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Sem II
The Akashi Kaikyo Suspension Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world and it is
probably Japan’s greatest engineering feat.

It took two million workers ten years to construct the bridge, 181,000 tones of steel and
1.4million cubic meters of concrete.
It has six lanes and links the island of Awaji and the mainland city of Kobe, a distance of four
miles. The concept of building a bridge across the Akashi Straits became urgent after a disaster
in 1955. A ferry carrying over one hundred children sank after colliding with another ferry, in
the busy shipping lane. One hundred and sixty eight children and adults died in the disaster.
Political pressure for a bridge increased and in 1988 construction began.

The Akashi Straits is four miles wide at the bridge site with sea depths of one hundred metres
and currents averaging fourteen kmph. The Akashi Straits is one of the busiest sea lanes in the
world with over a thousand ships per day travelling through it. Furthermore, the bridge is in a
typhoon region in which winds can reach speeds of 290 kmph.

The construction of a suspension bridge involves the use of two main cables stretching between
two towers. The roadway beneath these is suspended by more cables. To stop the towers,
roadway and cables collapsing, they are held at either end by large anchor blocks (the Akashi
anchor blocks weigh 350 000 tonnes). In the case of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, suspension
bridge technology was pushed to the limit.
The Japanese designers and engineers tested their designs by building complex models. These were tested in wind tunnels which helped them refine
the design so that the bridge could cope with severe weather and typhoon conditions. The photograph opposite shows 40 metre long model, set up
for a variety of scientific tests.
The two towers stand on two large circular foundations. The moulds for the two foundations were built in dry dock weighing 15 000 tonnes and 60
metres in height. In March 1989 a major stage of construction was reached with the moulds for the foundations to the towers being towed out to
their positions in the sea by numerous tugs. When in position the moulds were flooded with two hundred and fifty million litres of water, taking
eight hours to complete. By the time the moulds were full, they were resting on the sea bed.

Each of the two foundations were filled with 265 000 cubic metres of concrete. However, ordinary concrete does not mix with water and so the
Japanese had to develop special concrete which was capable of mixing with sea water. In 1989 work on the two towers began. Each is nearly as
high as the Eiffel Tower and is designed to have a two hundred year lifespan. The towers are 283 metres in height and if the foundations are
included, this adds a further 60 metres. Each tower is made up of 90 sections and they
were built with absolute precision as the design allowed only a 25mm offset at the top. In order to achieve this level of accuracy each of the
blocks were ‘surface ground’ to a precise finish. 700 000 bolts were used to fix each of the towers together.
Each tower is designed to flex / move in storm force conditions. They and even have a special mechanism that counteracts and dampens movement.
When the towers were completed a temporary cable was stretched between both and a wire
mesh gangway built so that workers could start construction of the main cables. This temporary
gangway can be seen in the photograph to the right. Workers and machinery pulled the main
cables from one tower to the other.

Once the main cables and the vertical cables were in position the deck / roadway was fixed
hanging below them. This work took place in 1994. Large purpose built cranes were used to lift
the sections, 4000 tonnes each, were bolted into position, one after another. 290 sections make
up the entire bridge.
The photographs to the right show the cranes in operation and the deck as it was fixed in
position, section by section.
Each section has a triangulated form. This means that weight is kept to a minimum and
yet each
section has maximum strength.

In the two main towers 20 mass dampers, TMDs, were placed, pivoting in the direction opposite to the wind when it blows on one side of the
bridge, dampers sway in the opposite direction, effectively balancing the bridge and placed negating the influence of wind. In the bridge design
system strengthening beams with two hinges allow the structure to withstand winds of 290 km / hour, earthquakes with a magnitude of up to 8.5
on the Richter scale and strong currents was also applied. The bridge also contains pendulums which are designed to operate at the resonant
frequency of the bridge to dampen forces.


The two main supporting towers rise 282.8 meters above sea level, 297.30m to the end of the anchor cable, the bridge can be expanded by the
heat of up to 2 m in the course of a day. Steel cables with a diameter of 112cm contain 36,830 lines of wire. The bridge is supported by two cables
basically the central section, considered the toughest in the world constructed.


In order to make a proper, new technologies have been investigated for the proper maintenance and long life of the bridge. Among them the “air
injection system dry”. This system protects the main cable corrosion
The system consists of injecting dry air into the main cables to maintain a constant humidity inside thereof. This is a revolutionary idea because the
cost of periodic maintenance is avoided.
The towers and suspended structure coated with newly developed fluorine resin paint, which has high durability. This coating system, zinc-rich
paint, put directly on the steel surface makes an important prevention work before the advancing corrosion.

