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Chapter 3 (1 of 6)

1. Individual Supply: What You Sell, at

Each Price
Supply: 2. Your Decisions and Your Individual
Thinking like Supply Curve
3. Market Supply: What the Market Sells
a Seller 4. What Shifts Supply Curves?
5. Shifts versus Movements Along
Supply Curves

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Chapter 3 (2 of 6)

Defining, drawing, and 1. Individual Supply: What You Sell,

understanding an at Each Price
individual business’
supply curve
 Ceteris Paribus
 The Law of Supply

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Suppliers come in all Can you name a seller?
 Amazon
shapes and sizes
 Target
 Netflix

You are also a seller!

 Sold furniture on Facebook
Marketplace or eBay.
 Sold your tickets to an event.
 If you have a job, you sell your
labour in return for a wage.
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Key Definition (1 of 2)
Diving into the Definition

Individual supply curve: A graph

Individual: We are referring to one
plotting the quantity of an item that a business (as opposed to many businesses)
business plans to sell at each price.
In other words, the supply curve
Supply: We are examining selling
visually summarizes the selling plans decisions (as opposed to buying decisions)
of a business, and how those plans
vary with price:
Curve: We are graphing things
 Suppose you work part-time as a (sometimes these curves are straight lines)
tutor. How many hours are you
willing to tutor someone if they Let’s create our first individual business’
pay you $15 per hour? What if the supply curve!
rate increases to $30 per hour?
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Creating Shell's Individual Supply Curve for
Gasoline Connect the various quantities
Price per litre Quantity (millions of
gallons per week) Price of gas
($ per litre)
supplied to get Shell's supply
$1.80 per litre 12m litres curve
$1.60 per litre 11m litres
$1.40 per litre 10m litres
$1.20 per litre 9m litres $1.40

$1.00 per litre 8m litres $1.20

Below $1.00 per litre 0 litres


The quantity of gasoline Shell plans to sell depends 0 5 8 9 10 11 12 15

on the price they will receive for the gas: the Quantity of gas supplied
higher price, the higher the quantity supplied. (millions of litres per week)

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An individual supply curve holds other things constant
Recall, ‘Ceteris Paribus’ Economists know that many factors other
(Latin phrase for 'holding other things than price can influence selling plans.
 But first, understand what happens when
Every time you draw an individual’s supply the price (and only the price) changes.
curve, you are drawing this person’s selling
 Push these other factors aside for the
plans holding other things constant.
time being when drawing an individual’s
 If something important changed, like supply curve.
the wage of oil refinery workers fell, then  Then, later, bring other factors into
Shell’s selling plans would change, consideration separately.
which means their individual supply
curve would change.

6 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

© Worth Publishers

The Law of Supply

As a seller, think about how you would
react to high versus low prices:
 As the price rises higher and
 Your quantity supplied gets higher
and higher.
This pattern is so commonly seen among
sellers that it has its own name.

Law of supply: The tendency for

quantity supplied to by higher when the
price is higher.

This law implies that supply curves slope

 When drawing a supply curve, think:
“Supply to the Sky!”
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Key take-aways: Individual supply
The individual supply curve plots the quantity a
person plans to sell at each price, holding all other
factors constant (ceteris paribus).
 Other factors that impact a person’s selling plans
will be assessed later.

The Law of Supply: As price rises, the quantity

supplied rises.
 Or, equivalently, as price falls, the quantity
supplied falls.

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Chapter 3 (3 of 6)

Being a seller in a perfectly

competitive market setting
 Sellers are price-takers
2. Your Decisions and Your Supply
Examining Marginal Curve
Benefits and Marginal Costs

The Rational Rule for Sellers

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NOTICE! We have been discussing an individual’s selling plans, given the price.
Why isn’t Shell choosing their own Because there are many small firms, all selling
price? the same product, an individual seller cannot
set their own price.
 Because there are many other
gasoline companies who can provide
Example: If the prevailing market price for gas
the same product!
is $1.60 per litre, you could charge…
Shell, just like many businesses, operates • $1.70, but would sell nothing
in a perfectly competitive market:
• $1.60 and sell whatever quantity you want
 Markets in which 1) all firms in an
industry sell an identical good; and 2) • $1.50 and sell whatever quantity you want
there are many buyers and sellers, Outcome: You decide to charge the prevailing
each of whom is small relative to the market price and sell as much as you want.
size of the market  You are a price-taker
10 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
Not all Markets are Perfectly
Most markets have some degree of So why start with prefect
imperfection: competition?

