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Adaptation of Animals

By Team : Animal Kingdom

Team Members of Animal Kingdom
Dev Dharsan Ramkumar
Kumble Vedanth Prabhu
Karen Delaine Ribeiro
Arya Manivannan
Benny John Joel
Adaptation of A Polar Bear

• Polar bears also have thick blubber and dense fur to help keep them
• They have big, furry feet that act like snowshoes to help them walk
on the snow.
• This is a good thing as there are no trees or rocks to hide behind in
their habitat. Blending in is the a way to hide.
• These are all physical adaptations that help a polar bear survive in
its environment.
Adaptation of A Camel

• Camels are well adapted for survival in the desert. They have large,
flat feet for walking in sand.
• They have long eyelashes and thin slit nostrils that they can close to
protect them from blowing sand.
• They have thick fur on the top of the body for shade and thin fur
elsewhere to allow easy heat loss.
• They are adapted to survive a long time without water and food.
• They have an extremely long large intestine that absorbs every last
drop of water from the foods they eat.
Adaptation of A Kangaroo

• Kangaroo are the largest marsupials on earth.

• Most kangaroos are left handed.
• A group of kangaroo are called mobs.
• Some kangaroos can hop 25 feet.
• Kangaroos have very large tendons in their hind legs which act as
"springs" the springing motion uses less energy that running foes so
kangaroos are able to jump for long distances.
Adaptation of A Leatherback turtle

• Leatherback turtles are able to keep a warm body

temperature using a variety of adaptations.
• Their dark Colour, large size and thick layer of fat help them attract
heat and keep it in.
• Leatherbacks can also lower their heartrate and change their
swimming patterns to minimize energy spent and amount of
oxygen used.
• The shape of their flippers which help them swim fast, they are
cold-blooded, so they can stay underwater longer.
Adaptation of A Lion

• Lions also have large and pronounced paws, which are large in
comparison to their body size, and they facilitate long journeys through
the desert.
• Like most animals, lions use their vocal chords to communicate with
each other and to prevent intrusion of their territory boundaries.
• They rely on lengthy claws, strong teeth and sandpaper-like tongues to
catch, kill and consume prey.
Adaptation of A Zebra

• Zebras have unique black and white stripes which are useful for
defense purposes
• They have legs that are long and slender but very strong , enabling the
zebra to run up 65km per hour
• Zebras give birth to a foal , every 2-3 years . New born foals can stand
after 6 minutes .
• They are part of horse and donkey family .
• Zebras often sleep standing up so they can stay alert for predators .
Adaptation of A Black Panther

• Black panthers have a dark black coat that helps them

camouflage during the night and catch their prey
without being seen.
• Black panthers have sharp claws that help them climb
trees where they can hunt.
• The black panther has special eyes that allow them to
see well at night.
• Black panthers like other cats have pads on their paws
so they can climb on top of sharp rocks.
Adaptation of A Penguin

• Penguin wings are paddle-like flippers used for swimming.

• The motion of the flippers resembles the wing movements of flying
birds, giving penguins the appearance of flying through water.
• They only come ashore for breeding and molting.
• A penguin hunches its head into its shoulders to maintain its
streamlined shape and reduce drag while swimming.
• Emperors Penguain have been observed swimming 14.4 kph (8.9 mph),
though the normally penguin do not exceed 10.8 kph (6.7 mph.)

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