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PROOFING 1821_Alisha Dhodi

1909_Prerna Dalvi

Btech 1912_Yashashree Deshmukh

1925_Sneha Gusinge
1928_Vaishnavi Ingale
1948_Apeksha Palse
1950_Simran Pardeshi
1951_Kshitija Pargaonkar
1958_Priyanka Pawar
1963_Anushree Salunkhe
1967_Muskan Shikalgar
1972_Srushti Thakur
1975_Darshana wagh
•Introduction •Introduction
•Types -development- recognition of •Types of waterproofing and materials
termites •applications/uses
•Methods, Construction details, •techniques/method
Installations •Terrace waterproofing
•Materials and chemicals used •Wk. water proofing
DAMP PROOFING •Introduction
•introduction •Methods of insulation
•Methods of installation •Advantages and materials
• Materials Used •applications
Termite proofing
Termite proofing is the treatment given to a building, to control or prevent the termite
growth in the building.
They enter into buildings through cracks, walls, pipes and
floor joints etc.
Wood is one of the cellulosic materials which termites
damage, cellulose forming their basic nutrient. They also
damage materials of organic origin with a cellulosic base,
household articles like furniture, furnishings, clothing,
stationery, etc.
Termites are also known to darn age non-cellulosic
substances in their search for food. Rubber, leather,
plastics, neoprene as well as lead coating used for covering
of underground cables are damaged by termites.


• Subterranean termites require moisture to
sustain their life. They normally need access
to ground at all times. They build tunnels
between their nest and source of food
through covered runways .
• The subterranean termites enter a building
from ground level, under the foundation,
working their way up wards through floors,
destroyed all before them.
• So little is seen of these termite operations
that some times the structural member
attacked is found to be merely a shell with
the inside completely riddled and eaten
1821 Alisha dhodi
2. Non-subterranean wood nesting termites

• Non- subterranean or wood nesting species

comprise dry wood and damp wood termites. Dry
wood termites, which predominate, are able to live
even in fairly dry wood and with no contact with
• These frequently construct nests within large
dimensional timbers such as rafters, posts, door and
window frames, etc. which they destroy, if not
speedily exterminated.
• However, they are not as prevalent and common as
subterranean termites, and are generally confined
to coastal regions and interiors of eastern India.

1821 Alisha dhodi

• At certain periods of the year, particularly after a few
warm days followed by rain, emergence of winged
adults on colonising flights occurs.
• This swarming, also called the nuptial flight, may take
place any time during the monsoon or post monsoon
• The flight is short and most of the adults perish due to
one reason or the other. The surviving termites soon
find their mates, shed their wings and establish a colony
if circumstances are favourable . This colony may
increase in size comparatively rapidly.
• Any serious damage that may occur in a short time is
perhaps due to heavy infestation in the initial stages due
to large population of termites existing in the soil before
the building is constructed.
1821 Alisha dhodi

• Swarms of winged reproductive flying from the soil or wood are the first indication of termite
infestation in a building.
• Often the actual flight may not be observed but the presence of wings discarded by them
wills a positive indication of a well-established termite colony nearby.
• Termite damage is not always evident from the exterior in the case of subterranean termite,
since they do not reduced wood to a powdery mass of push particles like some of the
woodborers or dry wood termites. These termites are also recognised by the presence of
earth-like shelter tubes, which afford them the runways between soil and their food.
• Dry wood termites on the contrary may be recognised by their pellets of excreta.
Nonsubterranean termites excrete pellets of partly digested wood. These may be found in
• or on the floor underneath the member, which they have attacked. These termites may
further be noticed by blisters on wood surfaces due to their forming chambers close to the
surface by eating away the wood and leaving only a thin film of wood on the surface. Also
the hollow sound on tapping structural timber will indicate their destructive activity inside.
• Termite control in buildings is very important as the damage like to be caused by the
termites is huge. Wood is one of the cellulosic materials which termites damage, cellulose
forming their basic nutrient. They also damage materials of organic origin with a cellulosic
base, household articles like furniture, furnishings, clothing, stationery etc. Termites are also
known to damage non-cellulosic substances in their search for food. Termites damage
rubber, leather, plastic, and neoprene as well as lead coating used for covering of
underground cables. The widespread damage by termites, high constructional costs of
buildings have necessitated evolving suitable measures for preventing access of termites to

1821 Alisha dhodi

The following construction measures specified should be adopted for
protection against subterranean termites originating both internally from
within the plinth and externally from the area surrounding the building.

STEP1 Earth free from roots, dead

leaves, or other organic matter shall
be placed and compacted in
successive horizontal layers of loose
material not more than 200 mm
thick. Dry brick shall be inserted at
least 50 mm in brick masonry for
providing apron floor all-round the
periphery. I972 SRUSHTI G THAKUR
Brick on edge masonry
in cement mortar shall
be laid on the plinth
wall. Dry brick shall be
placed on the inner side
of plinth wall for getting
anticipated offset space
for coarse sand and on
the other side for in
staining anti-termite
masonry groove.

In the case intermediate walls, dry bricks are placed on either side of the brick on edge
masonry for getting offset space for coarse sand layer.