 Only a few buyers and/or sellers  Nearly all markets have some degree
of competition.
 Selling a unique product
 Simplifies analysis
 Product has loyal customers
 Build an analytical foundation
Result: Buyers and sellers may no
longer be price-takers.
11 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
Applying the core principles to make good selling decisions

Marginal Principle: Break down the Opportunity Cost Principle: “Or what?”
question of ”how many litres of gas to sell?” Always make a comparison to the next best
into a series of smaller marginal choices. alternative:
 “Should I supply one more litres of gas?”  If my business doesn’t produce this gallon
of gas, how else could we use our
resources? (This helps you figure out what to count as
Cost-Benefit Principle: For each marginal marginal costs.)
choice, sell the additional litre of gas if the Interdependence Principle: Everything is
benefits exceed the costs. connected! Your best choice depends on your
 Is the price for which you can sell the other choices, the choices other makes,
extra litre of gas at least as much as it costs developments in other markets, and
to make (its marginal cost)? expectations about future markets.
 “Holding other things constant” means
we will put aside these other factors for
12 now and return to them later. Macmillan Learning, ©2023
A closer look at marginal benefit and marginal cost

You should I produce one more litre of gas? When thinking about marginal costs, apply
 Yes, if the benefits of that extra litre exceeds the opportunity cost principle
the costs?  sell this litre of gas, or what?
 Do the marginal benefits exceed the  What else could these resources be used
marginal costs? for?

The marginal benefit of the extra litre is the If Shell expands production, they will need
amount of money you get for it! to…
 If the price of gas is $1.60, then the marginal
 buy more crude oil, buy more chemical
benefit of producing another litre is $1.60
additives, pay its workers to work
 Your marginal benefit is the market price! overtime.
If Shell does not expand production,Macmillan
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Variable costs:
Examining Marginal Costs  Buying more crude oil, buying more
chemical additives, paying workers
Marginal costs include
Your marginal costs are your additional
variable costs but exclude variable costs!
fixed costs.
Variable costs: Those costs – like Fixed Costs:
labour and raw material – that vary
 Refinery building, and the land the
with the quantity of output you
building is on, the equipment used in
produce. the refinery process, CEO salary
Your pay these costs regardless of
Fixed costs: Those costs that don’t
whether you expand production or not.
vary when you change the
quantity of output you produce.  Fixed costs are irrelevant to your
marginal cost!
14 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
The Rational Rule
The Rational Rule for Sellers in Competitive
Markets: Sell one more unit if the price is
greater than (or is equal to) the marginal cost.
If price = marginal cost, then your supply
 Keep producing until Price = Marginal Cost curve is also your marginal cost curve!

Following this rule maximizes your profits as a

 Supply summarizes the price at
seller! which you are willing to sell each
 Why?
 The price you are willing to sell
 Because you expand production whenever it
will boost your profits: each unit for is informed by the
marginal cost of producing that unit.
 If the price of that extra gallon exceeds
the marginal cost, then revenues will
Thus, the marginal cost and supply
rise by at least as much as costs.
curves are one and the same.
Result  profits will rise!

15 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

The Supply Curve Is Upward-Sloping

Rising marginal costs explain why the supply Diminishing marginal product can occur in
the short run when some of your inputs are
curve is upward-sloping.
 Eventually, as you try to expand production,
there will be bottlenecks that cause Restaurant Example: To increase production,
marginal costs to increase. you need to hire more cooks, but the kitchen is
only so big.
Marginal product: The increase in output that
 The new workers don’t have sufficient space
arises from an additional unit of an input, like
to work in the kitchen.
 They cannot make sizeable contributions
Diminishing marginal product: The marginal to output.
product of an input declines as you use more
of that input. Thus, marginal costs of production rise, which
translates into an upward slopping supply
16 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
The Supply Curve Is Upward-Sloping
Diminishing marginal product can occur in Rising input costs also lead to rising
the long run because, despite being able to marginal costs.
increase all inputs (i.e., expand the kitchen or  Pay time-and-a-half to get your staff to
open another restaurant)… work overtime
 the new location isn’t as good.  Need to offer higher wages to attract
 the new workers are less experienced and more workers.
take longer to get things done.  Harder to find workers or other inputs
 managing a larger workforce or multiple  Maybe these inputs are located
restaurants creates coordination problems. farther away, raising transportation
Ultimately, adding extra inputs won’t
produce as much extra output.
Whatever the reason, marginal costs start to
 Thus, marginal costs rise! rise, and so the supply curve slopes upward.
17 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
How Realistic Is This Theory of Supply?
As sellers experiment, they may come to act as if they follow the core principles.
 Produce a bit more or a bit less each week to see how it affects their profits.
 Eventually land on the profit-maximizing quantity.
 End up making the same supply choices as if they were following the rational rule for sellers

Thinking through the principles provides useful advice and helpful forecasts.
 The rational rule guides sellers toward decisions that earn the largest possible profit.
 If you understand how sellers are thinking, then you can better forecast their decisions.