Location: Cornwall, UK

Outdoors is considered one of the three

biomes largest biome: 240m long, 55m
high, 110m wide

Building type: Biome

Client: UK Millenium Project for

the Eden Trust Design

Team: Nicholas Grimshaw and

Partners, Tim Smit, Arup Engineering

Completion: April 2001

• The complex consists of several parts Beside the outside area there
are 4 main buildings.
1. The entrance
2. visitor center is located at the top of the clay pit.
3. Here, several souvenir shops, restaurants and exhibitions are

The link building is the entrance to the Biomes. Beside sanitary

the visitor can have a rest in restaurants

• This building was completed and opened to the public

about one year before the opening of the rest of the

• The HTBiomes are comprised of 4 domes (ABCD) and the dome B is

the biggest one of all.
• The diameter is almost 125 m and the free height inside is close to 55
m so that even big jungle trees have enough room to grow up.
• Since these plants need the most sunlight to grow.

• Many other varying attractions and exhibitions make the

Eden Project an attractive park for the visitors.


• The Eden domes are geodesic spherical



The structural network of a dome in the Eden

Project consist of two concentric spherical
networks with a prescribed radius difference
or structural depth between them.

• Here, external and internal networks are

interconnected with a set of lines called
diagonals, The external grid is a hexagonal
network, here referred to as “Hex-Net”,
whereas the internal grid consists of triangles
and hexagons and is consequently called “Tri-

3 Frequency Dome

• Has 3 Edges on Each

Long struts
• 9 Triangles for each
face of the Short strut
Icosahedron • Shortest strut are on the outer side of
• Longest strut are in the center

The main design parameters for the connection in

the top chord were STRUCTURAL
•Rigid Connection for the three tubes with
d=193 mm
• Hinged connection for the three
Fast and easy erection
As a result of these requirements bowl node was
chosen . This type of node is an enhancement of the
node type used by MERO when circular or
rectangular hollow tubes are joined together by

Top chord “bowl” node


• The stress design of the top chord resulted in a

tube diameter of 193.7 mm.
• In order to use the same connection to the node,
all top chord pipes are the same diameter, but
with different wall
• Since all the necessary geometrical angles to
form a dome are put in the node, the ends of the
top chord beams are cut rectangular which
allow fast and efficient manufacturing.
• At each end, an endplate is welded and at the
top of the beam a erection hole cut

Details of the top chord beam and section of bowl node


• The bottom chord tubes and

diagonals are made of the classical and
well known MERO space frame system.
• The performed stress and stability
design lead to diameters between 76.1
and 168.3 mm.
• They are designed and manufactured
The bottom chord node
according to the MERO technical
approval .
• Ethelene tetra‐fluoro‐ethelene
•Trade name “Tefzel”
•High corrosive resistance
•Three times larger load carrying
•Bears 400 times its self-weight
•Compared to glass, ETFE is 1% the
•Transmits more light
•Installation cost reduced by 24% to
•Self-cleaning and recyclable
•Ability to stretch to three times its
length without loss of elasticity Three layered pillows
• Each pillow attached to air supply system
•Inside pressure is about 300 pascals
•Maximum height of inflated pillow is 10‐
of the maximum span


• Grid consists of series of hexagons • Single layer domes are restricted to a

and pentagons span of approximately 100ft.
• Rigid connections through bowl • (30m).
nodes • Domes greater than this span
• Maximum grid span is 11 employs a double layer space frame
m, member size is 193 mm dia • configuration for greater stability
and rigidity.
Shafayee Shaikh
M.Arch Sem 2
St. Charles HYPERBOLIC-PARABOLA Construction

• A Hypar is a surface curved in two directions that can be designed

as a shell or warped lattice.

• A hypar is triangular, rectangular or rhomboidal in plan, with corners

raised to the elevation desired for use and/or appearance. The edges
of Hypars are typically restrained by stiff hollow beams that collect
& transfer roof loads to the foundations.In 1961, the roof of St.
Charles Church became the largest unbalanced hyperbolic paraboloid
structure in the United States and the only shell structure in
Spokane, WA.

• Situated on an 8-acre site on the north side of the city, St. Charles is
a modernist structure designed through partnership of Funk, Molander
& Johnson engineers, architect William C. James and in consultation
with Professor T.Y. Lin of the Structural Engineering Laboratory at the
University of California, Berkeley.