The dry brick for the
anti-termite groove
shall be taken out and
dense cement concrete
1:3:6 (1 cement: 3
sand : 6 coarse
aggregate, by volume)
sub-floor carpet shall be
laid casting the anti-
termite groove in
In case of internal partition walls, the cement concrete sub- floor shall be laid
on either side over the dry bricks to sufficient extent for getting staggered
vertical joints over the joint of plinth wall and earth filling


Step 4
• Superstructure
masonry shall be
raised over the
dense cement
concrete sub-
floor carpet and
overhead jobs


Step 5
The dry brick for coarse
sand layer shall be
removed and graded
sand (of size 3 to 5 mm)
layer at least 100 mm
thick shall be compacted
over the earth filling and
underneath the partially
laid dense cement
concrete sub-floor carpet.


Step 6
• Dense cement concrete
(1:3:6 mix) sub-floor at
least 75 mm thick shall
be laid over the sand
filling. Necessary finish
may be provided to the
cement concrete sub-
floor carpet.


Dry brick provided for
apron floor shall be taken
out and 600 mm wide
formation of earth in 1:30
slope shall be made. Over
the formation, 75 mm
thick lime concrete 1:3:6
(1 lime: 3 sand: 6 coarse
aggregate, by volume)
shall be laid.
Over the 75 mm thick
lime concrete bed at
least 25 mm thick
cement concrete
topping 1:2:4 (1
cement: 2 sand: 4
fine aggregate, by
volume) shall be laid
and 12 mm thick
cement plaster shall
be applied on
foundation and I972 SRUSHTI G THAKUR
Step 9
The final
incorporating the
constructional details
given above are shown
in figure


• The anti termite constructional details recommended
in the case of stone masonry are shown in figures


The function of termite shields, caps,
frames and masonry grooves is to
cause termites to build their entry
tunnels in positions where they can
be detected during regular or to her
inspections and so facilitate
appropriate control measures being
taken. It is stressed that to give
complete protection, regular and
periodical inspections of the barriers
are always necessary. The time
interval between inspections should
be determined by the local hazards.

• D


Termites are also known as white ants.
Termite proofing is the treatment given to a
building, to control or prevent the termite
growth in the building. The termites enter
into buildings through cracks, walls, pipes
and floor joints etc. Once termites developed
in the building area, it is very difficult and
costly to finish.
Methods of Termite Treatments:

1.Pre-construction treatments
2.Post-construction treatment

1975_Darshana Wagh
PRE CONSTRUCTION TREATMENT • Treatment of filling at plinth level:
• Site preparation: All the waste wood, grass, strumps, Prior to laying of sub-grade for
roots etc. lying buried or on the surface are to be ground floor, the top surface often
removed. consolidated earth filling should
• Treatment of excavated foundation trenches: be sprinkled with .5% of Aldrin/
• The bottom and sides of trenches up to a height of Heptachlor at the rate of 5 lit/m2.
about 300 mm should be treated by applying Treatment of soil along the
insecticide solution (i.e. 4 litres of water with .25% external periphery
to .5% of aldrin by weight or 0.25% to .5% of
Heptachlor by weight) at the rate 5 litres/m2 of the The solution of .5%
surface area. Aldring/Heptachlor can be
• Treatment of back-fill soil: injected @ 2.25 lit per metre by 12
• The back-fill used to fill the trenches after the mm diameter of 300 mm deep
masonry walls are constructed, should be treated holes at 150 mm c/c distances.
with .5% of aldrin or .5% of Heptachlor by might. If there is apron all along the
Solution should be applied on the vertical surface of
the foundation masonry at the rate of 7.5% lit/m2. If external wall, then the chemical
the foundation is made of R.C.C., the treatment solution laid on consolidated earth
should be started at a depth about 0.5 m below under the apron @ 5 lit/m2.
ground level and the solution in the back fill at the
rate of 7.5% lit/m2 of vertical surface to be given.

1975_Darshana Wagh

1975_Darshana Wagh
1975_Darshana Wagh
Soil treatment of foundation: – For this dig
a trench about .5 m deep all along the wall
drives 15 mm diameter holes in the trench
at 150 mm c/c. The holes are to be filled
with chemical solution. (.5% of aldrin/.5%
of Heptachlor) at the rate 7.5 lit/m2 of
vertical surface of the wall.
Soil treatment under floor:
All the joints/cracks of floor with walls, can
be treated by drilling 12 mm dia. Holes @
300 mm c/c all along joints and filled with
the chemical solution and then the face of
the holes to be sealed.
Treatment of voids in masonry:
Drill 12 mm f holes at 300 mm c/c and fill
with the solution.

1975_Darshana Wagh

1975_Darshana Wagh
1975_Darshana Wagh

1975_Darshana Wagh
• Liquid Chemical Barriers for subterranean termite
control work by killing or repelling termites before
they enter the structure. The termites are killed
before they enter the structure and/or killed upon
leaving the structure to return to their colony.
Repellent termite insecticides tend to repel termites
away from structures. Talstar Professional,
Prelude Termiticide / Insecticide andBifen are
examples of repellent chemicals. The repellency
factor of these liquid termite chemicals have specific
uses - primarily in preconstruction treatments (before
the structure is built) and in areas where fast control
of subterranean termites is desired.

1975_Darshana Wagh
Non-Repellent termite insecticides are chemicals
designed to be transparent to subterranean
termites. This non-repellency factor is a great
attribute in subterranean termite control.
"Imidachloprid“, “Hachikusan”, “Fipronyl”,
Non-repellent chemicals work best in spot
treatment applications because the termites are
killed instead of repelled to other non-treated
areas of the structure.A newer non-repellent
and also “GREEN” termiticide is called “Altriset”.

