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M a r k e t i n g S t ra t g i e s

B 2 C Marketing Model
Harveso marketing
The brand is not running any ads on any Social Media

Brand isn't running any ads on google platforms.

The Brand can post more engaging, friendly content to

create eng a g ement with followers.

The UI of the website can be optimised to be more user-

friendly. Speed optimisa tion will help in the fa st loa ding of

the website.
Influencer & Celebrit y c o l l a b o ra t i o n
The audience's trust for the influencer helped the brand to gain trust for the Brand &
divert traffic to the App which increases their DAU.
W h a t d o w e need to d o ?
The Brand has adopted the most efficient & creative way to reach its
audience. Regular Activity on Social Media has helped the Brand to
increase its reach.
Collaboration with Influencers & celebrities helped them to gain
trust quickly & increa se sa les.
Its aggressive Ads Campaign on platforms like Facebook &
hashelped themSocial
rea chMedia
users da ily.channels to be the centre
Meesho leveraged & its
of discussion among its target audience, which helps to get more
App downloads & visits.
S tr a teg y
Our Approach

Omni - Channel Marketing

Omni-Channel approach will help Harveso to be genuinely customer-centric.
It will keep customers engaged with the brand in its journey from awareness to
becoming its user.
The campaign will be based on the Audience interest to initiate engagement with
the brand at the highest degree.
Social M ed ia Optimization
Our Target Audience spends most of its time on social
media. Being a ctive on socia l media will help M yniwa to
rea ch more potentia l customers.
W e'll crea te a lg orithm-friendly content to
increa se rea ch & g et hig her user eng a g ement.
We'll be collaborating with influencers to create
brand a wa reness of the bra nd.
With regular posts in different forms like carousels,
posters, and reels, keep the audience engaged with
the brand.
Social M ed ia Optimization

It will help the brand get more active

More active followers means more
traffic to the website.
Through offers on stories & posts, we can
divert the a udience to a website to g et
more sa les.
Fa c e b o o k & I n s t a g r a m A d s

There a re more tha n 300 million a c tive

a c c ounts on Fa c ebook.
We c a n levera ge M eta Ads to
ta rget B2C a udienc es.
Fa c e b o o k & I n s t a g r a m A d s

We will create different strategies & offer to increase sales & have
better ROAS Through Meta Ads, we can have more App downloads to
increase the brand's user base.
Meta Ads will help us boost the brand's initial growth at a significant
We b s i t e
Audience with short a ttention spa n
wa nts everything super fast on their table.
We can help the brand have a more user-
friendly & eng a g ing UI.
W ith website speed optimisa tion, we
ca n increa se the website's loa ding speed.
Fast loading speed will help the website to
loa d in a blink of a n eye.
Google Search is the first thing we do today with every single
question in our mind.
For B2C sa les, we ca n Ra nk different
bra nd products on the first pa g e of
G oog le.
We'll also help the brand to find & rank on low, competitive
keywords with hig h sea rch volume
Fummel M a r k e t i n g

With the combination of all the marketing strategies, a funnel will be created for
the customer journey from being a stranger to the brand to being Myniwa's loyal
Most Businesses think Marketing is Just about
Running Ads, but we believe Marketing is
connecting people with your Bra nd & ma king a
trusta ble rela tionship.
We'll help the Brand have a user-friendly &
Premium website to engage & convert the traffic
to its ma ximum potentia l.
With the help of Emotionally connecting Ads,
Creatives & Videos, We'll help the Brand to get
Direct sa les & increa se the RO AS.
Budget Allocattion

T h a n k Yo u !

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