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Merits of Wind Energy Conversion System And Their interrelations of interest to a designer

By:~Mandira Choudhury ID no:~110708016 Semester:~7th Dept:~ETC

Merits of WECS:1)Wind energy is an renewable energy 2)Wind power generation is cost effective and reliable

3)No pollution during energy generation

4)Efficiency is more than Solar System

5)Economically competitive

Design Considerations of WECS: 1)Power Co-efficient:Power co-efficient Cp=

Cp is maximum when exit velocity=(1/3)*incoming velocity of wind Cp max=59% (theoretically)

2)Tip Speed Ratio:Tip speed ratio, =

Typical ranges: 48 For Horizontal axis wind machine

For a propeller turbine of radius R, Maximum torque on a turbine rotor Tmax=Fmax*R Where, Fmax=AVi^2/2 Working Torque T=CT*Tmax CT is torque co-efficient Where, Cp=CT CTmax=0.59/

3)Solidity:Solidity S=

S=NC/(R) Where, N=number of blades C=mean chord length

Wind Velocity:Vertical wind speed gradient: Wind speed varies considerably with height above ground. The speed at surface is zero due to the friction between the air and the ground surface. The wind speed increases with height most rapidly near the ground, increases less rapidly with greater height. Wind speed at height Z, V(Z)=Vr(Z/Zr)^a Where, Vr is the wind speed at reference height Zr a is an exponent which depends on the roughness of the place Types of places Water areas Open country Exponent(a) 0.01 0.12

Farmland with buildings and 0.16 hedges 0.28 Farmland with many trees,
forests, villages

Average wind speed required for installation of WECS:Kinetic energy of airstream coming with incoming velocity Vi, =(AVi^3)/2

For =1.2 kg/m^3 at sea level i) Vi=10m/s, K.E.=600W/m^2 ii)Vi=25m/s, K.E.=10000W/m^2

Equivalent to average daily insolation on horizontal surface

Hence, optimum wind velocity for power extraction=10m/s

Economics:The cost break-up of 600 kw wind turbine is given below:

Components Capital cost(equipment) Capital cost(project) Maintenance Operating life

Cost US $600-$800/kw US $800-$1250/kw US $0.01/kwh 25 years

Levelised cost

US $0.04-$0.08/kwh

Present Status:State Gross potential (MW)

8275 9675

Technical potential (MW)

1290 1450

Installed Capacity (MW)

92.5 166.9

Andhra Pradesh Gujarat

Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Rajasthan Tamilnadu

875 5500 3650 1700 5400 3050

500 75 2500 400 500 1220

2.0 22.6 401.2 2 61.7 9903

West Bengal
Other states Total



1.6 1869.2

From the table it is very much clear that gross potential of wind energy system is maximum in a coastal and desert land of the country due to plenty of wind energy sources available in the region.

Reference:1)Renewable Energy Resources-By G N Tiwari, M K Ghoshal 2)

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