1975_Darshana Wagh
Termite proofing is the treatment given
to a building, to control or prevent the
termite growth in the building. The
termites enter into buildings through
cracks, walls, pipes and floor joints etc.
The subterranean termites are most
destructive and are mainly responsible
for the damage caused in buildings.

1963 anushree salunke


(i) To prevent the growth of termites, it is essential to use superior quality of

material and good workmanship.

(ii) The building site should be cleared off all old tree stumps and dead wood etc.

(iii) The wooden material like door frames etc. should properly be treated.

Properties Or uses of termite proofing

● To avoid attacks of termite on timber

● To stop growth of white ants on timber
● To reduce maintenance cost
● To increase life span Or durability of timber
1963 anushree salunke

Waterproofing is the application of impermeable layer on the surfaces

of foundations, walls, roofs and other parts of the building which may
be concrete, leather, fabric, etc. that provide a surface impermeable to
water, thereby preventing water ingress.
• Such objects or structures may be used in wet environments or
underwater to a specified depth.

1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale

Steps involved in waterproofing
Step 1: Surface Preparation
• Clean the surface thoroughly free from loose materials, dust, and
• Surface cleaning plays a very important role in all membrane
based waterproofing coating systems.
Step 2: Application of Primary Coat
• Apply a primary coat to prime the surface of the structure.
• Solvent-based or water-based primers are suitable for bitumen
Step 3: Unrolling the Membrane Sheets
• Checking for the correct alignment
• adjust the sheets wherever required and unrolls the sheets on the
surface of the structure.
• Additional care has to be taken for the overlaps,
• and angles to make sure proper bonding.

1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale

Step 4: Heating the Membranes
• Heat with the torch the burn off film
present at the underside face of the
• the membrane will ready for bonding
with the underlying concrete surface.
Step 5: Pressing the Membrane
• Press the membrane firmly ensuring
proper bonding with the surface of the

1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale

Precautions to be taken during waterproofing

1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale

Precautions to be taken during waterproofing

1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale

Waterproofing methods can be broadly classified into the following types:
• Traditional Waterproofing Methods
• Modern/New Waterproofing Methods
▪ Modern Waterproofing
▪ Traditional Waterproofing 1. Cement Based Waterproofing Method
1 Mud Phuska Terracing 2. Liquid Waterproofing Membrane Method
. Terracing With Brick Bat Coba 3. Bituminous Coating Waterproofing Method
4. Bituminous Surface Treatment:- 4. Bitumen Membrane Waterproofing
5. Waterproofing with Bitumen Felt Method
5. Polyurethane Liquid Membrane
Waterproofing Method
6. EPDM Waterproofing Material
7.Injection grouting waterproofing
1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale
▪ Traditional Waterproofing
1 Mud Phuska Terracing
Mud Phuska is a common type of waterproofing method used in
hot and arid regions the states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and other
regions where the rainfall is not heavy. It also acts as thermal
insulation for maintaining relatively comfortable temperature in
the interior.
• the surface is first cleared of dust and loose material.
• a layer of hot bitumen is spread over the surface.
• a layer of coarse sand is spread over the hot coat of bitumen.
• Usually soil used in brick making is used for Mud Phuska, which
will be cleared of all foreign matter like stones, grass roots, etc.
• Water is added in sufficient quantity to make it damp and
applied on the surface above the sand-bitumen layer.
• It is then plastered with a coat of mud-cow-dung mortar
• Tile bricks are laid flat on plastered surface with joints grouted.
• It is inexpensive
• provides relatively durable solution.
• it requires labour with special skill sets having knowledge and
experience of laying Mud Phuska 1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale
2 . Brick Bat Coba
Brick Bat Coba is another conventional method of waterproofing that
gives slope to terrace to drain away the water accumulated on terrace.
• Before applying Brick Bat Coba, the terrace surface need to be
cleansed off all foreign materials including waterproofing materials
• This is usually done by cleaning the surface with hard wired brush.
• Major need to be taken to fill all structural cracks as per standard
• a layer of brick bats, soaked overnight in water, is laid
• The gaps between the brick bats are filled with cement sand mortar,
admixed with water proofer.
• the surface should be covered with wet gunny bags and curing
should be continued for minimum seven days
• the cured surface is finished with cement sand mortar, admixed with
water proofer.
• . This method is usually adopted for waterproofing of terrace, roofs
and basements.
• This method puts unnecessary load on the roof.
• finding a skilled labor to do this type of waterproofing is difficult.
• Required skill labor

1928 vaishnnavi Kalidas ingale

3.Lime Surki Method
This method has been in use since time
immemorial. This treatment is, however,
most successful where temperature variation
is less since the lime concrete itself cracks
under wide temperature variations.
• Various proportion of brick
aggregate, Lime Surki and sand mixed to
make a lime concrete of thickness 75 to
100 mm,\
• which is rammed and subsequently
beaten with wooden thappies for three to
four days as it slowly sets.
• While beating the surface, it is freely
sprinkled with a mixture of gur and
boiled bael fruit in water.
• This method was popular with the Indian
Railways in the past.
1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale
4.Bitumen Felt
Hessian based tar felt is the most common
product for water proofing on the new Roofs.
• These felts use hessian as the barrier medium
for bitumen and bituminous Compound.
• There are different grades of bitumen felt and
these grades refer to minimum weight of
bitumen felt.
• short life of the bitumen felt is its main
disadvantage as the contents of a factory
finished felts are not viscous enough to retain
the shape and intended characteristics of
roofing felt
• . Hessian being organic in nature is subject to
decay within a short time,
• resulting in decrease in tensile strength and
life of tar felt. Further, defective lap joints
often allow leakage of water.

