LECTURE 2 History of SBP

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Development of the

• In this topic we attempt to trace the

development of social pharmacy
• Leading to the convergence of the
pharmacist’s role in providing advice to
physicians and pharmaceutical care
• In many countries social pharmacy
developed from the processes of
preparation and dispensing of medicinal
products as well as patient counselling
Social importance of Drugs

• The profession of pharmacy has existed in

human societies for centuries
• However its social significance remained
unrecognized until the 19th century

• Preparing medicines is a matter of general

importance, because public health is
involved- (Thorbecke, Dutch statesman
Drugs in society
• Furthermore it was not until 1960s that the
providers of medicines recognised their
impact on society
• Prior to the end of 19th century the
pharmacist’s role was largely perceived as
medical although they also had social
roles encompassing
Drugs in society
• Preparing and dispensing remedies
• Patient care
• Diagnosing
• Simply put there was no institutional
separation of medical and pharmaceutical
roles in the West until the 19th century
Industrial production of drugs

• Industrial production of drugs began in

Western countries at the end of 19th

• It also marked the beginning of the shift in

the pharmacist’s professional role

• Control of drugs and their distribution

became the central focus
Commercialisation of Pharmacy

• Led to a decline in patient care

• Decline in the level of social and ethical

standards in pharmacy practice

• Gradual reduction of the role of the

pharmacist in the preparation of medicines
Patient-focused Approach

• The 1980s and 1990s however witnessed

another shift in focus of the pharmacy
profession to a more patient-focused

• Internationally the profession began to

embrace pharmaceutical care
Patient-focused Approach

• This involved paying more attention to

• Pharmacists’ activities
• Their patient advisory role
• Clinical pharmacy movement
• Advancement of the field of social
A New Approach

• This approach in addition involved

• Providing information
• Recognising the role of the patient in
health care
• Increased awareness of the needs and
expectations of clients (service recipients)
• Re-professionalisation of pharmacists
Drug Advertising

• When the pharmaceutical industry started

to advertise their drugs to prescribers,
• Physicians and pharmacists increasingly
started to question the ethical aspects of
these advertisements
• The role of the pharmacist in advising
physicians became increasingly
Health education

• The pharmacists role in offering health

education to the public also became
increasingly important beginning in the
1960s (e.g., drug information support)

• This period coincided with the

establishment of community health centres
in many countries in Africa, Asia and
Role of the Patient

• Societal factors that drove the patient

advisory role of the pharmacist after the
1940s (post-second World War) were;
• Growing commercial influence of television
advertising on drug consumption from the
• Growing recognition that the provision of
drugs should ultimately serve the interest
of the patient
Role of the Patient

• Emergence of social pharmacy in early

1960s coincided with the realization
among professional pharmacists of;

• Duty to provide optimal pharmaceutical

care to the individual and community

• Professional responsibility with regard to

the clients
Role of the Patient

• There was also acceptance among the

pharmacy professionals that the patient
had a right to drug information

• This realisation coincided with the ‘Paris

Revolution’ (1968) that triggered demands
of greater rights for the individual
Role of the Patient

• Political and human rights movements

spreading from Paris (1968) challenged
long held arguments among medical
professionals that physicians had the right
to decide what information was given to
the patient

• According to the Dutch society for

advancement of pharmacy (KNMP) the
potential areas of concern with regard to
patient rights were

• Privacy of patients
• Education level and attitude of the co-
workers in the pharmacy (i.e. securing
their commitment to pharmaceutical care)

• Consequently there were moves from the

1970s in Europe to modify the information
leaflets/package inserts for patient

• Originally the inserts were developed by

the manufacturers and were written in
scientific language to serve as information
source for physicians

• From the 1970s onwards informational

leaflets were developed on groups of
drugs and they were patient-oriented
instead of physician oriented
• Thus there has been greater professional
and political focus on satisfying patients’
demands for more information on the
drugs they are taking in the last two-three
Medication surveillance
• Clinical pharmacy movement started first
in the USA in the late 1960s and in Europe
in the early 1970s

• These movements stimulated the

introduction of social pharmacy into the
pharmacy curriculum in schools of
• Patients previously viewed as passive
objects/recipients of drugs,

• Period witnessed increased recognition of

need to focus on care or the social life of
the patient

• Patients became active participants in

use/consumption of drugs and services
• Instruments for medication-evaluation
initially came into use in 1970s,
• Cards and later computers containing
prescription information were thus
introduced in the pharmacy
• These became critical instruments in
medication surveillance and in extending
the role of the pharmacist
• From 1980s pharmacists began in a
limited way to communicate directly with
patients and not through physicians like
• Alongside surveillance the profession
embraced counselling as an integral part
of pharmaceutical care
• In the last two decades i.e. from roughly
1990s computer systems have become
critical in maintaining patient medication
data and in medication analysis
• Medication surveillance and information
sharing is have increasingly focusing on
• Interactions
• Contraindications
• Compliance
• Dosing
• Based on the above information
pharmacies are able to;
• Establish quality control mechanisms
• Develop routines for to handle information
generated by their surveillance systems
• Complement the information available to
physicians on patients’ medication that
tends to range from 50-75%
Patient centred approach
• Became necessary from 1980s onwards
• Pharmacists realised that their role went
beyond being drug specialists and
protecting the public from drug misuse
• Patient-centred care developed alongside
the concept of comprehensive care
(holistic care)
Higher responsibility
• Patient-centred care required a re-
definition of the role of pharmacist (from
• Grew from recognition of the need for
continuing education for communities on
use of medications and patient care

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