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QRQC ‘Name of Problem’

’Name of Presenter’

QRQC Competition • Date

D1 5W & 2H

1 What was the problem ? 2 Why was it a problem ?

Picture 1 for each W and H if applicable

3 When was the problem found ? 5 Where was the problem found ?

7 How many where found ?

4 Who found the problem ? 6 How was it found ?

8 IS 9 IS Not

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D2 Similar Product Concerns

1 Similar products potentially at risk identified 2 Reference No. at risk reported


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D3 Containment

1 Data from Actions taken 2 Data from Sorting

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D4 Factor comparison-Non Detection

1 Factor 1 Factor

1 Logical validation 1 Logical validation

Evidence of logical validation (i.e. picture or other) for each factor

1 Factor 1 Factor

1 Logical validation 1 Logical validation

1 Factor 1 Factor

1 Logical validation 1 Logical validation

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D5 Factor comparison-Occurrence

1 Factor 1 Factor

1 Logical validation 1 Logical validation

Evidence of logical validation (i.e. picture or other) for each factor

1 Factor 1 Factor

1 Logical validation 1 Logical validation

1 Factor 1 Factor

1 Logical validation 1 Logical validation

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D4-5 5 Why’s

1 1st Why ? 2 2nd Why?

Evidence for Validation for each Why

2 3rd Why? 2 4th Why ?

2 3rd Why?

2 Root causes



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D6 Countermeasures

1 Countermeasure 1 (change in product or process): 2 Evidence of countermeasure 1 implemented and


Add picture per countermeasure if required:

1 Countermeasure 2 (change in product or process): 2 Evidence of countermeasure 2 implemented and


1 Countermeasure 3 (change in product or process): 2 Evidence of countermeasure 3 implemented and


1 Countermeasure N (change in product or process): 2 Evidence of countermeasure N implemented and


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D7 Countermeasures effectiveness

1 Tracking chart Picture of tracking chart with indicators proving improvement

2 Evidence that problem has been reproduced

Picture or other evidence

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D8 Factor point learnt

1 Learning point (Before) 2 Learning point (After)


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D8 LLS Shared

1 Sites to which LL was shared: 2 Reason to shared with those sites:

Evidence of LLS shared

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D’X’ Extra slides to add evidence as needed per section

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