Human Sexuality

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- an integral part of the total human

realization and fulfillment, the strength
behind social integration

- is more than physical sex, its

crowning glory being friendship and
- is physically determined by birth, but
more significantly, it is personally assumed
and determine by the inner core of a

- is any natural process by which a new
cell is produced through a recombination
of genes from two genetically different
parent cells.
- a boneless and muscles less male organ.
- It is the organ for sexual intercourse. When a man is
sexually excited, it becomes rigid.
- pouch like structure composed of skin, facial connective
tissue and smooth muscle fibers.
-protects the testes and sperm from high body
-two ovals shaped glandular organs inside the
ØThey have a broader shoulder.

ØHair grows on their face, under arms

and develops pubic hair.

ØTheir voice is deeper than girls.

ØThey experience nocturnal emissions.

ØThey are straighter and taller than

- like a hallow tube where during intercourse, the male deposits his
sperm cells. And the passage of newly born baby.

- it is a hollow muscular organ, where the fetus develops and grows

- two almonds shaped glandular structures on either side of the uterus,
below and behind the fallopian tube.

Fallopian tube
- is the site of fertilization, nourishing environment of the zygote.
- route of transport ovum from ovary to the uterus.
 Their breast develop. Their hips
become curve and widen.

 Hair grows in their under arm and

develops pubic hair

 Menstrual cycle is being experience.


- is sexual intercourse between
close relatives, such as between a
father and his daughter, between
mother and her son, between
brothers and sisters, also cousin
until in the third degree is still
considered as close relatives.
Reasons why incest is committed:
1. For family to keep their property undivided
2. Incestuous attachment
3. Lack of self-confidence
4. Curiosity and weak moral foundation
5. Pedophilia

Adverse Effects:
1. Destroys the family
2. Result in mental retardation in the offspring
3. Lose interest in sexual relations
4. Exogamous relationship are encouraged
Pointers On How Incest Can Be Avoided:
1. Parents should avoid over stimulating their children physically by
bathing them past the age when they can do it themselves or by letting
them bathe together.

2. Parents should avoid sleeping or wrestling with children, fondling

them or walking in the nude at home.

3. Parents should be careful not to show their sexual intimacies to their


4. Sleeping arrangements should be based on separating sexes.

5. Sex education which is objective or forthright will assist the younger

in understanding sex and its prohibitions.
- It is sexual relationship between
individuals of opposite sex. This may
take form such as:

a. Premarital Sex
- is sex before marriage. As a
result, initial introduction to such a
relationship is often accompanied by
senses, stress, fear, anxiety and
trauma. They are not the best
antecedents to a good marriage.
- also called “fornication”.
Adverse Effects:

1. It cannot develop a natural inter-

personal relationship of love

2. It cannot demand fidelity and trust.

3. It ends in a degradation of the other.

4. It brings possible spreading of

transferable diseases.

5. It brings about illegitimate child.

B. Extramarital Sex

- it is the voluntary engaging in sexual

act with somebody aside from one's
marriage partner. There are two kinds
of extramarital sex adultery, which is
an act committed by the wife, and
concubines, which is also act
committed by the husband.
1. Problems connected with intercourse.

2. The problem of sterility.

3. Problem of impotence.

Adverse Effects:
1. It violates the personal and intimate human contract into which
two people have entered.

2. It destroy the marriage relationship and leads to separation or


3. It causes social diseases and transmits such diseases to one's

- It is a sexual relationship and
attraction between man and man or
woman and woman.

1. Biological Theory
- It is a claim that imbalance between
the male and the female hormones
results in homosexuality.
2. Psychiatric Explanation
-Psychiatry explains that
homosexuality is a form of mental

-Another explanation is that a young

male may become homosexual if the
mother is domineering, overprotective
and seductive while the father is weak,
detach or hostile. A girl may become
lesbian if she identifies too much with her
father admires him as her hero and no
other man can measure to him.
3. Sociological Explanation
-It explains that human beings are
born with diffused neutral sexual feeling
that can be directed to any person.

4. Pornography
- It refers to materials such as art, film
or live human displays, depicting sexual
acts or behavior, as in writing,
photographs, motion pictures and others,
to stimulate erotic feelings.
Adverse Effects:
1. It encourages rape, prostitution,
masturbation and child molestation.

2. It lowers the standard of sexuality.

3. It provides lust rather than love, and

exploitation rather than respect.
5. Prostitution
- considered one of the oldest
"professions" in the world
- also called commercial sex
- the actual misappropriate of sex

1. Lack of educational finance.

2. No occupation available.

3. Poverty.

1. Arrest and institutional sentences

2. Acquire venereal infectious

3. Marginal living

4. Drug dependence

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