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Settlement Analysis

• Settlement of foundation base is mainly due
to two types of straining of the underlying
supporting material (soil)

• 1) Elastic Distortion (Sd)

• 2) Volume Change (Compression) (Sv)

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S=sd+ sv


FBD Soil element
• Problem due to settlement
Damage due to foundation

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Damage due to foundation settlements:

Damage due to foundation settlements:


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Techniques to reduced
differential Settlement
Permissible or
Allowable Settlement :-

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Maximum Allowable Settlement
Footing on Sand ~ 25 mm
▪ this makes it likely that any differential
settlement between footings will be less
than 25 mm
Raft on Sand ~ 50 mm
▪ corresponds to differential settlement
between footings less than 20 mm
Sand & hard Plastic clay

Max.Settle. Diff.Settl Angular Max.Settle Diff. Angular

distortion Settle. distortion

i) steel struct 50mm 0.0033L 1/300 50mm 0.0033L 1/300
ii) RCC struct 50mm 0.0015L 1/666 75mm 0.0015L 1/666
i) steel struct 75mm 0.0033L 1/300 100mm 0.0033L 1/300
ii) Rcc struct. 75mm 0.002L 1/500 100mm 0.002L 1/500

Theoretically, no damage is done to the superstructure

if the soil settles uniformly.
However, settlements exceeding 150mm may cause
trouble to utilities such as water pipe lines, sewers,
telephone lines & also is access from streets. 17
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Causes of Settlement

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Causes of Settlement

1. Static Load (Creep)

2. Dynamic Load (pile driving,earthquake)
3. Lowering of water table.(dewatering, stress increament)
4. Neighboring Construction
5. Others
. Flooding to cause collapse of structure

.Underground erosion.
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Dynamic Load (Pile driving process)

(Pile driving)
Stress increment
Soil Erosion
1-Weak Bearing Soils

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2-Poor Compaction

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3-Changes in Moisture Content

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• Types of Settlement
Immediate settlement (Si)

Immediate Settlement: Occurs immediately after the construction.

This is computed using elasticity theory (Important for Granular soil)

Primary Consolidation: Due to gradual dissipation of pore pressure

induced by external loading and consequently expulsion of water
from the soil mass, hence volume change. (Important for Inorganic

Secondary Consolidation: Occurs at constant effective stress with

volume change due to rearrangement of particles. (Important for
Organic soils)
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Settlement of foundation :

Settlement of foundation can be classified as-

1.Elastic settlement (Si): Elastic or immediate settlement takes place during or immediately after the construction of the structure. It is also known as the distortion settlement as it is due to distortions within
foundation soil.

2. Consolidation settlement (Sc): Consolidation settlement occurs due to gradual expulsion of water from the voids at the soil. It is determined using Terzaghi's theory of consolidation.

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• 3. Secondary consolidation settlement (Ss):
The settlement occurs after completion of
the primary consolidation.
• The secondary consolidation is non-
significant for inorganic soils.
• Thus,
Total settlement (s) = Si+ Sc + Ss

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By: Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D., P.E.

Consolidation Settlement (Time Dependent Settlement)

* SConsolidation = Sprimary + Ssecondary

Primary Consolidation Volume change is due to reduction in pore water pressure

Secondary Consolidation Volume change is due to the rearrangement of the soil

(No pore water pressure
change, Δu = 0, occurs after the primary consolidation)

Water Table (W.T.)

When the water in the
voids starts to flow out of
Expulsion of Water the soil matrix due to
the water
consolidation of the clay
layer. Consequently, the
excess pore water
Voids pressure (Δu) will reduce,
and the void ratio (e) of the
soil matrix will reduce too.
• Basic Concept
1)Pressure bulb

2)Contact Pressure

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Contact Pressure

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Is the Assumption Realistic ?

In the conventional design of footings, the soil pressure is assumed to be

uniform or linearly varying depending upon whether the foundation
supports symmetric or eccentric loading
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Contact Pressure
• Contact pressure is the actual pressure
transmitted from the foundation to the soil
• (which acts at and perpendicular to the contact area
between the footing and the soil.)
• The contact Pressure distribution is depend
upon the :

• Flexural Rigidity of Footing (Type of footing)

• Elastic properties of soil (Type of soil)
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• Flexural Rigidity of Footing Flexible

Type of soil Cohesive soil

Noncohesive soil
Flexible Footing

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Contact pressure and settlement profile
• For Flexible Footing :
The distribution of contact pressure is
Uniform for any type of soil.(but
settlement profile is different)

• For Rigid Footing:

