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How manual system is going to be computerised
◦ Process Improvement: Analyze the existing manual system to identify bottlenecks, waste, and inefficiencies. Develop and implement process improvements to eliminate non-value-adding activities, streamline
workflows, and optimize resource utilization.
◦ Standardization and Documentation: Establish standardized procedures and work instructions for manual tasks. Create and maintain comprehensive documentation to ensure consistency, reduce errors, and
facilitate knowledge transfer.
◦ Cross-functional Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration between different departments, teams, and stakeholders involved in the manual system. Improve communication, information sharing, and decision-
making to enhance overall process performance.
◦ Training and Development: Provide training and development opportunities to employees involved in the manual system. Enhance their skills, knowledge, and competencies to improve job performance and
process outcomes.
◦ Lean and Six Sigma: Apply Lean and Six Sigma methodologies to identify and eliminate waste, reduce variability, and improve process stability. Use tools like value stream mapping, root cause analysis, and
statistical process control to drive continuous improvement.
◦ Error Proofing and Poka-Yoke: Implement error-proofing and poka-yoke techniques to prevent mistakes and ensure quality in the manual system. Use simple mechanisms, checks, and constraints to prevent
incorrect operations and detect defects early.
◦ Visual Management: Use visual management tools like Kanban boards, dashboards, and visual controls to improve process visibility, communication, and control. Create a visual workspace to help employees
understand their tasks, progress, and performance.
◦ Error-Proofing: Implement error-proofing techniques to prevent mistakes and ensure quality in the manual system. Use simple mechanisms, checks, and constraints to prevent incorrect operations and detect
defects early.
◦ Organization Design and Change Management: Evaluate and optimize the organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities related to the manual system. Manage change effectively to ensure smooth
implementation and sustainability of improvements.
◦ Supplier and Partner Engagement: Collaborate with suppliers, partners, and other external stakeholders to improve the manual system. Align expectations, optimize collaboration, and drive performance
improvements across the value chain.
◦ These alternative approaches can help organizations improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of their manual systems without necessarily requiring full computerization.
◦ Reservation reports
◦ Field names
◦ Add dummy data
◦ Buttons (save , send ,delete)

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