18 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

Key take-aways: Your decisions and your supply curve
In perfectly competitive markets, sellers are price-takers.
The Rational Rule for the Seller: Sell one more unit if the price is
greater than (or equal to) the marginal cost
 Keep selling until Price = Marginal Cost
Your supply curve and your marginal cost curve are one and the same.
Diminishing marginal product sets the stage for rising marginal costs.
 Hence, the supply curve is upward sloping.

19 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

Chapter 3 (4 of 6)

Add up individual supply to

discover market supply.
Market Supply is upward
3. Market Supply: What the Market
Movements along the supply Sells

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Key Definition (2 of 2)
Diving into the Definition

Market supply curve: A graph plotting the You can use the same the four-step process
total quantity of an item supplied by the you used when estimating market demand to
entire market, at each price. estimate market supply.
Individual supply curves are the building 1. Survey suppliers (and potential
blocks of market supply: suppliers).
2. For each price, add up the total quantity
 At each price, the total quantity of gas supplied by all sellers.
supplied is the sum of the quantity that 3. Scale up!
each business will supply at that price. 4. Plot the total quantity supplied at each
 The market supply curve visually
Shortcut if suppliers are similar:
summarizes these selling decisions across
 Suppose there 100 other oil refineries that are
the various price points. making the same supply decisions as Shell,
then at any given price the quantity supplied
will be 100 times the quantity Shell supplies.
21 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
Using the Shortcut to Estimate Market Supply

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The Market Supply Curve Is Upward Sloping

Reason 1: Reason 2:
Because the market supply curve is A higher price means that it’s more
made from adding up individual profitable to be a supplier in that
supply curves at each price, it industry.
inherits many of the same • current suppliers produce more
characteristics. units,
Law of Supply: A higher price leads • new suppliers enter the market
businesses to supply a larger quantity. Lower prices means it’s less
profitable to be a supplier.

23 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

Key Definitions Diving into the Definition

When the price rises from $1.20 to $1.40 , the

quantity supplied changes from 9m to 10m. This
A change in price causes a movement is a movement along the existing supply curve.
along the supply curve, yielding a
change in the quantity supplied. Price market
Movement along the supply curve: A supply
price change causes a movement from curve
one point on a fixed supply curve to
another point on the same curve.
Change in the quantity supplied: The
change in quantity associated with
movement along a fixed supply curve.
9m 10m Quantity

24 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

Key take-aways: Market Supply
Market supply curve: The total quantity supplied by the entire
market at each price.

 Four-step process to estimate market supply

 Add up the quantities from each supply at each price.
When the price of the good changes, you simply move along the
existing supply curve to that new price point.
 Move from one point to another point.
 This price change triggers a change in the quantity
supplied (not a change in supply).

25 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

Chapter 3 (5 of 6)

Visualizing increases and

decreases in supply.

Naming and understanding

the five factors that shift
the supply curve. 4. What Shifts Supply Curves?

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Supply curve l The supply curve is just a set of selling
discussion thus far…
plans. It illustrates the quantity a business
 Focus on relationship between plans to sell at various prices, holding other
factors constant (ceteris paribus ).
price and quantity, ceteris
paribus If other factors change…
 Movement from one point to  then selling plans change…
another point on the same  then the supply curve changes.
supply curve
Movie Example: In one month, the
Now, something new! quantity of movie tickets you buy at any
given price might change if…
Shift in the supply curve: a  you get a pay raise
movement of the supply curve itself
 Netflix premiers a great new series
27 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
Shifts in the Supply Curve $1.6
old supply
new supply
$1.4 curve
Increase in supply: a shift of the supply
curve to the right.
Shell Gas Example: If Shell’s engineering
team discovers a more efficient way to $1.0
refine crude oil into gas, then Shell will Quantity
9 11 of gas (millions of
increase their supply of gas. litres per day)
new supply
$1.6 curve old supply curve
Decrease in supply: a shift of the supply
curve to the left.
Shell Gas Example: If the chemical
additives used the refinery process get more $1.1
expensive, then Shell will decrease their $1.0
supply of gas. Quantity
7 9 of gas (millions of litres
28 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
per day)
The Interdependence Principle
and Shifting Demand Curves
The five factors that shift
the market supply curve:

The interdependence principle 1. Input prices

says that everything is connected. 2. Productivity and technology
3. Prices of related outputs
 Your best choice depends on
4. Expectations
many other factors beyond
price. When these other factors 5. The type and number of sellers
change, so might your selling
... but not a change in price
29 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
Supply Shifter One: Input Prices
To produce any given good or service, many inputs Price
will be used in the production process.
$1000 new supply
Example: To produce an iPhone, one needs to curve
old supply curve
purchase various raw materials (metals, glass,
plastic, etc.), as well as machinery and labour.
 Imagine one the price of one of these inputs $600
 The wage you pay your workers went up $400
(i.e., the price of labour increased).
 Because this input costs more, it is now more
costly for you to produce iPhones. Specifically,
your marginal cost of production rose. This 2000 5000 Quantity
of iPhones
means you are less willing to supply at any (millions of iPhones per week)

given price (i.e., supply decreases)