1928 vaishnavi Kalidas ingale

• simplest method of waterproofing, materials required are freely available,
easy to mix and apply.
• usually a rigid or semi-flexible type of waterproofings, hence used in interior
places such as toilets & areas not exposed to sunlight and weathering.
• the limitation and expansion process does not lead to a restricted waterfall.


• thin coating that contains a primer coat and topcoat used by a spray, roller or
• This gives extra flexibility as compare to the Cementitious waterproofing.
• The liquid is cured in a rubber coating on the wall and surface elongation
properties can reach 280%.
• The durability of a waterproofing coating depends on the type of manufacturer.
• can be sprayed with the liquid layer made from the polymer-modified asphalt.
• Polyurethane liquid membranes are also available in different grades for
trowels, rollers or sprays from various manufacturers.
1912-Yashashree Deshmukh
• used to manufacture waterproofing,
multipurpose protective coatings and
polymerization grades.
• Its flexibility and protectiveness against water
can be affected by polymer grades and
reinforcement of fibers also called asphalt
• common use of bituminous coatings are under
wet bolts, particularly on surfaces such as
concrete foundations.
• The bituminous coating waterproofing’s are
made up of bitumen fabricated material.
• It becomes very brittle when exposed to
sunlight until it is modified with flexible materials
such as polyurethane or acrylic-based
• The flexibility depends on the dependable
content of the polymer added to the bitumen. 1912-Yashashree Deshmukh
• a popular technique used for the low sloping roofs due to
their low efficiency and consists of a flashlight and a self-
adhesive membrane on the layer.
• Self-adhesive compounds include asphalt, polymers, and
filler; some resins and oils are added to improve the
adhesion characteristics.
• The self-adhesive type has a shorter shelf life because of
the bonding properties of membrane life over time.
• The flashlight on the membrane is exposed and covered.
• Exposed membranes contain granular mineral aggregates
to withstand the weathering and other parts requires the
contractor to apply protective screws to prevent perforation
of the membrane.
• This method is the coating of a flexible asphalt layer & has
two methods: one is the torch seal and the other is self-
adhesive waterproofing membrane.
• The torch seal is used for podiums, outdoor development
and works on site, this is a prevalent method used for on-
site waterproofings.
1912-Yashashree Deshmukh
• It is a more durable and cost-effective method than self-
• used for flat roofs, which is exposed to weathering and
has high ductility.
• Polyurethane is very sensitive to moisture content,
should be used in evaluating moisture before
• Otherwise membrane peeling or de-bonding may
occur after some time.


• A low viscous injection resin for
water proofing application in small
to medium infiltration.
• It can be used in bricks, concrete
and other structures like the
basement, tunnels, etc.
1912-Yashashree Deshmukh
• It is a synthetic rubber single
layer flexible membrane,
durable in cold and hot

1912-Yashashree Deshmukh
• Water absorption can be decreased.
• Prevents the formation of cracks on the concrete floor.
• The appliance is easy.
• It will increase the lifetime of a solid construction.
• It prevents corrosion of reinforcement.
• Also, prevents dampness inside the building.
• It prevents seepages from the ceiling and walls.
• This reduces the maintenance coast of the building.
• The property value can be increased.
• It supplies a healthy environment, good waterproofing system helps
in making a clear living workspace.
• It protects the property as well as the people present therein.
1912-Yashashree Deshmukh

Bitumen-based products soften in summer heat

because of the black color & has restricted life due to
solvent evaporation.
The polyurethane protective coating shouldn’t be very
Polyurethane protective coating delays the natural
breathing capability of concrete.
The polyurethane protective coating has a restricted
pot life, the impermeable floor coating permits water
to form below the floor coating.
Cementation waterproofing is the inability to maintain
the cracks, which causes further leakage. 1912-Yashashree Deshmukh


• Clean the surface of the sloping terrace.
• Apply a thick cement slurry over the surface of the slab.
• Apply 1:1.5:3 screen coat.
• Cure this coat for 7 days by putting wet ginny bags on it.
• Over this coat, apply a finishing coat with cement sand mortar 1:4
and water proofing compound as per design.
• Make an edge between the parapet and the sloping roof on the
second day.
• Cure this water proofing for 15 days with gunny bags spread over
• Constant watering is required on a sloping slab.