The contact pressure distribution is
depend upon type of soil.(but settlement
profile is uniform)
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Flexible Footing (Contact pressure is
Uniform but not settlement)
Noncohesive soil Cohesive soil


Settlement profile

Contact Pressure

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pushed outward

⮚ There is a lack of lateral confinement on the edge of the

foundation at the ground surface.
⮚ The sand at the edge of a flexible foundation is pushed outward,
and the deflection curve of the foundation takes a concave
downward shape. The edges of the foundation will undergo a
larger settlement than the center.
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Actual Contact Pressure Distribution for Flexible Footing In Clayey soil

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Rigid Footing (settlement is uniform but
contact pressure is not)
Noncohesive soil Cohesive soil

Settlement profile

Contact Pressure

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Actual Contact Pressure Distribution for Rigid
Footing In Sandy soil

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Actual Contact Pressure Distribution for Rigid Footing In Clayey

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• Elastic or Immediate
settlement (Si)
Simplified Approach
q0 intensity of pressure
Strain in vertical direction(ez)
ez = δB/B
δB (Si) = ez x B

B ez = 1/E [σz-μ (σx+σy)]

ez = 1/E [σz-μ (2σx)]

k = σx/σz ,, σx = k x σz
Pressure bulb of Cube
K is generally 0.5
(BXBXB) σx = ½ x σz
ez = 1/E [σz-μ (2x ½.σz )]
ez = σz/E [1- μ]
Pressure bulb

q0 intensity of pressure

B Pressure bulb of Cube


• ez = σz/E [1- μ] ;;;; ez = δB/B
δB/B = σz/E [1- μ]
δB = q0XB/E [1- μ]
Si ; q0XB/E [1- μ]

• q0 intensity of pressure or σz
• B width of foundation
• E and μ elastic properties of soil modulus of
elasticity and poissions ratio
• The above equation does not considered
the effect of shape of foundation also the
depth of pressure bulb is generally 1.5
times the width of foundation.
• Hence the corrected formula for Elastic
or Immediate settlement is given
Elastic settlement of foundation :
According to schleicher, the vertical settlement under uniformly distributed flexible area is,

Si = q0 B x (1- μ2)/E x Is
q0 -uniformly distributed load (Vertical stress)
B - Width of footing,
Es - modulus of elasticity of the soil.

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• μ - poisson's ratio.

Is - shape influence factor which dependent

upon elastic properties of base & shape at base.

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Shape Influence factor

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Problem on Elastic or Immediate settelment

• A Square footing of 2.5m width, subjected to a

pressure intensity of 20 kN/sq.m. The soil
properties Es ; 2000kN/sq.m and μ is 0.4.
Calculate the immediate settlement by approx.
and accurate method.
• Solu.
• APPROX Si = q0XB/E [1- μ]
• Si= 20x2.5/20000 x[1-0.4)
• = 0.0416m = 4.16mm
• Si= q0 Xb/Es (1-u2)x If
• = 200x2.5/2000 (1-o.42)x 1.0
• S1= 0.021m
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Consolidation settlement process

(Spring Analogy Technique)

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By: Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D., P.E.

Consolidation Settlement (Time Dependent Settlement)

*SConsolidation = Sprimary + Ssecondary

Primary Consolidation Volume change is due to reduction in pore water pressure

Secondary Consolidation Volume change is due to the rearrangement of the soil

(No pore water pressure
change, Δu = 0, occurs after the primary consolidation)

Water Table (W.T.)

When the water in the
voids starts to flow out of
Expulsion of Water the soil matrix due to
the water
consolidation of the clay
layer. Consequently, the
excess pore water
Voids pressure (Δu) will reduce,
and the void ratio (e) of the
soil matrix will reduce too.
• The consolidation process is demonstrated by
Terzaghi , Instruments Used;
• Spring
• Mass or Piston
• Water cylinder with value
Consolidation of Clay Soils
• Spring analogy :

Consolidation is explained with an idealized system composed

of a spring, a container with a hole in its cover, and water. In
this system, the spring represents the compressibility of the
soil, and the water which fills the container represents the
pore water in the soil.

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1. The container is filled with water, and the hole is closed.
(Fully saturated soil)
2. A load is applied onto the cover, while the hole is still
unopened. At this stage, only the water resists the applied
load. (Development of excessive internal pore pressure)
3. When hole is opened, water starts to drain out through the
hole and the spring shortens. (Loss of excessive pore water)
4. After some time, the drainage of water no longer occurs.
Now, the spring alone resists the applied load. (Full
dissipation of excessive pore water pressure. End of
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Spring Analogy
• 10kg 10 + 10kg

z1 6= 6eff+u
6= 20 +0

20kg 20kg
10kg Valve open

z z z1
Spring Analogy

Total stress= spring (soil) + water

6 = 6eff + u

10=10+0 20=10+10 20= 20+0

20kg 20kg
10kg Valve open

z z z1
• First of all the pressure increment is
taken by water
• As soon as the water will escape through
voids the pressure is gradually transfer
from water to soil and settlement will
• Complete removal of water consolidation
• Important
e ; Vv/Vs
• In saturated clay soil if pressure (Load) is
applied gradually settlement is occurred
• [ because Void ratio (e) is decreased].