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Supply Shifter Two: Productivity and Technology (2 of 2)

Scenario: You obtained a new oven for your

Productivity growth: producing more bakery that has three-times more baking
output with fewer inputs. racks inside than your original oven.
Illustrate how this new oven changes your
Productivity growth is often driven by supply of baked goods:
technological change.
new supply
 invention and adoption of new types of $5
supply curve
machinery, processes, or improved
management techniques.
Productivity growth reduces the marginal
cost of production, such that sellers are more
willing to supply at any given price (i.e., $1
supply increases). 15 45
of brownies
(dozens per day)
32 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
Supply Shifter Three: Your choices as a supplier are also
interdependent across different outputs as
Prices of Related there are many different lines of business
Outputs in which you could engage.

Complements-in-Production: Substitutes-in-Production:
Goods that are made together. Your Alternative uses of your resources.
supply of a good will increase if the Your supply of a good will decrease if
price of a complement-in-production the price of a substitute-in-production
rises. rises.
 Asphalt is a byproduct of Farmer Example: You could use your
producing oil at a petroleum machinery and land to grow corn or
refinery. wheat. Suppose the price of corn rises.
 A byproduct of beef is leather. Now corn has become the more
attractive product to sell. As such, your
 Donut holes are a byproduct of quantity of corn supplied will rise, and
33 donuts (they are made together!) your supply of wheat will decrease.
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Substitutes-in-Production: Farmer Example
If the price of corn rises from $4 to Because the farmer choose to devote more
$8, the farmer will put his resources resources to corn, there is less for wheat
towards corn production. This is a rise production. Thus, the farmer’s supply of
wheat decreases.
in the quantity of corn supplied.
Price Price
of corn of wheat New supply
Supply of Corn
of wheat Supply of wheat
$8 $9


$2 $3

Quantity Quantity
160 180 30 40 of wheat
of corn
(bushels per acre, per year) (bushels per acre, per year)

34 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

Supply Shifter Four: Expectations Supply Shifter Five: Type
and Number of Sellers
Your decisions are linked through time. If new sellers enter the market
If you expect the price of your product  total quantity supplied at each price
to rise next year, then… increases
 you want store your product to sell  supply curve shifts to the right.
next year (at the high price)
 Assuming your product is If sellers exit the market
storable  total quantity supplied at each price
Your currently supply will decrease
 supply curve shifts to the left.
(supply shifts left), and your supply next
year will increase (supply shifts right).
35 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
Key take-aways: What shifts a supply curve?
Increase in supply: a shift of the supply curve to the right.
 An increased quantity is supplied at each and every price.
Decrease in supply: a shift of the demand curve to the left.
 A decreased quantity is supplied at each and every price.
Five factors shift the demand curve.
 Be Careful: A change in the price does NOT shift supply.
 Be Careful: The effect of changing the price of a related
output depends on whether the two products are
complements or substitutes in production.

36 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

Chapter 3 (6 of 6)

Summarizing key
 Shifts versus
 Change in quantity
demanded versus
change in demand 5. Shifts versus Movements Along
Supply Curves

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Shift versus Movement Along Supply
If the only thing changing is the
Changes in price cause Changes in other
price of the good itself, then you
changes in quantity factors cause shifts in
thinking about a movement supplied supply.
along the supply curve. This is a Price Supply curve
Price decreased increased
demand demand
change the quantity supplied.

But when other factors change,

you need to think about a shift in
Original Supply
the supply curve (recall the five
factors). This is a change in Quantity Quantity
supply itself.
38 Macmillan Learning, ©2023
Parallels Between Demand and Supply
Demand Supply

Your Objective Maximize economic surplus Maximize profit

Quantity Decision Rational Rule for Buyers Rational Rule for Sellers

Quantity Decision implies… Demand curve is marginal benefit curve Supply curve is marginal cost curve

Curve slopes… Down (diminishing marginal benefits) Up (increasing marginal costs)

The market curve sum of the quantity each individual sum of the quantity each individual
consumer demands, at each price. business supplies, at each price.
A rise in price causes… A movement along the demand curve, A movement along the supply curve,
reducing the quantity demanded raising the quantity supplied.
A fall in price causes… A movement along the demand curve, A movement along the supply curve,
raising the quantity demanded reducing the quantity supplied.
Curves are shifted by… A change in one of the six factors (but A change in one of the five factors (but
not price) not price)

39 Macmillan Learning, ©2023

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