• This asymmetric structure spans over 33.5 m (110 ft) and utilizes
folded edge beams that taper from 1067 mm (42 in) at the base to
76.2 mm (3 in) thickness at the topmost edge using regular
strength reinforcing steel and concrete load carrying components.

• The novelty of the pre-stressed shell structure serves both

architectural and structural design criteria by delivering a large,
uninterrupted interior sanctuary space in materially and economically
efficient manner.

St. Charles HYPERBOLIC-PARABOLA Construction

• The construction began in summer

of 1959 with excavation of the
basement followed by basement
footings, walls and slabs with
construction moving on to the
superstructure by late summer. The
phasing for the shell consisted of

• 1) pour foundation pad and embed

the prestressing cables

a) Finished shell showing 2 foundation connections and b) Isometric details of the shell • 2) construct the 2 full
height masonry walls

• 3) erect scaffolding and formwork

for the shell,
• 4) construct shell) a)
Scaffolding b) Formwork and c)
Concrete shell prestress before
removal of formwork

• 5) pour abutment piers

• 6) stress foundation cables

• 7) remove formwork.

St. Charles HYPERBOLIC-PARABOLA Construction
• The load path for the shell structure consists of the prestressed shell and tapered
edge beams that were supported by two concrete abutments at the two low corners
of the shell.

• An additional two full height masonry walls on the short sides stabilized the
• The two abutments were connected through the floor slab with 8 – 12 wire cables
having Fr = 2667 kN (600 kip) that carried the outward thrust developed by the roof.

• The prestress in the shell consisted of 4 – 6.35 mm (0.25 in) cables spaced from
305 mm (12 in) to 610 mm (24 in) on center in the field of the shell.

• The edge beams had additional prestressing 4 – 6.35 mm (0.25 in) cables as shown
in Figure 5. Specific details and construction sequencing was provided by the
contractors, including suggested methodology per construction notes.

• The roof is an asymmetric (1 side rises higher than the other) hyperbolic
paraboloid with a folded edge beam. As typical with hyperbolic shell structures, the
geometry provides most of the roof’s strength through development of membrane
stresses, not the amount or type of materials put in it.

• Consequently, the design used 84 m3 (110 yd3 ) 25 MPa (3500 psi) concrete and
228 MPa (33 ksi) reinforcing steel per ASTM A305 and 4 – 6.35 mm (0.25 in) wire
with rupture strength, Fr = 2667 kN (600 kip) and tensile strength, Ft = 1067kN
(240 kip). However, note that the shell itself is prestressed and there are shear and
moment forces present in the edge beams.
St. Charles HYPERBOLIC-PARABOLA Construction

Buttressed support detail and b) abutment and slab reactions



Shafayee Shaikh
M.Arch Sem 2
PREFAB Construction

CASE STUDY: Construction of G+5 Floor (1152 tenements)

at Perumbakkam, Dist-Kanchipuram Chennai

Client – MoHUA and Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board ✓

Construction Agency – M/s. B G Shirke Construction Tech Pvt Ltd, Pune,

Type of Project – A Design-Build-Turnkey Lumpsum Contract awarded as LHP


Project Value – Rs 120.01 Crs.

Type of Structure – 3S Precast RCC Framed

Structure Seismic Zone – Zone III as per IS:1893

Weather – Hot and Humid

Storey Configuration – G+5

Dwelling Unit types - EWS

Type Execution Period - 12


Total No of Buildings – 12
buildings as follows - 16 flats /
floor 96 flats / building
PREFAB Construction
What are Prefabricated Structures?
Prefab, short for prefabricated, refers to any structure that is manufactured off-site in advance and then assembled on-site. These structures are often produced in factories or other
controlled environments, where the conditions can be closely monitored to ensure quality and efficiency. Prefabricated structures can range from small modular units to larger
components of buildings such as walls, floors, and even entire rooms. They offer several advantages, including faster construction times, reduced labor costs, and often better quality
control compared to traditional construction methods. Prefab structures can be made from various materials including wood, steel, concrete, and even plastic, depending on the
intended use and requirements of the project.
Merits & Demerits of Prefab Construction

Faster construction: Prefabricated structures are typically constructed faster than traditional buildings since much of the assembly work is done off-site.

Cost-effective: Prefabrication can reduce labor costs and material waste, making it a more cost-effective option for construction projects.

Quality control: Manufacturing components in a controlled environment often results in higher quality products with fewer defects.

Sustainability: Prefabrication can minimize construction waste and reduce environmental impact through efficient material usage.