• If Stress(6) increased ;;; Void ratio (e)

• Graph 6 Vs e
Graph 6 Vs e
1) Coefficient of compressibility ( av) : is
defined as decrease in void ratio per unit
increase in effective stress
av = -de/dσ = -Δe/ Δσ ( slope of e -
σ curve units – m 2/KN )
av;; e0-e1/60-61
Coefficient of volume change ( mv) : is defined as the volumetric strain per unit increase in effective stress.
mv = - (Δv / v o)/ Δσ in which, mv= ev/6

vo – initial volume,
Δv – change in volume
Δ σ - change in effective stress

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Aftre consolidation
Before consolidation
Δe e,, Vv/1
1+ eo
Vs=1 solid

a) b) for one dimension, Δv = ΔH

mv = - (ΔH / Ho) / Δσ
mv = -(Δe / 1+ eo)/ Δ σ

also mv = av / (1+ eo )
in which, eo- initial void ratio.
Δe - change in void ratio.
Ho - initial thickness.
ΔH – Prof.
change in thickness.
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3) Compression index ( Cc) :- is equal to the slope of the linear portion of the void ratio versus log σ plot.
Cc = - Δ e/ log 10 (σ 1) / σ0
Cc = - Δ e/ log 10 (σ 0 + Δ σ) / σ0

in which, σ0 = initial effective stress.

Δσ - change in effective stress.

Empirical relationship after Terzaghi & Peck;

for undisturbed soils Cc = 0.009 ( W L- 10 )

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3) void ratio – log σ plot

Slope= e0-e1/ log 10 (61/60)

Cc = eo-e1/log10 ( 60+Δ6/60)

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• Coefficient of compressibility ( av) :
slope of e Vs 6 curve

• Compression index ( Cc):

• slope of e Vs log10 6 curve
• 1) Magnitude of Consolidation
settlement (Sc)

• 2) Settlement rate (t)

• Magnitude of
Consolidation settlement
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Pressure Increment


Clayey layer
• Calculate the magnitude of consolidation
settlement at the Middle of the Clay layer.
• If thickness of Clayey layer is H0 then at H0/2

• More correct method is to find out top,middle

and bottom level of clayey layer thickness and
then by
• Sc= 1/6 [St + 4 Sm+ Sb]
• Clay layer of Initial thickness of (H0) located at
depth z below the base of footing.
Before coming Proposed footing (Δ6),
The clayey layer properties are
• Ho – initial Thickness ,, e0- initial Void ratio
• 60– Initial stress (Overburden press.= Y.z)
After construction of Footing [(Pressure
increment (Δ6)]
• ΔH- consolidation settlement, e1- Final void
ratio, 61– Final stress (60+ Δ6)
Magnitude of Consolidation settlement (Sc)

• SC= Ho/1+e0 Cc log 10 ( 61/60)

• Sc= Ho/1+e0 Cc log 10 ( 60 + Δ 6/60)

• 60= initial stress ; 61= final stress

• Δ 6= pressure increment due to construction
• Cc= compression index (Cc = 0.009 ( W L- 10 )
• H0, e0 = initial thickness and void ratio of clayey
• ΔH / Ho= Δe/1+e0
• ΔH = H0 (e0-e1)/1+e0
• Sc= H0/1+e0 Cc log 10 (σ0+ Δ6) / σ0

• Cc = e0-e1/ log 10 (σ 1) / σ0
• e0-e1= Cc log 10 (σ 1) / σ0
• From the ground surface the clayey layer is located at
10m depth having thickness of 2.0m . The clay layer is
enclosed by sandy layer. The water table is located at
5.0m from Ground surface .The initial void ratio eo of the
clay layer is 1.10 and the LL is 55% and Ysub is 12.5 kn/m3.
unit weight of the sand above the groundwater table =
18.7 kN/m3 and below the groundwater table Ysub= 10
• Determine the primary consolidation settlement sc of the
2 m thick clay layer if a uniform fill surcharge of 50 kPa is
applied over a very large area at ground surface.
Y = 18.7 Kn/m3

