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Shucking oyster

Mc Anthony Padayao. Bs. Ind. Tech. CA – 2A

• Chilling the oyster -It’s easier to shuck cold oysters, so
ref-rigerate them for at least an hour before shucking the
• Use an oyster shucking board -If you have one, use an
oyster shucking board or a towel folded in half to stabilize
the oyster. This prevents it from slipping while you work.
• Safety first -Always wear protective gear like a thick
kitchen towel or an oyster shucking glove to protect your
hand from potential slips.
• Proper grip- Hold the oyster firmly, but not too tightly.
You want a good grip without crushing the shell.
• Choosing the right knife-Make sure you’re using a
proper oyster knife, as it’s designed for this task with a
strong, pointed blade.
th e ac ti on co m es fr om your wrist,
• Wrist movement-Most is ti ng m ot ion to work the
co nt ro ll ed , tw
not your arm. Use a
knife into the hinge. y sh uc ke d oysters.
eren t w ay s to en jo
• Variations-here are diff ue ez e of le mon or cocktail
w w it h a sq
You can have them ra ri ou s re ci pe s, like Oysters
em in va
sauce, or you can cook th
ll er or gr il le d oy st er s w ith garlic butter.
Rockefe tr ic ky at fi rs t. Don’t get dis-
er s ca n be
• Practice-Shucking oyst as te r th e te ch ni qu e. Practice
trie s to m
ouraged if it takes a few
makes perfect. w or ki ng w it h fresh oysters. .
re yo u’ re
• Freshness-Always ensu cl os e w he n ta pp ed . If an oyster
osed or
They should be tightly cl pp ed , it m ig ht be unsafe to
os e w he n ta
is open and doesn’t cl
u pl an to se rv e th e oy sters on the half
• Wash the shells- : If yo
e sh el ls th or ou gh ly to remove any sand.
shell, be sure to clean th
Add some text
• Gather yourtotools
the title slideneed a pair of
– you’ll
fish tweezers or needle nose pliers,a clean
cutting board.
Replace with your own text

• Knife

• Tweezers

• Needle nose pliers

• Cutting board
• Prepare your work place- place the fish on the
cutting board with the belly facing
• locate the pin bone- pin bones are thin flexible
bones that run along the center of the fish just
above the lateral line. They are usually found on
both side of the fish.
• Start at the head- Begin near the head of the
fish and gently run your fingers along the cen-
terline to feel for the pin bones.
• Removing the pin bones- once you located the
pin bones,use the fish tweezers or needle nose
pliers to grap the tip of a pin bine firmly but
• Pull out the bone – Pull the pin bone out in the
same direction it lise, which is usually to ward
the tail.
• Repeat the process – Continue to work your
way down the fish, removing all the pin bones
you encounter.
• Cheak for remaining bone – After you’ve re-
moved the pin bones, run your fingers along the
fillets to cheack for any missed bone. Use
the tweezers to remove any remaining Ones.
• Rinse and prepare – Rinse the fish fillets to
remove any loose bones, and now you you
can proceed with your Chosen cooking

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