyond the break frequency ω=10.
5. The magnitude asymptote for the complex poles is -40dB/dec
beyond the break frequency ω=ωn=50. But the actual magnitude
differs from this approximation as ζ=0.3.

5(1  j 0.1 )
G ( j ) 

j (1  j 0.5 ) 1  j 0.6( / 50)   j / 50

The total asymptotic magnitude can be plotted by adding the
asymptotes due to each factor, as shown by the solid line in the
figure. We can also obtain the curve directly by plotting each
asymptote in order as frequency increases.
The magnitude characteristic of the given TF is shown in the figure.

5(1  j 0.1 )
G ( j ) 

j (1  j 0.5 ) 1  j 0.6( / 50)   j / 50

The phase characteristic can be obtained by adding the phase due to
each factor in the TF.
1. The phase of the constant gain is 00.
2. The phase of the pole at the origin is a constant -900.
3. We use the linear approximation of the phase characteristic for the pole
at ω=2, where the phase shift is -450 at ω=2.
4. We use the linear approximation of the phase characteristic for the zero
at ω=10, where the phase shift is 450 at ω=10.
5. The phase characteristic for the complex poles is obtained from the
known graph for ζ=0.3.

When ω=46, the phase

angle is -1800.

Summary of the example of drawing the
Bode diagram
We have drawn the approximate Bode diagram for the TF
5(1  j 0.1 )
G ( j ) 

j (1  j 0.5 ) 1  j 0.6( / 50)   j / 50 

by finding the asymptotic magnitude and phase of each factor.
Although the magnitude and phase curves are approximate, they
give us good indication of important frequency ranges. After plotting
these approximate curves, we can use the equations to find the
exact magnitude & phase within a relatively small frequency range,
e.g., we are interested in the frequency at which the phase angle is -
1800. From the Bode diagram, this occurs when ω=46. Using the
equation  ( )  900  tan 1   tan 1   tan 1  2u   1750
1 2
1 u 
  46 2

where  1  0.5, 2  0.1, u   / n   / 50

So there is an error of 50.

DR. Ibrahim Al-Abbas 308
• Stability
Nyquist criterion

• Transfer functions
GH ( s ) L( s )
T (s)  
1  GH ( s ) I  L( s )

– Poles
1  L s   0
T (s ) 

– For stability, need poles of closed loop system

Im s
in OLHP x x Unstable
x Re s system
Stable system x x

x x

• Open Loop transfer function is ratio of
L s  
d s 

 Closed loop characteristic equation:

1  L s   1  0
d s
 d

s 

ns   0
 

 d s   ns   0
    

• How can you determine stability?
– Direct computation of poles
• Compute characteristic polynomial
• Solve for roots (polynomial equation)
– Routh-Hurwitz test
– Root locus
1  kL  s   0
• Can also be useful for design
– Nyquist analysis

Nyquist Criterion
• Interested in roots of
1 L s  0 
– Want them to be in OLHP
• Note: L(s) is analytic
– Differentiable almost everywhere
– Poles are isolated

Im s
Re s

• Property of analytic functions
– Consider a simple closed curve in s-plane

Im s

Re s
o x

Total change in angle is 2p x

P  #poles of L  s  in curve
Z  #zeros of L  s  in curve
difference of zeros and poles

L  s   2  Z  P 
• Apply to characteristic equation
1  L s  0
   Im s
H s D
1  L s  0 jR
  
H s
Return difference

Re s


• For now, assume no poles/zeros of H(s) on jw-axis
• Define Closed loop poles of the

Z D  #zeros of H  s  in D
PD  #poles of H  s  in D
ND  H  s  RHP poles of the
# times H
circles origin
2 loop transfer function

 Principle of the argument

N D  Z D  PD Z D  N D  PD

• Principle of the argument Closed loop poles of the
– Define
Z D  #zeros of H  s  in D
PD  #poles of H  s  in D

# times H
ND 
H s D   RHP poles of the
loop transfer function
circles origin

– Then Z D  N D  PD
Number of closed loop poles in ORHP =

Number of open loop poles in CRHP +

Change in argument of H around D-contour

Nyquist Criterion
• Are all poles/zeros included in D-contour?
Im s
Radius of circle is
R3 arbitrary
jR2 x
o x
R2 Re s
x o x o
o x
o x