Flexibility: Prefabricated structures can be easily customized to meet specific design requirements and can be easily disassembled and relocated if needed.


Transportation costs: Shipping prefabricated components to the construction site can incur additional transportation costs, especially for large or bulky items.

Limited customization: While prefabricated structures offer some level of customization, they may not be as flexible in design as traditional construction methods.

Initial investment: Setting up facilities for prefabrication can require a significant initial investment in machinery and equipment.

Site preparation: Proper site preparation is necessary to accommodate prefabricated components, including foundation work and access for delivery and assembly.

PREFAB Construction

Prefab Components

PREFAB Construction



PREFAB Construction

Manufactured precast components are erected, aligned and connected using Self Compacting Concrete of appropriate grade along with embedded

PREFAB Construction


PREFAB Construction

PREFAB Construction

PREFAB Construction

Manufactured precast components are erected, aligned and connected using Self Compacting Concrete of appropriate grade along with embedded


PREFAB Construction

Prefab Components
are erected, aligned
and joined using
SCC along with

PREFAB Construction




Case Study on High Rise Structure
Shafayee Shaikh
M.Arch Sem 2
NRussia Tower was a

project planned for the Moscow

International Business Center in
Moscow, Russia. It was started but
eventually was cancelled due to the
financial crisis of 2007–2008.

The original idea for the building was proposed in 1994. Since then, the tower's
planned location has changed five times. One of the proposed concepts by
Norman Foster, was meant to reach a height of 1 km (0.62 mi); however, that
concept was cancelled by the Mayor of Moscow, Yury LuzhkovThe total area of
the structure would have covered 520,000 m2 (5,600,000 sq ft), of which
approximately 200,000 m2 (2,200,000 sq ft) would have been underground.
The tower would have contained 118 floors, 101 elevators, and 3,680
underground parking spaces. Commercial retail shops would have been located
at the base of the building. The maximum capacity of the building was
projected to be around 30,000 people.
1 2 3
the tower share loads and work a perimeter closed tube around
One structural concept that
together like a frame. each wing, with an interior
related to the form of the
the tower shared load but with triangle tube at their link—a
building was particularly
pinned connection. ‘bundled tube’ organization;
intriguing to the
the tower remains structurally and
design team. It suggested a
independent with the connection a central closed hexagonal
series of sloping, parallel
accomodating differential tube providing torsional
columns at a regular spacing to
movement. resistance at the center of the
brace a central
plan, with stiff planes along
core laterally and to carry
the sides of each wing to brace
gravity loads
the central tube laterally.
NTis the structural material of choice in Moscow, and for carrying pure
compression forces itis very economical.
In the Russia Tower, the fan columns, reverse fan columns, and the core
structure(or ‘spine’) carry primarily compression forces, with low shear and
bending forces and no tensions.
Reinforced concrete seemed a logical choice for these elements.
The design intent became, put simply, to ‘lean’ the three towers together. By
continuously connecting their inner tips, the once separate forms became
radiating from a central spine.

The three parts were now rigidly linked, working

together as a single structure—any one wing
stabilized by the other two.
Each wing was tapered in elevation
The tower actually appears to be quite slender
to this configuration, and maintains benefits for
light and views—but in a far more structurally
Aparametric study illustrates the structural efficiency for carrying
lateral loads with this system, as compared to a conventional core-and-
outrigger system used in tall towers .
For the braced spine system, lateral loads are resisted as axial forces
in the fan columns and the ‘spine’ must, in effect only span like a
continuous beam between the points where the fan columns brace the
In contrast, for a core and outrigger system, all the lateral shear loads
on the building accumulate in the core, leading to large bending

moments in the core and in the outriggers;

core moments in this system are
more than five times those found in
an equivalent braced core system.
Therefore. the stiffness and
strength required
in the core of a braced spine structure are
much less than would be required in the core
of a core and outrigger system.
At the base, a steel and glass roof
encloses the column-free 11-story atrium
For its 75 m ( 246 ft) column-free spans,
this 1·5 m (4·9 ft) diagonalized steel
structure acts effectively
as a stiffened bent plate, with the 10 m
(32·8 ft) cantilevered horizontal canopy
plane stiffening for wind loads and the
sloping plane stiffening for gravity loads.