• Clean the top of the chajja and chisel
extra mortar, if any.
• Apply a thick cement slurry over the top
pf the chajja.
• Apply 1:1.5:3 screen coat.
• Make rounding at the junction of chajja
and wall of the building.
• Cure this coat for seven days
• Apply a finishing coat with cement
mortar 1:4 with water proofing
• Cure the water proofing for atleast 7
days. 1925 SNEHA GUSINGE
• Chisel the extra concrete in
the tank, particularly in the
corners around the chambers.
• Clean the entire tank, along
with the bottom slab and side
walls and throw away debris.
• Allow the cement slurry to
penetrate all holes, cracks of
bottom slab.
• Check the hacking of vertical
walls from inside for better
bonding with water proofing
• Check the inlet, outlet and washout pipes for their rigidity. If the pipes
are not rigid, grout them to achieve the desired fixity. Before grouting,
check the levels of these pipes and if necessary correct them by
shifting the pipes accordingly.
• Apply water proofing paster in cement mortar 1:4, by adding water
proofing compound.
• Apply 15-20mm thick over this plaster, particularly on the corners and
base for avoiding shrinkage and to achieve better strength.
• The bottom of the top slab does not require water proofing.
• The top of the overhead water tank is to be finished with brick bar, as
mentioned for terrace water proofing.
• Allow the water proofing to set for atleast 23 hr.
• Cure this water proofing for a minimum of 15 days.
Toilets, balconies and utilities areas are the most prone areas to
water leakage issues and need full attention while being build
and waterproofed.
Step-1: Surface Preparation
The first step would be surface preparation to receive
waterproof built up, slab sunk surface should be cleaned to
remove dirt, dust, laitance, soft mortar and all loosely adhered
Step-2: Testing The Substrate - Water Ponding Test
For best results, It is always advisable to check the condition of
Concrete slab as it’s the substrate for receiving waterproofing
built up.

The cleaned concrete surface is subjected to water ponding by

allowing water to stand (for 48 hrs) on the prepared area. The
surface is inspected for any leakages, dampness, dripping, if the
same is observed it need to be rectified by crack filling the
visible cracks on slab and Injection Grouting as per the
procedure explained in Step 3. MUSKAN SHIKALGAR 1967
Step 3: Strengthening The Substrate - Crack Repair And
Visible cracks to be sealed by creating “V” groove, making
the inside of the crack bigger (< ¼ “) than it are at the
surface, this helps the repair material (non- shrink repair
grout) bond with the crack.

Filling the Cracks - Strengthening Substrate

Fig: Crack sealing after making a V-Groove

Followed by attending cracks, Injection grouting is done using

injection grout pump with a non- shrink cement grout at
leakage points or at well distributed points (grid of 2’X2’) this
makes the substrate concrete slab less porous.
Step-4: Water Proof Built-Up
A. Plumbing / Pipe Insertions
All Pipe inserts must be installed prior to the application of
waterproofing system on the sunken slab. The opening on
punctured walls around the pipes should be packed using
with a mix of Cement:Sand (1:3) mix with Styrene Butadiene
Bonding emulsion, at least 48 hours prior to application of
waterproofing. MUSKAN SHIKALGAR 1967
Providing and Laying of Slurry for First Layer
B. Application Of Base Coat The consistency of the slurry should be such as to cover the desired area
Applying a coat of cement slurry with waterproofing compound (proportion by
as per manufacturer). The coat has to be extended on the masonry wall using 0.488 kg of blended cement per sqm of area. On deciding the
atleast 2’ above sunk (this will protect common wall against dampness due to correct
capillary action). quantity of water required per sqm. area the required quantity of slurry
Apply another coat of cement slurry with waterproofing compound (second be prepared which can be applied over the desired surface within half an
coat) after 06 hrs of first coat. hour
of mixing with 0.488 kg. of grey cement + 0.253 kg. water proofing
Protect the base coat with 1/2” thick mortar (1:4, admixed with compound
waterproofing compound) to protect the base coat against any puncture as per manufacturer specifications + x litres of water per sqm. area and
while building successive layers the
required quantity of slurry thus prepared should only be used for first
Once the base coat is protected, the layer should be tested for any leakage by application. The first layer shall be applied with painting brushes over the
water ponding test for 72 hrs. specified and dampened area carefully including the corners, holes on the
surfaces and joints of pipes in concrete etc. and the application should
If no leakages are observed, then you can proceed with sunk filling by brick continue at least upto 150 mm height of fixtures of pipes from the
bat. Incase leakage is observed, the entire base coat has to redone. surface. The
surface on application shall be air cured for 4 hours


C. Brick Bat Coba Layer
Brick bat layer serve as economical sunk filler as they are
available easily at any site and also light weight in
comparison to concrete.

Please note they directly don’t contribute to waterproofing.

Brick bats can be replaced by AAC (Autoclaved Aerated

cement) block bats, foam concrete or EPS (Expanded
polystyrene) Concrete.

Laying of sound brick bat coba (~100mm thk.) at required

gradients, slope between ¼” to ½” per feet. Proper gap
should be maintained between the brick bat not more than
10mm to 15mm with staggered joints.

E. Filling Joints Between Brick Bat Coba

Fill joints with CM 1:4 along with water proofing compound
(dosage as per manufactures). Perform curing for 03 day.
D. Finishing Of Corners And Vertical Stands
The corners and vertical up stands (2’ above sunk) are
finished with CM 1:1 (12 mm thick) admixed with water
proofing compound (dosage as per manufactures).

