Green Management 21

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Green MAnagement

Under the guidance of Prof. G.V. Joshi

By Shareen Rodrigues

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Manufacturers are changing what it means to be Green. LG, Samsung and Kenmore. Mobile applications - Power Stoplight

U.S Dept. of Energy -19% increase in 25 years. NAIAS - Emphasis on alternative fuel or electric cars. Tom Tom GPS system. When electronics went out of date, consumers simply went out and purchased a new version. AE+Y Phone


Pollution control 1970s - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. - Pollution-prevention program - 3M, maker of Scotchguard. 1980s Change in mentality of companies. 1990's - Environmental Management Systems and ISO 14001.

Clean and green mantra.

Janine Benyus - "biomimicry". Green Chemistry Industrial Ecology, Zero Waste, Closed-loop factories, Carbon

Sustainability - people, profit and planet. "First, do no harm "Doing well by doing good" "Green is green"

Green Business

little agreement about what it means to be green. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) norms and standards. Standards provide assurance. Whats the standard for determining whether a business can be called green?


The Sustainable Business Achievement Rating system . comprehensive assessing of a companys performance. SBAR covers five dimensions of sustainability

environment Workplace Marketplace Community governance.

Prior to LEED, just about anyone could declare that a building was green and get away with it. SBAR was propagated on the notion that creating comprehensive standards similarly could boost the market for green businesses

Environmental Management Systems

Environmental management system (EMS) refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. An Environmental Management System (EMS):

Serves as a tool to improve environmental performance Provides a systematic way of managing an organizations environmental affairs Addresses immediate and long-term impacts. Gives order and consistency for organizations. Focuses on continual improvement of the system.

EMS Standards

EMS standards were developed by ISO. ISO - International Organization for Standardization. Consensus - based approach. different member countries across the globe. Position, Negotiation.

Within each country, various types of organizations can participate in the process. For example, EPA and states participated in the development of the ISO 14001 standard and are now evaluating its usefulness through a variety of pilot projects.
ISO 14004:2004 ISO 14001:2004

2 EMS Standards


better management of emission and waste streams. Reduced operating costs. Reduced legal risk and potential liabilities. Reduced future liabilities and constraints. Recognition as a progressive lead. More likely to make esthetic and appealing changes.


costs of training personnel purchasing new equipment (if necessary) . hiring new personnel to audit the system. Systems suit large companies. Lack of adequate knowledge.

Some companies that produce Green Products and have utilized Green Management:

Philips Light's CFL HP promised to cut its global energy use 20 percent by the year 2010. Introduction of CNG in Delhi in 1998. ITC - Perfect example for a Green Business. Maruthi: Greening of Supply Chain. HCL's Environment Management Policy under HCL eco Safe.

Sonys Green Management 2015. McDonald's restaurant's napkins, bags are made of recycled paper. Coca-Cola pumped syrup directly from tank instead of plastic which saved 68 million pound/year. Badarpur Thermal Power station of NTPC in Delhi is devising ways to utilize coal-ash that has been a major source of air and water pollution. Barauni refinery of IOC is taken steps for restricting air and water pollutants.

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