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The turning effect of the force

9th january (Monday)

1. Daily review(5 mins)

2. Activity on turning effects
of forces (12 mins)
3. Introduction to turning
effects of forces(15 mins)
4. Practice(15 mins)
1) Describe the moment of a force as a measure of its
turning effect, and give everyday examples
2) Calculate moment using the product force × perpendicular
distance from the pivot
Daily review:

Calculate the force needed to give a mass of 20 kg an

acceleration of 0.72 m/s2 .
Before we begin with a new concept….. Activity time
1. You will work in groups of 4 each
2. Each group will need a wooden pencil, a ruler and 1cm X 1cm of two sided
3. Arrange the above as in the pictures below and wait for further instructions

1st step 2nd step

Task 1

Each group will be provided with a

small amount of play dough.
1. For your first task, you will have
to place equal mass of play
dough on each end of the ruler
such that the ruler is stable and
Task 2

In this task you will reduce the

amount of play dough on one
end of the ruler such that the
other heavier end will obviously
tip over. For this task you will
have to figure out a way in
which you should balance the
ruler with different masses of
play dough on either end.
Summarise your understanding of this experiment in 2-3 bullet points: <<5:00>>

Use these prompts:

1) What are the distances of the dough from the centre?
2) How does the mass of the dough affect the balance of the
3) How does the distance of the dough affect the balance of the
Sample ans- equal masses of dough are at equal distances from
the centre.
Observations(ESR): <<2:00>>

1) Equal masses of dough are at equal distances from the

2) Heavier mass should be close to the centre to balance.
3) Lighter mass should be away from the centre.
4) Turning effect of force depends on mass and distance of
an object from the centre.
(S+J): I will pause the video after every
1 min, you can turn and talk and stop n
jot to fill in the table given below:
Moment(definition): Formula of moment
Example: of force:

If something is Formula triangle:

Solve the problems
asked in the video:
The point where the handle is fixed to the door and causes the
door turns on its hinges is called as “PIVOT”. <<1:00>>

Ex- When a mechanic pushes on the long arm of a

spanner, the force that causes the spanner to turn
is called “The turning effect of a force”
The turning effect of a force depends on three things:
(1) The greater the force, the greater its turning effect.

(2) The further the force is from the pivot, the greater its
turning effect.
3) The moment of force is greatest if it acts at 90 degree to the
A seesaw is a long beam balanced on a pivot.
The pivot is placed midway along the beam.
Calculating the moment of a force <<1:00>>
Moment = force x distance
Unit of moment = Nm
The Principle of Moments <<2:00>>

For a beam to be balanced,

the clockwise moment acting
on it must equal the
anticlockwise moment acting
on it.
The diagram shows the forces acting on a beam and their distances from
the pivot.
The beam is balanced because the moments of the two forces are equal

0.8m 0.4m

50N 100N
0.8 X 50 = 40 100 X 0.4 = 40
Clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment
CFU <<3:00>>
1. Where is the force applied on
the spanner?
2. What is the effect of the force?
Force is acting on one end of the spanner.
The spanner causes it to turn anticlockwise
making the nut tight or loose
Practice: <<1:00>>

Three different forces are shown pulling on a heavy trapdoor. Which force
will have the biggest turning effect? Explain your answer
A tall tree can survive a gentle breeze but it may be
blown over by a high wind. Explain why a tall tree is
more likely to blow over than a short tree.
HW - 1. A boy held a book of weight 50
newtons in his fully outstretched
hand, at a distance of 50 cm away.
Calculate the moment of the force.
2. Katrina weighs 500 N and is sitting at
one end of a see-saw which is 4 m
long and balanced in the middle. Saif
is 2000 N. Where should he sit in
order to balance the See-saw?
3. A metre stick is balanced in the
middle and has a force of 8 N hanging
20 cm from the middle. What force
needs to hang 30 cm from the middle
in order to balance the metre stick?
10th january (Tuesday)

1. Daily review(5 mins)

2. Experimental verification
for principle of
moments(15 mins)
3. Practice(15 mins)
1) Apply the principle of moments to the balancing of a
weightless beam about a pivot
2) Apply the principle of moments to different situations
Daily review: <<2:00>>

Imagine you are sitting on a see

saw with a friend. What will you
do if your friend is heavier than
How does this
mass balance
(Turn and talk)
Phet simulation <<10:00>>
Pivot—the centre point of a rotation system <<2:00>>

• Where is the pivot in

this image?

