Computer Threats

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Threats to Computers and Users

• Computer threat is anything or incidence that

can cause destruction or disruption to the
functioning of the computer and result in
hardware or software losses or failure.
Threats to Computers and Users
• Natural: e.g. Fire/Heat, Water, Dust, Rodents
• Human: e.g. viruses, worms, power
fluctuations etc.
• Health Hazards to Computer Users – bad
posture, poor vision, wrist pain etc.
Types of Computer Threats
• Natural threats: These result from natural
disasters causing damage or destruction to the
hardware or software of the computer. They
include Fire/Heat, Water, Dust, Rodents etc.
• Human threats: These are threats that result
directly or indirectly from human actions or
activities. E.g. malicious codes, power
fluctuation or failure, hardware and software
failure and theft etc.
Natural Threats
1. Dust: Human activities such as sawing, grinding,
polishing and cutting etc. can cause havoc to the
computer. It can block filters and prevent air from
flowing through the computer and causing
overheating. It can also clog the moving parts of the
computer etc.
2. Rodents: When the environment is created, the
activities of mice can have dire consequences in the
functioning of the computer. They cut physical
cables, urinate and defecate on sensitive parts of the
Natural Threats
3. Fire/Heat: Computers depend on electricity to
work and so produce a lot of heat. This is why
manufacturers include cooling device in them. In
addition user, are advised to use the devices in a
very ventilated environment because of the heat
they generate.
4. Water: Operating an electrical devices around
water can be dangerous. In case there is flood,
computers may be in danger of being damaged
because they are not water resistant.
Human Threats
1. Malicious Software(Code): These are programs
that act without the user’s knowledge and
deliberately alter the computer’s operations. They
include viruses, worms, Trojan horses etc.
• Virus: It is a potentially damaging computer
program that affects or infects a computer
negatively by altering the way the computer works
without the user’s knowledge or permission. Once
the virus infects the computer, it can spread
throughout and may damage files and system
Human Threats
• Worm: It is a program that copies itself
repeatedly, for example in the memory of the
computer or on a network, using up resources
and possibly shutting down the computer or
• Trojan Horse: It is a program that hides
within or looks like a legitimate program. A
certain condition or action usually triggers it.
Unlike virus or worm, a Trojan horse does not
replicate itself to other computers.
Human Threats
• Logic Bomb: It is a malicious code that goes
off when a specific condition occurs. It
activates under certain condition, and goes off
and causes threats at a specified time and date.
Signs/Symptoms of Malware in a Computer
• Screen display unusual message or image
• Music or unusual sound play randomly
• Available memory is less than expected
• Existing programs and files disappear
• Files become corrupt
• The computer runs slowly than usual
• System properties change
• The computer stop responding or locks up
• Disks or disk drives are inaccessible
Human Threats
2. Power Fluctuation: This is the disruption of the
primary source (power spike, surge, brownout and
blackout) that results in either insufficient or
excessive power. A power outage could destroy the
timeliness and quality of the delivered service.
3. Theft and Fraud: Activities like impersonation,
industrial espionage, shoulder surfing, hacking
among others by unscrupulous persons may result
in the lost of hardware, software and sensitive
Health Hazards To Computer User
• Posture defect: Poor alignment of the head, neck,
shoulder and back causes stress and pain which
affects every part of the body from head to toe
and it can have lasting health problems.
• Radiation: This has to do with emissions such as
waves which can cause headache, dizziness, sleep
deprivation, cancer etc.
• Glare: This refers to over illumination or light
pollution especially from most Visual Display
Units(VDU) which may results in headaches, eye
irritation, loss of eye sight.
Health Hazards To Computer User
• Repetitive Strain Injury(RSI): This is caused
by constant use of computers such as recurring
pain or soreness in the neck, shoulders, wrists
or hands etc.
• Addiction: This is obsessive and
uncontrollable use of the computer such as
crave to spend time with the computer which
may results in problems with school or work
neglect etc.
Causes and Effects of Threats to Computers and Users

• Viruses – Loss of data and software

• Power fluctuation, Heat, fire etc. – damage
to hardware
• Light rays – poor vision of the user
• Unauthorized Users – information theft,
piracy etc.

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