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Buying ingredientes:
• How much does it cost?
• How Much / many do you need?

• How many is used for countable nouns.

• Ex: apples, oranges, carrots, donuts

• How Much is used for uncountable nouns.

• Ex: water, Money, sugar, flour
• ps: all liquids are uncountable. Everything you need a measure (liters, meters, kilos) to count is
Dialogue in the store:
• Attendent: Good morning, how can I help you?
• Costumer: Hello, good morning! I need to buy eggs, flour, milk and bananas today. How much are the eggs?
• Attendent: The eggs are R$1 a unit or R$6 a dozen. How many eggs do you need?
• Costumer: I only need 7 eggs, but I think it is better if I buy the dozen. So, one dozen eggs please.
• Attendent: All right. I´ll get that for you. How Much flour do you need?
• Costumer: I need 1 kg of flour. And I also need 1 liter of milk.
• Attendent: ok, so one dozen eggs, 1 kg of flour and 1 liter of milk. Anything else?
• Costumer: Yes, I also need bananas.
• Attendent: How many bananas do you need?
• Costumer: I need 8 bananas. How Much for it all?
• Attendent: Your total is R$ 37, 90. Is it credit, debit or cash?
• Costumer: Credit please. Here you go!
• Attendent: Thank you for shooping with us! Have a great day!
• Costumer: Thank you ! You too! Bye!
Examples of countable nouns:
• Apples
• Oranges
• Bananas
• Eggs
• Potatoes
• Tomatoes
• Buns
• Candies
• Peanuts
• Sandwiches
• Pancakes
Examples of uncountable nouns:
• Money
• Bread
• Water
• Juice
• Milk
• Flour
• Sugar
• Salt
• Chocolate
• Baking soda
• Meat
Units to count uncountable nouns:
Few, little, many, a lot, some
• Few and little are used when you need a small quantity of something.
• Few is for countable nouns, little is for uncountable nouns.
• Example: I need a few apples and a little orange juice to finish the fruit salad.

• Many and a lot of are used when you need a big quantity of something.
• Many is used for countable nouns and a lot of is used for both countable and uncountable nouns.
• Example: I am buying many lemons and a lot of ice to make the lemonade we are selling tomorrow.

• Some is used when you need a quantity of something that is not small nor big. It can be used for countable
and uncountable nouns.
• Example: I need to drink some water and eat some apples to stay healthy!
Differences in negatives, affirmatives
and interrogatives:
Some vs Any:

Exception questions examples:

Would you like some soup?

Can I have some cake?
Why don´t we go out for some burguers?
Cooking verbs:
Mug cake recipe Instructions:

• Ingredients: 1) In a mixing bowl, add the flour, cocoa

powder, sugar and baking powder. Stir
• 2 eggs
together. Then add the egg, vegetable oil and
• 6 tablespoons of milk milk and stir to combine. Pour the cake batter
• 6 tablespoons of oil into a cup or mug (ensuring there is enough
room for the cake to rise without
• 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder overflowing).
• 1 teaspoon of baking powder
2) Add the Nutella in the middle. Then
• ½ cup flour
microwave your cake for approximately 80
• ½ cup of sugar seconds (900W microwave). Leave to cool
• ½ jar of Nutella for a minute or two. Add a little extra Nutella
on top and then dive right in.
• 1 bag of MMs (optional)
Listening activity:

• What ingredients are used?

• How much of each ingredient is used?
• Explain to your partner, using your own words how to make flatbreads.

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