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Alex Kang’ethe
Introduction to HCI

Definition of Human-Computer Interaction

Importance of HCI in modern technology
Overview of the lecture structure
Historical Perspective

Evolution of HCI from early computers to

modern devices

Key milestones in HCI development

Fundamental Concepts in HCI:

• User-centered design
• Usability and user experience (UX)
• Affordances and constraints
Cognitive Principles:

• Mental models
• Perception and attention
• Memory and learning in HCI
Interaction Design Principles:
• Consistency in design
• Feedback and responsiveness
• Error prevention and recovery
User Interface Elements:
• Buttons, menus, and navigation
• Forms and input controls
• Icons and symbols
Mobile and Touch Interfaces:
• Design considerations for mobile devices
• Gesture-based interactions
Accessibility in HCI:
• Importance of accessible design
• Guidelines for designing accessible interfaces
Social Aspects of HCI:
• Collaborative interfaces
• Social media and HCI
Case Studies:
• Successful HCI implementations
• Lessons learned from failures
Emerging Trends in HCI:
• Virtual and augmented reality
• Natural language processing and voice
Ethical Considerations in HCI:
• Privacy concerns
• Bias in AI and machine learning
Future Challenges:
• Keeping pace with technological advancements
• Balancing innovation with user needs
• “Technology is the
campfire around
which we tell our
stories.”--- Laurie

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