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Systems Theory

 Synergy
 Interdependence
 Interconnections
– within the organization
– between the organization and the environment
 Organization as ORGANISM
 “A set of elements standing in inter-relations”
 General Theoretical Distinctions
 Misunderstandings
 Strengths of Systems Theory
 Systems Framework
 General Systems Theory Principles
 System Characteristics
 Contingency Theory
 The Learning Organization
General Theoretical Distinctions
 Classical and humanistic theories prescribe
organizational behavior, organizational
structure or managerial practice (prediction
and control). MACHINE

 Systems theory provides an analytical

framework for viewing an organization in
general (description and explanation).
 Doesn’t focus on specific task functions
 Doesn’t directly explore the impact of
interpersonal relationships and loyalty on
 Doesn’t provide for detailed focus
 Changes in environment directly affect the
structure and function of the organization.
 Recognizes . . .
– interdependence of personnel
– impact of environment on organizational structure and
– affect of outside stakeholders on the organization
 Focuses on environment and how changes can
impact the organization
 Seeks to explain “synergy” & “interdependence”
 Broadens the theoretical lens for viewing
organizational behavior.
Systems Framework
 Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968)
 Offered a more comprehensive view of organizations
 NOT a theory of management - new way of
conceptualizing and studying organizations
 Four Strengths (“promises”) M. Scott Poole
– Designed to deal with complexity
– Attempts to do so with precision
– Takes a holistic view
– It is a theory of emergents - actions and outcomes at the collective
level emerge from the actions and interactions of the individuals
that make up the collective
Principles of General Systems Theory
Characteristics of Organizations as Systems

 Input-Throughput-Output
– Inputs
 Maintenance Inputs (energic imports that sustain system)
 Production Inputs (energic imports which are processed to yield a productive outcome)
– Throughput (System parts transform the material or energy)
– Output (System returns product to the environment)
– TRANSFORMATION MODEL (input is transformed by system)
 Feedback and Dynamic Homeostasis
– Positive Feedback - move from status quo
– Negative Feedback - return to status quo
– Dynamic Homeostasis - balance of energy exchange
 Equivocality and Requisite Variety (Karl Weick)
– Equivocality (uncertainty and ambiguity)
– Requisite Variety (complex inputs must be addressed with complex processes)
Characteristics of Organizations as Systems
Characteristics of Organizations as Systems

 Boundaries
– The part of the system that separates it from its environment
– Four Types of Boundaries (Becker, 1997)
 Physical Boundary - prevents access (security system)
 Linguistic Boundary - specialized language (jargon)
 Systemic Boundary - rules that regulate interaction (titles)
 Psychological Boundary - restricts communication (stereotypes, prejudices)
 The ‘Closed’ System
– Healthy organization is OPEN
– Do not recognize they are embedded in a relevant environment
– Overly focused on internal functions and behaviors
– Do not recognize or implement equifinality
– Inability to use feedback appropriately
Characteristics of Organizations as Systems
Contingency Theory
 There is no one best way to structure and manage
 Structure and management are contingent on the
nature of the environment in which the
organization is situated.
 Argues for “finding the best communication
structure under a given set of environmental
 Management of Innovation - Burns and Stalker
Two Contingency Theories
 Burns and Stalker (1968) Management of Innovation
– Organizational systems should vary based on the level of stability
in the environment
– Two different types of management systems
 Mechanistic systems - appropriate for stable environment
 Organic systems - required in changing environments (unstable
– Management is the Dependent Variable
 Variations in environmental factors lead to management
 Lawrence and Lorsch (1969)
– Key Issue is environmental uncertainty and information flow
– Focus on exploring and improving the organization’s relationship
with the environment
– Environment is characterized along a certainty-uncertainty
Pragmatic Application of Systems Theory
The Learning Organization

 Adaptive (single-loop) Learning

– Involves coping with a situation
– Limited by the scope of current organizational assumptions
– Occurs when a mismatch between action and outcome is corrected
without changing the underlying values of the system that enabled
the mismatch.
 Generative (double-loop) Learning
– Moves from COPING to CREATING an improved organizational
– Necessary for eventual survival of the organization
 Both are Central Features of the Model of the
Communicative Organization (Chapter 6)
 Synergy and Nonsummativity are Important
The Learning Organization

 Through communication, teams are able to learn more than

individuals operating alone.
– Critics argue that teams inhibit learning
– Thoughts?
 Leadership is a key element in creating and sustaining a
learning organization.
 Leaders are responsible for promoting an atmosphere
conducive to learning
– Represents difference between the “vision” of where the
organization could be and the reality of the current organizational
Impediments to Learning Organization

 Complexity of the Environment

– Difficult to determine cause and effect
– Multiple contributing elements in complex environments
 Internal Conflicts
– Individuals, teams, departments, and subcultures are often at odds
– Energy is drained by conflect
 Organization members must be trained in communication
and conflict-negotiation skills
 Systems Theory is NOT a prescriptive management theory
 Attempts to widen lens through which we examine and
understand organizational behavior
 The Learning Organization
– Synergy
– Nonsummativity
– Interdependence
– Equifinality
– Requisite Variety
– Emphasizes COMMUNICATION in the Learning Process
 Organizations cannot separate from their environment
 Organizational teams or subsystems cannot operate in
Bottom Line

The same misunderstandings and

problems that continue to occur
will eventually cause fatal damage
to the system.

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