E. Finishing Brick Bat Coba

Finish brick bat coba with joint less water proofing screed
(Cement:Sand Mortar of 1:3) admixed with water proofing
compound (dosage as per manufacture’s recommendation).
The surface has to be finished smooth and checked for slope
check. Also ensure proper finishing around Nani

F. Check For Leakages (Water Ponding Test)

Go for water ponding test (procedure as explained earlier)
and check for any leakages


Tips For Waterproofing (Points To Be Remembered)
Never miss the waterproofing of vertical wall upto 2’
height above the sunk portion

Always check and strengthen the substrate concrete slab

(receiving the waterproofing buildup)

Do water ponding tests at various stages to determine any

damages in the waterproofing course during the buildup
All plumbing inserts and drainage pipes are to be checked
for joint leakages

All plumbing lines (concealed) are to be checked for joint

leakage and pressure rating


Uses of waterproofing
• Waterproofing is a method which prevents water from penetrating your house.
• Waterproofing is very important as it helps keep your house dry.
• It helps reduce humidity inside the house and thereby protects things inside your house from
damage caused due to humidity or water exposure.
• It is also important for the veracity of the building.
Variety of options
• Depending on the level of water damage or owner preference, waterproofing systems can be
installed indoors or outdoors. There are also DIY (Do it yourself) options available if you don’t
want to spent extra for hiring a contractor.
• Waterproofing increases your house’s value.
• This system prevents unwanted moisture from seeping into your walls, thereby allowing mold
to grow. Mold can impact our health in a negative way. It also prevents damage caused due to
water seepage which can ruin the structural integrity of your home.
• Moisture also causes metals to rust and wood to decay. As you know unhealthy living areas and
weak foundations will affect the property value of your house.
• waterproofing systems can open up the basement area and thereby increase the utility of your
home’s square footage.
1970-pornima suryawanshi
Cement based waterproofing is used in the following structures:
● Water treatment plants.
● Sewage Treatment Plants.
● Bridges.
● Dams.
● Railway and metro systems.
● Sea cargo port and docks.
● River locks / canals and concrete dykes. Sewage treatment plants
● Parking structures.

Parking 1970-pornima suryawanshi

Damp proofing

• Presence of hydroscopic or gravitational
• Reduce strength and unhygienic condition.
• The existance of dampness in building is
one of the most damaging failures that can
happen in building.
• Damp proofing : A provision to prevent the

entry of moisture in the building.

Kshitija Pargaonkar
• Causes of dampness • Effects of dampness
• Breeding of mosquito.
• Moisture rising up the walls from • Moisture cause unsighting patches,
groun softening of plaster.
• Rain travel from wall tops. • May cause
• Rain beating against wall. efflorescence,disintegration of bricks
• Poor drainage at the building site. and stone
• Defective construction. • Cause rusting and corrosion of metal
• Floor coverings are damaged.

Kshitija Pargaonkar
Methods of damp proofing
• Integral Damp Proofing.
• Membrane Damp Proofing.
• Surface Treatment Of Damp Proofing.
• Cavity wall Damp Proofing.
• Guniting.
• Pressure Grouting.

Kshitija Pargaonkar
Integral Damp Proofing
• Addition of certain component to concrete or
• Integral Damp Proofing in concrete involves
adding material to the concrete mix to make
the concrete it self impermeable
• Some patented components are available in
market such as
pudlo,impermo,snowsem,cico,Dr. Fixit

Kshitija Pargaonkar
Membrane Damp Proofing
• It consist of provision of certain layer or
mambrane of water repellant material
between sourses of dampness and
• Damp proof course
• Materialused such as Bitumen,Mastic
Asphalt,Tar, Polythene Sheets etc.
• Depending upon orientation of
component it may be
providhorizontallyand and vertically in
floors and wall. Kshitija Pargaonkar
Surface Treatment Of Damp Proofing
• External or Internal
• External treatment consist of painting of joints in brick.
• The inner walls are plaster.
• Paints,Waxes,Oils, Soaps, and delicate materials are applied on
surface treatment against dampness.

Kshitija Pargaonkar
Cavity wall construction
• Cavity wall consist of two parallel separated by contineous cavity
in the wall effectively prevents the transmissionof dampness from
inner wall yo external wall.

• Cavity wall offers.

Kshitija Pargaonkar
• This consist of depositing layer of rich
cement motar by pressure to the
exposed surface of wall.
• Cement mortar is 1:3 cement sand mix.
• Mortar is shot on clean surface with
cement gun under 2 - 3 kg /m2
• Nozzel of machine kept at distance
about 70-90 cm from wall.
• Curing of mortar is done for 10 days.
Kshitija Pargaonkar
Pressure Grouting
• In this method cement grount is filled in cracks, voids in
the structure by pressure.
• Foundationof buildings are subjected to Grouting to make
water penetration resistant.
• This method is effective to control entry of ground water
through foundatio.

Kshitija Pargaonkar
Material used for DPC -
Following are the requirements of an ideal material for damp-
• The material should be durable.
• The material should be dimensionally stable.
• The material should be reasonably cheap. The material should be free
from sulfates, chlorides, and nitrates.
• The material should be such that it remains steady and does not allow
any movement itself.
• The material should be perfectly impervious.
• The material should be capable of resisting safely the loads coming on
• The material should be flexible so that it can adjust the structural
movements without any fracture.

1909. Prerna Dalvi

Classification of material -
The materials commonly used to check dampness can be divided
into the following four categories
a) Flexible material
Material like bitumen felts (which may be Hessian
based or fibre/glass fibre based), plastic sheeting
(polythene sheet) etc
b) Semi rigid materials
Materials like mastic asphalts or combination of
materials or layers.
c) Rigid materials
Materials like first class bricks, stones, slates, cement
concrete etc
d) Grout materials
Grout consists of cement slurry and acrylic based
chemical or polymers. 1909. Prerna Dalvi
Hot Bitumen -
• This is a flexible material.
• Placed on the bedding of concrete or mortar.
• This material should be applied with a
minimum thickness of 3 mm.