• Graphical view of H along D-contour
– For each s (complex number) H is a complex
H  s   Re H  s   j Im H  s 
– Along D-contour

     
Im s

H s D  Re H s D  j Im H s D jR

Locus of points

   
Re s
– Plot Im H s D vs. Re H s D


Im s

– Partition D-contour into Re s

• jw-axis  Semi-circle of radius R

j  
s  j  R    R s  R e     jR

2 2
– Plot
Single Point:
Im H  j  vs. Re H  j  R    R

Im H R e j
 vs. Re H  R e 

 

– If strictly proper deg n  s   deg d  s 

H Re  j
 1
R 

Im H  j  vs. Re H  j 
N  # clockwise (CW) encirclements of 0
Z NP

Im s Im H
 Suppose P=0
N 2
Re s Re H
Z  N  P
 2 0  2
Z  N P
s-plane  20 2

• More common to use L (rather than H)
H s   1  L s  L s   H s   1
– Locus of H encircles 0  locus of L encircles -1
– Plot Im L  j  vs. Re L  j 
– Define N  # clockwise (CW) encirclements of  1
Im s Im H Im L

Re s Re H Re L
1 -1 0


Nyquist Criterion
P  # open loop CRHP poles of L  s 
N  # CW encirclements of  1 by locus L s D  
• Then the closed loop system is stable if and
only if
 
– The locus L s does not pass through -1 ; and
– N  P
Note: This is the same as:
# CCW encirclements = # RHP open loop poles

• Evaluate encirclements graphically
L s 
Im L
Im s w<0

Re s Re L

s-plane w>0
Im L

Re L
-1 0
N = # CW crossings of green line
- # CCW crossings of green line

• Example
L s 
s 1
k  j  1 k  j  1
L  j    L  j   
j  1  j  1 j  1  j  1
k 1  j  k 1  j 
 
1  1 2
 1    1  
 k   j  k   j
2 2  2 
1  1   1  1 2 
k  j  1
L  j   
j  1  j  1

 
k 1  j 
1 2

 k 
 j
 
2 
k   j 1 
1 1 
L  j   
j  1  j  1
k 1  j 
 
1  2

 k 
 j
 

1 2 1 2
– Note: 

2 2 Circle centered at ½
 1 1    1 with radius ½
     
1 2 2  1 2  4
• Nyquist locus
Im L – Stable?
1 RHP open loop pole

P 1
 Need
k/2 N  1
-k Re L
-1 -1 -k/2 0
1 CCW encirclement
Þ N = -1
Þ Stable

0 CCW encirclement
Þ N=0
Þ Unstable

k 1  k  1k  1  k  1
• Alternatives
L s 
s 1
– Characteristic equation
0  1  L s   1 
s 1
s 1 k  0
• Pole In OLHP iff
s  1 k k 1
– Root locus Im s

k=1 Re s

• What if
L s  
s  s  1 s  2 
– Poles: Im s

Re s
x x x
-2 -1 0


• Nyquist D-contour for systems with poles
on jw-axis
  0
Im s Im L


r Re s    Re L
x x x
-2 -1 0


  0

– How to get from top to bottom?

• What happens on little circle
• What happens when r0?

Gain and Phase Margins
Let ARc be the value of the open-loop amplitude ratio at the critical frequency . Gain
margin GM is defined as:
GM  (14-11)
Phase margin PM is defined as

PM  180  φ g (14-12)
• The phase margin also provides a measure of relative stability.
• In particular, it indicates how much additional time delay can be included in the
feedback loop before instability will occur.
• Denote the additional time delay as .
• For a time delay of , the phase angle is θ max.
θ max θ max ω 330
Figure 14.9 Gain and
phase margins in Bode

 180 
PM = θ max ωc  (14-13)
  
 
 PM    
θ max =  
 c   180 
where the
 /180   converts PM from degrees to radians.

• The specification of phase and gain margins requires a compromise between

performance and robustness.
• In general, large values of GM and PM correspond to sluggish closed-loop responses,
while smaller values result in less sluggish, more oscillatory responses.

Guideline. In general, a well-tuned controller should have a gain margin between 1.7
and 4.0 and a phase margin between 30° and 45°.

Figure 14.10 Gain and phase margins on a Nyquist plot.

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