After much unsuccessful sketching about how to incorporate

diagonals sloped oppositely to the fan columns, Halvorson suggested
that where the fan columns hit the central core a ‘reverse fan’
column be created at the same relative angle to the core, and
extend upward and outward; this would triangulate the wing

A large, 11-story atrium is located in the

space created below
the sloping columns. Between the base
Level 11, each of the wings is an
independent element
since it is not connected to or braced by
the other wings. Stability for each of the
wings is created by
locating bracing on the underside of the
wings and by interconnecting several of
the fan columns along
each face
Steel was appropriate for much of the remainder of the
N Perimeter spandrel beam span vary due to the
fan column layouts, reaching as much as 18 m ( 60 ft).
The developer also wanted column-free office floors,
requiring a 21 m ( 69 ft) clear span across the wings.
Post-tensioned concrete framing was not a viable option in
Moscow, without which these long spans would require
prohibitively deep reinforced concrete beams.
Thus, long-span composite steel trusses became the choice
for office floor framing members. 12th Floor Plan
N The architectural form and the structural
engineering concepts of the Russia Tower developed
from a
unique set of circumstances: its program, its site, its
developer and the intuition of its design team
working in collaboration. The structural concept
responds very directly to the imperatives of a tall
building and to the loads acting upon it. The
structural concept is also intimately linked to the
architectural form of the tower—it is hard now to
imagine one without the other. While the structural
concept is elegant in its simplicity, the mathematics
of its behavior and design were necessarily complex,
and some of the unique structural engineering
approaches adopted for its design have been



Shafayee Shaikh
M.Arch Sem 2
Construction with MIVAN

a)Wall Panel :It forms the face of the wall. It is an

Aluminum sheet properly cut to fitthe exact size of the wall.

b)Rocker: - It is a supporting component of wall. It is L-

shaped panel havingallotment holes for stub pin.

(a (b
) )
c)Kicker: - It forms the wall face at the top of the panels and
acts as a ledgeto support.

d)Stub Pin: - It helps in joining two wall panels. It helps

in joining two joints

) 2
Construction with MIVAN


a) Receipt of Equipment on Site – The equipment is received in the site as ordered. Wall Assembly Details
b) Level Surveys – Level checking are made to maintain horizontal level check.
c) Setting Out – The setting out of the formwork is done.
d) Control / Correction of Deviation – Deviation or any correction are carried out.
e) Erect Formwork – The formwork is erected on site.
f) Erect Deck Formwork – Deck is erected for labors to work.
g) Setting Kickers – kickers are provided over the beam.

After the above activities have been completed it is necessary to check thefollowing.
1. All formwork should be cleaned and coated with approved realize agent.
2. Ensure wall formwork is erected to the setting out lines.
3. Check all openings are of correct dimensions, not twist.
4. Check all horizontal formwork (deck soffit, and beam soffit etc.) in level.
5. Ensure deck and beam props are vertical and there is vertical movement in the proplengths.
6. Check wall ties, pins and wedges are all in position and secure.
7. Any surplus material or items to be cleared from the area to be cast.
8. Ensure working platform brackets are securely fastened to the concrete.

Construction with MIVAN

The post-concreting activities includes:

All components should be cleaned with scrapers and wire brushes as soon as theyare struck. Wire
brush is to be used on side rails only.
The longer cleaning is delayed, the more difficult the task will be. It is usuallybest to clean
panels in the area where they are struck.

There are basic three methods recommended when transporting to the next floor:
i. The heaviest and the longest, which is a full height of wall panel, can be carried upthe nearest
ii. Passes through void areas.

iii. Rose through slots specially formed in the floor slab for this purpose. Once they have served their
purpose they are closed by casting in concrete filter.

Once cleaned and transported to the next point of erection, panels should be stacked at right
place and in right order. Proper stacking is a clean sign of a wall –managed operation greatly aids
the next sequence of erection as well as prevents clutters and impend other activities.

Construction with MIVAN

The panels are held in position by a simple pin and wedge system that passes throughholes in the
outside rib of each panel. The panels fit precisely, simply and securely and require no bracing.
Buildings can be constructed quickly and easily by unskilled labourwith hammer being the only
tool required. Once the panels have been numbered, measuring is not necessary. As the erection
process is manually, tower cranes are not required. The result is a typical 4 to 5 day cycle for floor –
to – floor construction.


One of the principal technical features which enables this aped to be attained using a single set of
formwork panel is the unique V shaped a prop head which allows the ‘quickstrip’ to take place
whilst leaving the propping undisturbed.
The deck panels can therefore be resumed immediately.