Y sub= 10 Kn/m3

Y sub= 12.5 Kn/m3
e0=1.1 wl= 55%
H0= 2.0 , Cc= 0.009 (55-10)= 0.405
Calculation of 60 (overbrdon pres = YXZ)
60= 18.7x5+10x5+1x12.5 =156 kpa
Δ6= 50 kn/sq.m
Sc= H0/1+e0 Cc log 10 (σ0+ Δ6) / σ0
= 2/1+1.1 0.405 log10 (154+50)/154
Sc = 0.046m
• Settlement Rate (t)
Settlement Rate (t)
• For Determination of settlement rate ,
Need to know the Two important Definitions:
• 1) Degree of consolidation (U)
• 2) Coefficient of Consolidation (Cv)
Degree of Consolidation (U):-
(% of completion of settlement)

• Before consolidation start (U):- 0%

• After complete settlement (U):- 100%
• In between 0 to 100%

• U may be represented in terms of
• 1)Thickness
• 2) Void ratio (e)
• In terms of Thickness
• U= Δh/ΔH X100
• Δh = settlement at any time t
• ΔH = settlement at 100%
Time factor (Tv)

• Time factor is a function of degree of

consolidation (U)
• Tv is proportional to U

• Tv = Π/4 x U2
• For U = 50% ;;; Tv = 0.197
Time factor (Tv)

• U protional Tv
• If U = 60%
Tv = Π/4 x U2

For U = 50% ;;; Tv = 0.197

For U = 90% ;;; Tv = 0.848

• If U< 60%
Tv =-0.933log(1-U)-0.085
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Relation between Degree of Consolidation & Time factor (Tv)

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Coefficient of consolidation (Cv) :-
Is the parameter used to describe the rate at
which saturated clay or other soil undergoes
consolidation, or compaction, when subjected to
an increase in pressure. It is measure in square
centimeters per second (cm2/sec)
coefficient of consolidation:
Factor governing the rate by which compression can
occur in a particular soil. The rate and amount of
compression in soils varies with the rate at which pore
water is lost, and therefore depends on permeability. ...

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Settlement Rate (t)

• t = Tv d2/ Cv

• Cv- Coeff. Of consolidation ( obtained by lab test)

• Tv– Time factor (depend on U)
• d– Length of drainage path
• For single face drainage d = Ho
• For two face (double) d= Ho/2
Length of drainage path (d)
it is the maximum distance traveled by water molecule

• Two face Sandy soil (Pervious)

Clayey (H0)

Sandy soil (Pervious)

Single face
Sandy soil (Pervious)
Clayey (H0)

Rock (Impervious)
Two face (double drainage)
d= Ho/2

Single face (d= H0)
• A 3 m thick clay layer is drained at both top
and bottom. The coefficient of
consolidation(Cv) of the soil is 5 x 10 -4
cm²/sec. Determine the time (t)required for
90% consolidation of the layer due to an
external load.
• H0= 3.0m, Cv= 5 x 10 -4 drainge tw0 face
• t = Tv d2/ Cv d= HO/2 = 3/2 =
• T= 0.848x (15.0 )2/ 5 x 10 -4
u= 90%, Tv= 0.848 38.16x 106 cm/cesc
• The time required for 50% consolidation of a 25-
mm-thick clay layer (drained at both top and
bottom) in the laboratory is 2 min. 20 sec.
• How long (in days) will it take for a 3-m-thick clay
layer of the same clay in the field under the
same pressure increment to reach 50%
consolidation? In the field, there is a rock layer
at the bottom of the clay.
• t= 140 sec H0= 25mm , d= Ho/2= 12.5mm
• U=50% Tv= 0.197
• t = Tv d2/ Cv 140 = 0.197x (12.5) 2/CV
• Cv= 0. 219 mm/sec

• t = Tv d2/ Cv Tv= 0.197 Single face

• d= Ho/2= 3.0/2=
1.5m 1500mm
• t= 0.197x (1500)2/0.219
• 24 days /60x60x24
• 1Dimensioanl
Consolidation Test
Object : To find out the following consolidation
properties of soil

1) Coefficient of Consolidation (Cv)

useful to find out the rate of consolidation .
2) Compression index (Cc)
Useful to find out the magnitude of settlement

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Laboratory Consolidation Test:

Consolidation test apparatus, known as consolidometer or an odometer consists a loading device & a cylindrical container called as consolidation cell.

Consolidation cell are of two types, i) free ring or floating ring cell &
ii) fixed ring cell

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Consolidation ring

60 cm Diameter

20 cm thick
Measurement of wt with and without soil
Consolidation cell
60mm Diameter

consolidometer or an odometer

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⮚ The internal diameter of the cell is 60 mm &
thickness of sample taken is usually 20 mm.
⮚ The consolidometer has arrangements for
application of the desired load increment,
saturation of sample & measurement of change
in thickness of sample at every stage of
consolidation process.

