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Nadir Kamal Salih

PRESENTER Nadir Kamal Salih
COLLEGE / CENTRE College of Engineering

Course Overview
Digital Logic Design
Lecture 0

Course Overview

Nadir Kamal

University of Buraimi

06/28/2024 Dr.NKS UOB-COEN 2

Name: Dr.Nadir Kamal Salih

E-mail Address:

Office Location: C04-02

Office Hours: Written on the office door Or by prior Arrangement

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° Engineering
• Designing, building and testing systems
• Fast-moving, practical

° This semester: computers

• Learn how computers represent information
• How computers perform computations
• Understand how hardware and software work together

° Impress your friends and family!

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Electrical and Computer
° Computer Engineering
• Hardware system design
• Software design and development

° Electrical Engineering
• Communications
• Power and electromagnetic systems
• Semiconductor devices and circuits

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Computer Engineering

° Hardware System Design

° Development
° Interfacing
° Software Design, Programming
° Testing
° Verification
° Why do you want to be an engineer?

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Technology Trends: Moore’s Law

Moore’s Law

2X transistors/Chip Every 1.5 years

Called “Moore’s Law”Microprocessors have
become smaller, denser, and more powerful.
Gordon Moore (co-founder of Intel) The latest computer science trends include artificial
predicted in 1965 that the transistor intelligence, edge computing, and quantum
density of semiconductor chips would computing. IT professionals are also
double roughly every 18 months. knowledgeable about developments in robotics and
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Course Outcomes
A1. Demonstrates basic knowledge of a modern computer system's major components, their functions, Inter-
relationships, components of the instruction sets, different types of instructions and addressing modes
A2. Demonstrates and works with Conversion between different number systems, represent signed numbers
in both 1's and 2's complement, perform binary arithmetic operations, and understand different binary codes.
B1. Apply Boolean algebra rules and theorems to simplify Logic function equations.
B2. Use and analyze Karnaugh map representations to design combinational digital circuits with simulation
C1. Analyze different combinational and Sequential digital circuits, such as encoders, decoders, multiplexers,
Counters, and shift registers.
D1. Identify the need for a change to an existing situation, service, or product and propose simple solution
D2. Manage learning tasks independently with an awareness of how new knowledge is developed
and applied which require lifelong learning

Topics Outline
•Digital systems introductory concepts
•Number systems and codes
•Logic gates, truth table and universal gates
•Combinational logic circuit Analysis
•Combinational logic circuit Design
•Karnaugh map minimization
•Sequential circuits
•Combinational Circuits: Adders, Decoders, Multiplexers, Encoders,
•Registers and Counters
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Course Grading and Coming
 Midterm Exam: 20

 Quizzes & Assignments : 40

 Final Exam: 40

Next Time: Binary Number Systems

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Thank You
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