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This is fine. Please remember to include

Character Education values for the year
group and the term (I saw that you kind
have incorporated it to your lesson, but
quick reminder at the beginning will
also be required.)This could be only one
slide at the beginning and remind students
about the values and how they can apply
that value during the lesson.

Want the double check, if the things that

are written with red will be removed. I
think these are explanations for me, and I
assume these are removed once I

In general it looks like an engaging

Week 4: Keyboard and
Mouse Skills
Year 1 – Computing systems and networks – Technology around us

Date: 24th -28th September 2023

Objectives -3mins

Using a computer keyboard

To use a keyboard to type on a computer
● I can say what a keyboard is for
● I can type my name on a computer

To use a mouse in different ways

● I can use a mouse to open a program
● I can click and drag to make objects on a screen
● I can use a mouse to create a picture
Introduction – 5 mins

We can use a mouse to draw pictures


What do you use a keyboard for?

Keyboards are used for writing on a computer.


The keyboard

Not all keyboards look the same, but they do the same thing.

Which devices matches the statement?

1. You can move a pointer around the screen

with this device

2. You can type letters using this device

3. You would use this device to write a


4. You can draw a picture with this device

5. You input instructions to the computer by
clicking on this device
Activity 1-10 mins

Let’s learn the important keys on the keyboard

● Backspace
● Spacebar
● Enter
● Shift
● Full stop

I will give them the keys with blue tack and put them on their
Activity 2 – 10 mins

I will send to them this link
● They will try to use the main keys on
the keyboard by giving them some
words to make a space between them
and delete
● Then a small sentence to make
space , Delete ,Enter and full stop
Activity 3-10 mins

Keyboard skills
Let’s play a typing game
Activity 4 – 10 mins

Keyboard skills
Let’s play a typing game
Activity 5 – 5mins

Check your speed and the use of the space bar

Activity 6 -10 mins

Mouse skills

Draw , colour and write the word RESPECT (Value)

Activity 7 -10 mins

Mouse skills
Choose a picture and colour it

Activity 7 – 15 mins

Let’s arrange the keyboard together
● I will send them a word file and they
will drag and drop the keys to its
correct place in the empty keyboard

How confident are you? (1–3)

● I can say what a keyboard is for 3 – Very confident

● I can type my name on a computer

● I can use the space bar and I know its
2 – Unsure

1 – Not confident


Next lesson

In this lesson, you… Next lesson, you will…

Used a computer keyboard to type letters Use the keyboard to edit text
on a screen


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