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Introduction to

JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange
format used for transmitting data between a server and a web
application. It's a versatile tool that allows for efficient and readable data

by T Rajeshwari - PSG PTC

What is JSON?
JSON is a human-readable data format that uses key-value pairs to represent data. This format is
commonly used for transmitting data between web servers and web applications, facilitating seamless

Lightweight Versatile
JSON is a lightweight data format, making It can represent various data types
it ideal for fast transmission and efficient including numbers, strings, booleans,
processing. arrays, and objects, providing flexibility for
different data structures.

JSON is designed to be easily readable by both humans and machines, making it a user-friendly
format for developers.
Embedding JSON in HTML
JSON can be embedded directly into HTML documents using the script tag. This allows for data to be included within the HTML
structure, making it readily accessible for use.

1 Script Tag 2 Data Storage 3 Direct Access

The script tag is used to embed This approach provides a simple This method allows for direct
JSON data within the HTML way to store and access JSON access to the embedded JSON
document, allowing for data to data directly within the HTML data within the HTML
be directly included within the document, eliminating the need document, simplifying the
HTML structure. for external files. retrieval process for developers.
Accessing JSON data in HTML
To access the JSON data embedded in an HTML document, you can use JavaScript. This allows you to manipulate
and utilize the data within your web application.

1 Selecting the script tag

Use the document.querySelector method to identify the script tag containing the JSON data.

2 Retrieving the JSON content

Access the script tag's content using the textContent property, which stores the raw JSON data.

3 Parsing the JSON data

Convert the JSON string into a JavaScript object using the JSON.parse method, making the data
easily accessible.
Parsing JSON data with JavaScript
The JSON.parse() method in JavaScript is used to convert a string containing JSON data into a JavaScript object. This allows
you to access and manipulate the data within your code.

JSON.parse() This method takes a JSON string as input and returns a

JavaScript object representation of the data.

Object Access Once parsed, the JSON data is accessible as a JavaScript

object, allowing you to retrieve specific values using dot
notation or bracket notation.

Data Manipulation The parsed JSON object can be manipulated using

JavaScript, allowing you to modify data, perform
calculations, and utilize the data in various ways within
your application.
Displaying JSON data in HTML
Once you have parsed the JSON data, you can display it on your webpage using JavaScript. This allows you to dynamically
update content with the retrieved information.

Text Content Tables Images

Use the innerHTML property to insert Create dynamic tables using Display images based on the URLs
the parsed JSON data directly into JavaScript based on the JSON data stored within the JSON data,
HTML elements, such as paragraphs structure, organizing and presenting dynamically populating your webpage
or lists. the information in a structured format. with visual content.
Best practices for using JSON in HTML
For seamless and efficient integration of JSON in HTML, it is crucial to adhere to best practices that ensure code readability,
maintainability, and reliability.

Valid JSON Data Validation Data Security

Ensure your JSON data is properly Implement data validation to check Be mindful of data security,
formatted and adheres to the JSON for errors or inconsistencies in the especially when using JSON to
specification to avoid errors during JSON data before using it within transmit sensitive information, and
parsing. your application. implement appropriate security
Conclusion and Q&A
JSON plays a vital role in modern web development by facilitating data exchange between servers and web applications. By
understanding the fundamentals of JSON and its integration with HTML, developers can efficiently manage and utilize data
to create dynamic and engaging web experiences.

Key Points
JSON is a versatile and lightweight data format that enhances web development efficiency.

JSON is widely used for data exchange in various web applications, including social media platforms, e-
commerce websites, and online gaming platforms.

JSON simplifies data communication, enhances readability, and promotes efficient data processing, making
it an invaluable tool for web development.

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