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• 3.4)How many users can be supported for
0.5% blocking probability for the following
number of trunked channels i) 10, ii) 100.
Assume each user generates 0.1 erlangs
of traffic.
• Given C =10,Au =0.1, GOS =0.005
From erlang B chart A = 3.96
Therefore U = A/Au =39 users
• Given C =100,Au =0.1, GOS =0.005
From erlang B chart A = 80.9
Therefore U = A/Au =809 users
• 3.5)An urban area has a population of 2 million
residents, three competing trunked mobile
network (A,B,C) provide celular service in this
area. System A has 394 cells with 19 channels
each, System B has 98 cells with 57 channels
each, and System C has 49 cells each with 100
channels. Find the number of users that can be
supported at 2% blocking if each user averages
2 calls per hour at an average call duration of 3
min. assuming that all three trunked systems are
operated at maximum capacity, compute the
%market penetration of each cellular provider.
• System A
• Given GOS= 0.02,C=19
• Au= 2x(3/60)=0.1erlangs
From Erlang B chart A=12erlangs
No. of users /cell = 12/0.1=120
No. of subscribers in system A = 120x394=47280
• System B
• Given GOS= 0.02,C=57
• Au= 2x(3/60)=0.1erlangs
From Erlang B chart A=45erlangs
No. of users /cell = 45/0.1=450
No. of subscribers in system B = 450x98=44,100
• System c
• Given GOS= 0.02,C=100
• Au= 2x(3/60)=0.1erlangs
From Erlang B chart A=88erlangs
No. of users /cell = 88/0.1=880
No. of subscribers in system C = 880x49= 43,120
Total cellular subscribers =47280+44,100+43,120 =
134,500 users
% market penetration of A =47280/2,000000= 2.36%
% market penetration of B =44,100/2,000000= 2.205%
% market penetration of C =43,120/2,000000= 2.156%
% market penetration of (A+B+C) = 134,500 /2,000000=

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