Construction with MIVAN
Speed of Construction
MIVAN is a system for scheduling & controlling the work of other connected construction trades such as steel reinforcement, concrete placements
& electrical inserts.The work at site hence follows a particular sequence. The work cycle begins with the DE shuttering of the panels. It takes about
12- 15hrs. It is followed by positioning ofthe brackets & platforms on the level. It takes about 10-15hrs simultaneously.

The DE shuttered panels are lifted & fixed on the floor .The activity requires 7-10 hours. Kicker & External shutters are fixed in 7 hrs. The wall
shutters are erected in 6-8 hrs One of the major activity reinforcement requires 10-12 hrs. The fixing of the electrical conduits takes about 10 hrs and
finally pouring of concrete takes place in these.
This is a well synchronized work cycle for a period of 7 days. A period of 10-12hrs is left after concreting for the concrete to gain strength
before the beginning of the next cycle. This work schedule has been planned for 1010-1080 sq m of formwork with72-25cu m of concreting &
approximate reinforcement.
The formwork assembling at the site is a quick & easy process. On leaving the MIVAN factory all panels are clearly labeled to ensure that they are
easily identifiable onsite and can be smoothly fitted together using formwork modulation drawings. All formwork begins from corners and proceeds
from there.
The system usually follows a four day cycle: -

Day 1: -The first activity consists of erection of vertical reinforcement bars and one sideof the vertical formwork for the entire floor or a part
of one floor.

Day 2: -The second activity involves erection of the second side of the vertical formworkand formwork for the floor

Day 3: - Fixing reinforcement bars for floor slabs and casting of walls and slabs.

Day 4: -Removal of vertical form work panels after 24hours, leaving the props in placefor 7 days and floor slab formwork in place for 2.5
Construction with MIVAN


Location: Navi – Mumbai.

Country: India.
Client: CIDCO and
Scope: L&T ECC
Design: 4 No. Blocks on each floor of 4, 5, 6, and 7 Storey
Cycle: Apts. Load Bearing wall & slab.
System formwork:4 days per floor.
Contract Start Date: November 2003.
Project Type (s): High rise, residential building having 16 buildings
in all. Architect: Hafeez Contractor

The building in plan made an angle of 1720, 168º and 1610 with each other. The quality of construction is maintained at the site with the use of RMC.
The RMC plant has a capacity of producing 90 cubic meter of concrete of concrete per hour. The concrete usedwas of 25 grades. The construction from
foundation up to stilt is done with conventionalpractice while the upper floors are constructed using ‘MIVAN’ technology. The construction company
has imported three sets of aluminum forms. The cost is about
Rs.500/- sq.ft as against Rs.650/- sq.ft using conventional methods. Thus it can be saidthat even though the cost of construction is little bit high it has
an unmatched quality compared to the conventional method.
MIVAN formwork played a vital role in the construction of the project. The project was completed not only on stipulated period of time but
also paid off with its attributes. Speedy & quality dwelling units were provided to the people of low incomegroups at very reasonable costs. MIVAN
is a definitely future of this ever growing construction industry with lots of project still awaiting its touch of excellence.
Construction with MIVAN
Conclusion and Inference on the effectiveness of Mivan Formwork

The task of housing due to the rising population of the country is becoming increasinglymonumental. In terms of technical capabilities to face this
challenge, the potential is enormous; it only needs to be judiciously exploited.
Civil engineers not only build but also enhance the quality of life. Their creativityand technical skill help to plan, design, construct and operate the
facilities essential to life. It is important for civil engineers to gain and harness the potent and versatile construction tools.
Traditionally, construction firms all over the world have been slow to adopt the innovation and changes. Contractors are a conservative lot. It is the need
of time to analyze the depth of the problem and find effective solutions. MIVAN serves as a cost effective and efficient tool to solve the problems of the
mega housing project all over theworld. MIVAN aims to maximize the use of modern construction techniques and equipment on its entire project.
We have tried to cover each and every aspect related to aluminum (MIVAN) formconstruction. We thus infer that MIVAN form construction is able
to provide high qualityconstruction at unbelievable speed and at reasonable cost. This technology has great potential for application in India to
provide affordable housing to its rising population.
Thus it can be concluded that quality and speed must be given due consideration with regards to economy. Good quality construction will never deter
to projects speed norwill it be uneconomical. In fact time consuming repairs and modification due to poor quality work generally delay the job and
cause additional financial impact on the project.

Some experts feel that housing alternatives with low maintenance requirements may bepreferred even if at the slightly may preferred even if at the
higher initial cost.

2 M2023-18


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