Mastic Asphalt -
• Semi rigid material.
• It forms an excellent impervious layer for damp proofing.
• The good asphalt is very durable and completely
impervious material.
• It can withstand only very slight distortion.
• It is liable to squeeze out in hot climates or under very
heavy pressure.
• It should be laid by experienced men of the specially
firms. 1909. Prerna Dalvi
Bituminous felts -
• Flexible material.
• It is easy to lay.
• Available in rolls of normal wall width.
• It is laid on a layer of cement mortar.
• An overlap of 100 mm is provided at the
joints and full overlap is provided at all
• The laps may be sealed with
bituminous if necessary.
• It can accommodate slight movement.
• Liable to squeeze out under heavy
• It offers little resistance to sliding.
1909. Prerna Dalvi
Metal Sheets -
• Sheets of lead, copper, aluminum is used as DPC.
• Lead sheets are flexible and thickness should be more
than 20kg/m².
• They are laid similar as bitaminous felt.
• Copper sheets are of 3mm thick.
• Embedded in lime or cement mirror.
• High durability.
• Resistance to dampness.
• Aluminium sheets are used with protective layer of
• Impervious to moisture.
• Does not squeeze out under ordinary pressure.
• It resists ordinary atmospheric corrosion.
1909. Prerna Dalvi
Combination of Sheets and
Bituminous Felt -
• A lead foil is sandwiched between asphalt and bituminous
• Therefore can effectively used as DPC.
• This is known as the lead core and it is found to be
economical, durable and efficient.
Bricks -
• Special bricks having water absorption less then 4.5% of
their weight is used as DPC in location when dampness is
not expensive.
• The joints are kept open such bricks are widely used when
damp proofing course is to be inserted in an existing wall.
1909. Prerna Dalvi
Stones -
• Dense and sound stones such as
granite, slates etc laid in cement
mortar with vertical breaking joint
can work as an effective DPC.
• The stones should extend for full
width a damp proofing course.
• The stones should extend for full
width of wall.
• Stones can be fixed, as in case of
roof surfaces, on the exposed face
of wall etc.
1909. Prerna Dalvi
Mortar -
• Cement mortar (1:3) is used as bedding layer for housing other DPC
• Water proof mortar can be prepared by mixing one part of cement 2
part of sand and pulverized alum at the rate of 120N/m² of sand.
• Some patented water proofing materials such as pudlo, video,
dempro, etc may be added to the cement mortar.

1909. Prerna Dalvi

Cement Concrete -
• A cement concrete layer in proportional 1:2:4 is generally
provided at the plinth level to work as a DPC.
• The depth of cement concrete layer varies from 40 mm to
150 mm.
• It stop the rise of water by capillary action.
• It found to be effective at places where the damp is not

Plastic Sheets -
• This is relatively new type of DPC material.
• made up from black polythene
• 0.5 to 1mm thick is usual walling width.
• Roll length of 30m the treatment is cheaper.
• Not permanent. 1909. Prerna Dalvi
• The reduction of heat transfer( between objects
of differing temperature) between objects in
thermal contact or in range of radiative influence
• Thermal insulation, materials used to reduce the
rate of heat transfer
• Heat transfer: from warm to cool
• In winter: energy must be used to maintain a
comfortable temperature. Without proper
insulation heat is lost to the colder outside air
• In summer: temperature is usually higher
outside than inside, the building interior must be
cooled to keep it comfortable
Simran Pardeshi
1. Method of heat insulating the roofs
2. Heat insulating the exposed walls
3. Insulation of exposed windows, doors, ventilators
• In case of installing the heat resisting material it can be placed
above the waterproof course
• In case of internal application the material may be fixed with
adhesive, on the underside of roofs within the rooms
• Shining and reflective insulation material maybe installed or laid
on the top of the roof
• Flat roof may be kept cool by flooded water either by storing or
• White washing of the roof before each summer also helps in
heat insulation
• Sustainable shading device on the exposed surface also reduce Simran Pardeshi
the surface temperature 1950
• The thickness of wall may be increased
depending upon the extent of insulation
• Hollow or cavity wall construction may be
• For partition wall, the air space may be
adopted by fixing the sheathing of hard
boards or battens on either side of the wall
• The wall may be constructed out of
suitable heat insulating material, provide
structure requirements are met like cement
concrete, fiber glass and stone, granite,
timber and other which should have
thermal resistivity and low thermal
Simran Pardeshi

Reduction of incidence of solar heat:

by use of external and internal shading
Reduction of heat transmission: where
glazed doors and windows are
provided, may be achieved by
insulating glass or double glaze with
air gap in between or by any other
suitable means

Simran Pardeshi
Advantages of Thermal insulation
1. Thermal Comfort Condition
Thermal-insulated rooms and buildings stay warm in winter and cool in summer,
providing comfort in all seasons.
2. Reduced Heating Costs
A thermally insulated place means the thermal losses are less and therefore the need
for the heating to be on is smaller and thus the consumption of the fuel is smaller too.
45-60% of the energy can be saved by the application of proper thermal insulation.
3. Rid of grey Spot Created Due To Condensation
The phenomenon of vapor touching cold wall surfaces and then condensing is avoided
since the temperature in the building doesn't fall below the critical condensation point.
4. reduced possibility for moisture present inside the building elements
When a wall is not insulated and thus cold, vapor may liquidate in its interior causing
severe damage to its overall strength. This can be avoided by insulation.

