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or the Emden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP)
2. Glycolysis

2.1 2.2
Summary of the glycolysis process Role
1 2

3 4
2.3 2.4
Meaningful Application
1 Glucose is phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate.

Glucose-6-phosphate converts to fructose-6-phosphate
Summary of 2 and then to fructose 1,6 – biphosphate.
glycolysis Fructose 1,6 - biphosphate converts to 1,3 -
process 3 biphosphoglycerate, creating ATP and NADH.

1,3 – biphosphoglycerate cleaves phosphate

4 to produce ATP and pyruvic acid.
Summary of
2.2. Role


Helps produce energy in the form of ATP molecules,

allows carbohydrates to enter the Crep cycle,
creates pyruvic acid to synthesize glycerone, amino
acids, produces NADH for the electron transport
chain in aerobic respiration gas to create additional
ATP, stimulate insulin production to help reduce
appetite, and the digestive system works more
2.3. Meaningful

Releasing part of the energy contained in glucose is an

important process for the body's evolution, helping the body

have energy even in a state of strenuous activity (exercising,

jogging,... ), provides energy reserves in the liver in the form of

glycogen to keep blood sugar levels stable.

2.4. Application

Releasing part of the energy contained in glucose is an important process for the body's

evolution, helping the body have energy even in a state of strenuous activity (exercising,

jogging,... ), provides energy reserves in the liver in the form of glycogen to keep blood sugar

levels stable.

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