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Two-Week Report on

Creating a Simple
Shipment Tracking
App in Zoho Creator
In this report, I'll provide an overview of the progress made in developing
a simple shipment tracking application using the Zoho Creator platform
over the past two weeks. The goal is to deliver a user-friendly tool that
helps our customers easily monitor the status of their shipments.

by Abdoullah Al-Jersi
Week 1: Learning and
Initial Setup
During the first week of the project, I focused on familiarizing myself
with the Zoho Creator platform and setting up the initial structure for the
shipment tracking application. This involved understanding the key
features, exploring the development tools, and establishing the core data
models and workflows.
Day 1: Setting Up Zoho Creator
1 Getting Familiar with the Platform
I started my journey with Zoho Creator by signing up and exploring its various features and tools. I watched
introductory tutorials that covered the basics of the platform's interface and navigation, laying a strong
foundation for the app development process.

2 Mastering the Basics

By the end of the day, I was comfortable navigating through Zoho Creator. The well-structured tutorials
provided me with a clear understanding of the platform, making me confident in starting my project.

3 Laying the Groundwork

Zoho Creator's user-friendly interface made it easy for me to get started. I felt prepared to dive into the
actual app development, thanks to the platform's intuitive design and the informative tutorials I had
Day 4: Setting Up Reports and Lookup Relations
1 Generating insightful data visualizations

Lookup Relations
Connecting data across forms

Informed Decisions
Leveraging data to drive business strategy

On day 4, I focused on setting up robust reporting capabilities and defining interconnected data relationships within the
shipment tracking application. By creating informative reports, I empowered users to analyze shipment trends and monitor
key performance indicators. Additionally, the implementation of lookup relations ensured seamless data flow between
different forms, providing a comprehensive view of the overall shipping process.
Week 2: Advanced Features and Finalization
Developing Front-End User Registration
In the second week, I focused on enhancing the user experience by implementing a robust front-end
registration system. This allowed customers to easily create accounts and manage their shipment data
securely within the application.

Automating Workflows and Processes

I also spent time developing custom workflows and automation features to streamline the shipment tracking
process. This included automatically updating shipment statuses, generating notifications, and triggering
specific actions based on predefined business rules.

Refining Form Relations and Actions

To further improve the application's functionality, I refined the interconnections between different forms and
implemented custom action buttons. This allowed users to quickly access relevant information, update
shipment details, and initiate essential shipping-related tasks directly from the interface.
Day 8-10: Enhancing the User Experience
Front-End Registration
Secure user sign-up and login

Automated Workflows
Streamlined processes and notifications

Refined Form Relations

Interconnected data and custom actions

Over the past three days, I focused on enhancing the user experience of the shipment tracking application. First, I developed a
robust front-end registration system, allowing customers to securely create accounts and manage their shipment data. This
added an important layer of personalization and security to the app.

Next, I turned my attention to automating workflows and various processes within the application. Using Deluge scripting, I
set up custom workflows that automatically update shipment statuses, send notifications, and trigger specific actions based on
predefined business rules. This significantly improved the app's efficiency and reduced the need for manual intervention.

Finally, I spent time refining the form relations and adding custom action buttons. By enhancing the interconnectivity
between different forms, I provided users with a comprehensive view of their shipment data. Additionally, the custom action
buttons enable users to quickly access relevant information, update shipment details, and initiate essential shipping-related
tasks directly from the interface.
Day 11-12: Ensuring Seamless Data Access and
Comprehensive Testing
Quick Views
1 Provide at-a-glance insights

Detailed Views
In-depth data exploration

Informed Decision-Making
Empower users with actionable data

On Day 11, I focused on setting up both quick and detailed views for the shipment tracking application. The quick views give
users an overview of key information, allowing them to easily spot trends and monitor the status of their shipments at a
glance. The detailed views, on the other hand, provide a deeper dive into specific shipment records, equipping users with
comprehensive insights to make informed decisions.

Comprehensive testing was the primary focus on Day 12. I conducted thorough end-to-end testing, validating the
functionality of every feature and ensuring the app's stability under various conditions. This rigorous testing process helped
identify and promptly resolve any issues, ultimately resulting in a robust and reliable application ready for deployment.
Two-week app development journey

Challenging yet rewarding process

Future Plans
Continuous improvements and new features

In the past two weeks, I have gained a deep understanding of Zoho Creator's capabilities and learned how to leverage its
features to build a functional and user-friendly shipment tracking application. The process was challenging but ultimately
rewarding, as I navigated through each step, from setting up the workspace to developing advanced functionalities and
deploying the app.

The feedback and testing phases were particularly insightful, helping me refine and improve the application based on user
needs. Moving forward, I plan to monitor user feedback and make continuous improvements to the app. I also have ideas for
additional features, such as integrating real-time GPS tracking and expanding the reporting capabilities. This project has been
an excellent learning experience, and I'm excited to continue enhancing the app to better serve our customers.

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