1948 Apeksha Palse

5. protection of the elements of the building envelope from the intense thermal
Due to thermal stresses, roof decks tend to crack. Thermal insulation, therefore, helps
to reduce the dead weight on the roof slab and to prevent roof cracking.
6. Reduced cost for heating or air-conditioning
Thermal insulation enables the use of a smaller, more efficient and cheaper heating
system since the thermal losses are sizably smaller too.
7. environmental protection
Less fuel leads to less pollution for the environment. It has been calculated that the
emitted CO2 gases for the heating of an insulated building are as much as 45% less
than the ones emitted from a not insulated building.
8. sound insulation achieved when using fibrous insulation material
fibrous insulation materials like glass wool or stone wool improve the sound insulation
of the building elements.
9. Fire resistant
Safety from fire can be assured in insulated building.

1948 Apeksha Palse

ECBC Standards

1948 Apeksha Palse

Insulation materials
⮚ Inorganic materials
• Fibrous materials – glass, rock, slag wool
• Cellular materials – calcium silicate, bonded perlite, vermiculite and
ceramic products

⮚ Organic materials
• Fibrous materials – cellulose, cotton, wood, pulp, cane, synthetic fibers
• Cellular materials – cork, foamed rubber, polystyrene, polyethylene,
polyurethane, polymers

1948 Apeksha Palse

Inorganic materials
1. Fiberglass
Fiberglass is the most common insulation used in modern times,
Because of how it is made, by effectively weaving fine strands of glass
into an insulation material. Fiberglass is danger for handling since it is
made out of finely woven silicon, glass powder and tiny shards of glass
are formed.
It is non flammable and cheap insulating material.
R-values ranges from R-2.9 to R-3.8 per inch.
2. Mineral wool
• glass wool - fiberglass manufactured from recycled glass.
• rock wool - type of insulation made from basalt.
• slag wool - produced from the slag from steel mills.
Mineral wool can be purchased in bats or as a loose material.
Glass wool has long fibers, it has high elasticity and high tensile
strength. It is an incombustible material. Handling it is safe.
Mineral wool has an R-value ranging from R-2.8 to R-3.5. 1948 Apeksha Palse
Organic materials
Cellulose is made from recycled cardboard, paper, and other
similar materials and comes in loose form.
It is ecofriendly and good resistant to fire. But it needs skilled
labor is required for installation.

Methods for installing cellulose insulation -

1. Loose fill – manually pouring in place or blowing in place,
insulation into wall or ceiling cavities.
2. Spray on – pneumatic application of cellulose materials that
are impregnated with adhesive material to the exposed interior
horizontal and vertical surfaces of walls and ceiling.
3. Board stock – cellulosic materials compressed and formed
into rigid boards or panels.
Cellulose has an R-value between R-3.1 and R-3.7.
1948 Apeksha Palse
2. Polystyrene
Polystyrene is a waterproof thermoplastic foam which is an excellent
sound and temperature insulation material.
two types 1. expanded (EPS) 2. extruded (XEPS)
Also known as Styrofoam. The two types differ in performance ratings
and cost. Typically the foam is created or cut into blocks, ideal for wall
insulation. The foam is flammable and needs to be coated in a
The more costly XEPS has a R-value of R-5.5 while EPS is R-4.

3. Polyurethane foams
Polyurethane foams are an excellent form of insulation. Nowadays,
polyurethane foams use non-chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gas for use as a
blowing agent. This helps to decrease the amount of damage to the
ozone layer.
They are lightweight, fire resistant and have low density.
They have an R-value of approximately R-6.3 per inch of thickness.

1948 Apeksha Palse

Selection criteria
1. Thermal performance 4. Building codes requirements
• high r value 5. Durability
• Material thickness • R-value change over time
• Material density • Water and moisture effects
• Operating temperature range • Strength
• Thermal storage • Chemical agents
2. Cost 6. Acoustical performance
• Cost of insulation • Sound absorption
• Labor cost 7. Air tightness
3. Ease of construction 8.Environmental impact
• Workmanship 9.availability
• Speed
• maintenance / replacement

1948 Apeksha Palse

Thermal insulation Application
The application requirements of most building envelope thermal insulation
products include appropriate detailed design, good workmanship and
appropriate product selection, handling and installation methods.
It is crucial to identify suitable locations to include thermal insulation.The key
locations are:
Roof: to insulate with rigid boards or
quilt between or under rafter or joist
Roof space (in temperate regions):
to provide ceiling with rigid
insulation-backed plaster boards.
1958 Priyanka Pawar
Solid masonry or concrete walls: to
insulate on the external with rigid
boards then covered with water-
resistant cladding materials; and to
provide internal lining with rigid
insulation-backed plaster boards.

Cavity walls: to inject with loose-fill

fibre; and to provide internal lining with
rigid insulation-backed plaster boards.
1958 Priyanka Pawar
Concrete floor (in temperate regions): to
insulate with rigid board under new screed
and floor finish.

Raised timber floor (in temperate regions):

to insulate with rigid board or quilt
between or under floor joists.

1958 Priyanka Pawar


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