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Dial gauge
water container

Ring with soil sample

loading device

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Dial gauge

⮚1) An initial setting load of about 5 kN/ m 2 is applied to sample and then released.

2) The first increment of load to give a pressure of 10 KN/ m2 is then applied to the specimen, the dial gauge readings are taken after 0.25, 1.0, 2,4,9,16,…… etc up to the 24 hours.

3) The second increment of load is then applied. The successive pressures usually applied are 20,40, 80, 160 & 320 KN/ m 2 etc till the desired maximum load intensity is reached.
( Actual loading on soil after construction of structure)

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⮚ After consolidation under final load increment is
complete, the load is reduced to ¼th of final load &
allowed to stand for 24 hours.

⮚ The sample swells & reading of dial gauge is taken

when swelling is complete. The process is repeated till
complete unloading.

⮚Immediately after complete unloading, the weight of

ring & sample is taken. The sample is dried in over for
24 hours & its dry mass (Ms) is taken.

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The consolidation data are then used to
determine the following;

1) Coefficient of Consolidation (Cv)

useful to find out the rate of consolidation .
2) Compression index (Cc)
Useful to find out the magnitude of settlement

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Coefficient of Consolidation (Cv)
• Plot graph Time (t) Vs Dial gauge reading
• Time (t) X axis and
• Dial gauge reading Y axis.
• Cv is calculated for each pressure increment.
Consolidation test results

1) Dial gauge reading time plot :

∙ Plotted for each load increment

∙ Required for determining the coefficient of consolidation.
∙ Useful for obtaining the rate of consolidation in field.

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Compression index (Cc)

• Plot graph stress (6) Vs Void ratio (e)

2) Final void ratio – effective stress plot:

∙ Plotted for entire consolidation process under

desired load.
∙ Required for determination of the magnitude of the
consolidation settlements in field.

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3) final void ratio – log σ plot

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Determination of coeff. of consolidation
• The coefficient of consolidation can be
determined by comparing the characteristics of
the theoretical curve (relation between Tv & U)
to the laboratory curve which shows the
relationship between time (t )and Dial gauge
By using two methods --------
• 1) Square root of time fitting method
• 2) logarithm of time fitting method
Prof. G.S. Ingle MIT PUNE 146
• t= Tv d2/ Cv
• Cv= Tv d2/ t
• For 90% consolidation Tv;; 0.848

• Cv= 0.848 d2/ t 90 ;; Suppose d ;; 20 mm

• Now How to find t90 (Time is unknown)

Theoretical curve (Tv Vs U)
Square root of time fitting method

Characteristic of theoretical curve :

• The abscissa at U= 90 % is equal 1.15 times
the abscissa at U= 60%
• The use of this characteristics of the
theoretical curve is use to determine the Point
of 90% U on laboratory curve, which was
suggested by Taylor ( 1948)

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Laboratory curve Square root of time Vs Dial guage
reading or compression

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logarithm of time fitting method :

• Characteristics of theoretical curve (U- log10Tv)

• Intersection of a tangent at the point of

inflection and the asymptote of the lower
portion is at the ordinate of 100% U.
• This characteristics is used to determine the
point of 100% U on lab. Curve (semi log curve of
time consolidation curve)

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Asymptote. A line that a curve approaches as it heads towards infinity

An asymptote is, essentially, a line that a graph approaches, but does not

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• Soil deposit may be divided in to three classes
as regard to the consolidation history :
• Pre or over consolidated ( OC)
• Normally consolidated (NC)
• Under consolidated (UC)

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∙ Normally consolidated soil :- A normally consolidated soil is one which had not been subjected to a pressure greater than the
present existing pressure. The portion AB of loading –unloading curve represent the soil in normally consolidated condition.
∙ Over consolidated soil: - A soil is said to over consolidated if it had been subjected in the past to a pressure in excess of the
present pressure. The soil in the range CD (loading –unloading curve) when it recompressed represent overconsolidated

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∙ Normally consolidated soils & Overconsolidated soils are not different types of soils but these are conditions in which a soil exists.
∙ Preconsolidation Pressure- The maximum pressure to which an overconsolidated soil had been subjected in the past is known as preconsolidation pressure or
overconsolidation pressure ( σc)
∙ When a soil specimen is taken from a natural deposit, the weight of overlying material is removed. This causes an expansion soil due to reduction in pressure. Thus the
specimen is generally preconsolidated.

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