1. A weight balance has a pivot in the middle.

2. The two pans of a balance can be used to
3. the object to be weighed and the weights
to balance the object
1. The object to be weighed is placed on the right and the
balancing weights on the left pan
2. The weights are heavier causing the balance to bend to
the left/anticlockwise
3. The object causes the
balance to bend
But, the turning effect
of the weights is
When a beam is balanced, we say that it is in equilibrium.
If an object is in equilibrium:
● the forces on it must be balanced (no resultant force)
● the turning effects of the forces on it must also be
balanced (no resultant turning effect)
If a resultant force acts on an object, it will start to
move of in the direction of the resultant force. If there
is a resultant turning effect, it will start to rotate
Definition Formula Unit
Wednesday: Revisit:
Resultant force
Are Mass and Weight the same t
hing? | Physics | Don't Memorise
Relationship between
Force and mass and acceleration:

Moment: Equilibrium:

Q. The beam shown in the illustration below is 2.0m long and has
a weight of 20N. It is pivoted as shown. A force of 10N acts
downwards at one end. What force F must be applied downwards
at the other end to balance the beam? Also find the normal force
acting at the pivot.
Step 1: Identify the clockwise and anticlockwise forces. Two forces act
clockwise: 20 N at a distance of 0.5 m, and 10 N at 1.5 m. One force
acts anticlockwise: the force F at 0.5 m

Step 2: Since the beam is in equilibrium, we can write total clockwise

moment = total anticlockwise moment

Step 3: Substitute in the values from Step 1, and solve.

(20 N × 0.5 m) + (10 N × 1.5 m) = F × 0.5 m

10 N m + 15 N m = F × 0.5 m

25 N m = F × 0.5 m
F = 25 N m / 0.5 m = 50 N
Normal force acting at the pivot = sum of all
forces acting downwards

Normal force= 50 + 20+ 10

= 80 N
Teacher Example:
Calculate the unknown forces X and Y for the balanced beam
shown. <<2:00>>
Independent Practice: <<2:00>>
The beam shown is balanced at its midpoint. The
weight of the beam is 40 N. Calculate the unknown
force Z, and the length of the beam
Who has the greater mass? <<00:30>>
Red shirt girl
Does the girl’s weight turn the beam
clockwise or anti-clockwise? <<1:00>>
How might the children balance the seesaw?
Either the girl
moves closer to
pivot or boy moves
In the diagram, the beam is balanced.
Calculate the distance x from the pivot to
the 15N force

12cm x

25N 15N

Hint: Clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment

In the diagram, the beam is balanced. Calculate the force F which is needed to
keep the beam balanced

0.35m 0.2m

10N F

Hint: Clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment

A uniform metre stick, suspended at its mid-
point is balanced as shown. Calculate force X.
Which spanner would make a mechanic's job easier?
A short arm or a long armed one? Why?
Long Arm Spanner

This is because the turning effect of a force depends upon

the perpendicular distance of the applied force from the
Pivot. Larger the perpendicular distance, less is the force
required to turn the body. Therefore, the spanner is provided
with a long handle.

End of chapter Qs: 1,2 and 4

11th january (Thursday)
1. Daily review(5 mins)
2. Activity(10 mins)
3. Finding the centre of
mass(20 mins)
4. Practice(15 mins)
1) Define centre of mass.
2) Find centre of mass through an experiment.
Daily review: <<3:00>>
• A force of 75 N is used to turn the
spanner in the diagram. If the distance
between the force and the nut is 10 cm
calculate the moment of the force.

• What would be the effect of using a

longer spanner?
F= 75 N
d= 10 cm = 0.1 m

Moment of force= F✕d

= 75 ✕ 0.1= 7.5 Nm
Longer spanner has larger turning effect, this is because the
turning effect of a force depends upon the perpendicular
distance of the applied force from the Pivot. Larger the
perpendicular distance, less is the force required to turn the
body. Therefore, the spanner is provided with a long handle.

1. Balancing a wooden stick at its

Centre:(Can we have more than
one point at which we can
balance the stick)
2. Take a notebook and try to find
the point where you can balance
it on your finger tip(can you find
any other point)
Every object has a unique point called
centre of mass.
Centre of mass of a body is defined as, a
point at which the whole of the mass
of the body appears to be
Also known as the centre of gravity.
Finding the centre of mass
1) Read page 447 on “finding the centre of mass”. (5
2) Turn and talk for 2 mins and explain the process to each
3) You will be provided with a handout. Follow the steps
given in the handout to find the centre of mass.
Q. What will be the centre of mass of the following objects:

1) A circular disc
2) A rectangular cardboard

Q. An object can have more than one centre of mass. (T/F)

Q. Define centre of mass.

Q. Centre of mass is also called …………………

End of chapter Q5 and Q6

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