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This presentation describes the
bones and muscles of the human

Our group is made up of:

Bones of the head:
The bony head contains all the bones of the
skull and face, and serves as protection for
an important part of the nervous system:
the brain, formed by the cerebrum, the
cerebellum and some organs of the brain
stem (medulla oblongata or medulla
oblongata and the pons or annular pons).
The shoulder Girdle
It is a bone structure that connects the upper limbs
with the trunk of the body and is composed of two
types of bones.
 Scapula: flat, triangular bone located at the back of
the thorax. Each human being has two scapulae on
each side of the body.
 Clavicle: long thin bone found in the anterior part of
the thorax connected to the scapula at its lateral
end and to the sternum at its medial end . There
are also two clavicles in the human body, one on
each side.
Generalities of the shoulder girdle

 It is not a single joint like the hip but rather a

functional set.
 It is responsable for articulating the upper limb with
the thorax.
 Allows wide mobilization of the arm.
 Allows good stability in the event that the upper limb
has to exert some forcé.
Superior Member
The upper limb is made up of several bones that are
organized into three main segments: the arm, the
forearm and the hand.
Arm: it is composed of the humerus, the longest bone
of the arm that extends from the shoulder to the elbow.
Forearm: it is composed of the long radius bone of the
forearm located on the lateral side ( the side of the
And by the ulna long bone of the forearm located on
the medial side (the side of the little finger).
Bones of the Hand
Bones that Make up the Lower
The lower limb is made up of a series of bones that articulate with
each other to form the structure of the leg from the hip to the feet.1.
*Hip*: - *Femur*: The thigh bone, which articulates with the
acetabulum of the pelvis to form the hip joint.2. *Thigh*: - *Femur*:
Continues from the hip to the knee, it is the longest and strongest
bone in the human body.3. *Knee*: - *Patella (or patella)*: A
sesamoid bone found within the tendon of the quadriceps femoris
muscle.4. *Leg*: - *Tibia*: The largest and most medial bone of the
leg, which supports most of the body weight. - *Fibula (or fibula)*:
The thinnest and most lateral bone of the leg, which helps stabilize
the ankle and provides attachment points for muscles.5. *Foot*: -
*Tarsals*: Seven bones that make up the ankle and the back of the
foot: - *Calcaneus* (heel bone) - *Astragalus* (talus) -
*Navicular* - *Cuboid* - *Three cuneiforms* (medial,
intermediate and lateral) - *Metatarsals*: Five long bones that form
the middle part of the foot. - *Phalanges*: Bones of the toes. Each
finger has three phalanges (proximal, middle and distal) except the
big toe (hallux), which has only two (proximal and distal).
The Muscles
Muscles are structures or tissues
existing in humans and in most
animals that have the ability to
generate movement by
contracting and relaxing. The
tissue that forms the muscle is
called muscle tissue and is made
up of specialized cells called
myocytes that have the property
of increasing or decreasing their
length when stimulated by
electrical impulses from the
nervous system.
Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscles attach to bones and
move them by contracting and
relaxing in response to voluntary
messages from the nervous system.
Skeletal muscle tissue is made up of
elongated cells called muscle fibers
that have a striated appearance.
Muscle fibers are organized into
fascicles irrigated by blood vessels
and innervated by motor neurons.
Smooth Muscle
Smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow
organs throughout the body. Smooth muscle
contractions are involuntary movements
triggered by impulses that travel through the
autonomic nervous system to smooth muscle
tissue. The arrangement of cells in smooth
muscle tissue allows contraction and relaxation
with great elasticity. Smooth muscle in the walls
of organs such as the urinary bladder and
uterus allows those organs to expand and relax
as needed. The smooth muscle of the digestive
tract (the digestive tract) facilitates peristaltic
waves that move swallowed food and
nutrients. In the eye, smooth muscle changes
the shape of the lens to focus on objects.
Arterial walls have smooth muscle that relaxes
and contracts to move blood through the body.
Cardiac Muscle
The wall of the heart is made up of three
layers. The middle layer, the myocardium, is
responsible for the pumping action of the
heart. The heart muscle, found only in the
myocardium, contracts in response to signals
from the cardiac conduction system to make
the heart beat The heart muscle is made up
of cells called cardiomyocytes. Like skeletal
muscle cells, cardiomyocytes have a striated
appearance, but their overall structure is
shorter and thicker. Cardiomyocytes are
branched, allowing them to connect with
several other cardiomyocytes, forming a
network that facilitates coordinated
Curious facts about Human Bones
• The largest bone is the pelvis.
• The longest bone is the femur. It constitutes almost a
quarter of the total height of the body.
• The smallest bone is the stapes, located in the middle
ear. It is a little bigger than a grain of rice.
• The ears and the end of the nose do not have bones
inside. Its internal supports are cartilage, which is
lighter and more flexible than bones. This is why the
nose and ears can bend. Upon death, cartilage
decomposes faster than bone. Hence the skulls of
skeletons do not have noses or ears.
¡¡¡…Thank You…!!!!

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