Lesson 2 Understanding The Basic Concept of Info Tech 1

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Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of

your faithful and kindle in them the fire
of your love. Send forth your Spirit and
they shall be created. And You shall
renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy
Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the
faithful, grant that by the same Holy
Spirit we may be truly wise and ever
enjoy His consolations, Through Christ
Our Lord, Amen.
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
K to 12
Globalization 21st
Kinder to G12
ASEAN Economic
Community Blueprint
ASEAN Qualification
Reference Framework
Realignment of the
Century Skills
1. Develops holistic learners
2. Develops learners steep with values.
3. Carries the 21st
century skills
• Computer Skills
• Creativity and Innovation
• Career and life skills
Summary of the 7 Domains of PPST
1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
2. Learning Environment
3. Diversity of Learners
4. Curriculum and Planning
5. Assessment and Reporting
6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
7. Personal Growth and Professional Development
Understanding the
Basic Concept of
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary
(www.merriam-webster.com), technology may be defined
as “the practical application of knowledge especially in a
particular area.”
it includes tools from pencil and paper to the
latest electronic gadgets and tools for practical tasks.
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) is technology that supports
activities involving information. Such activities
include gathering, processing, storing and
presenting data.
Educational Technology
The technological tools and media that
assist in the communication of knowledge and its
development and exchange.
Instructional System and Instructional
With implementation of ICTs and its effective integration with teaching-
learning process, the approaches to learning and teaching has been changed
dramatically (Takwale, et al., 2014).
The basic approaches are as follows:
• Learner Centric: Explore the best in every student.
• Learning Centric: Learner learn by designing and preparing meaningful
learning experience with the help of a teacher.
Instructional System and Instructional
• Promoting Inquisitiveness: Develop questioning ability in learner. Teacher
encourages learner to ask questions. It leads to critical thinking.
• Innovation Centric: Teacher promotes innovation, creativity and team spirit in
• Develop cooperative and collaborative learning environment: Learning
occurs through discussion, interaction and debate called learning for development.
Roles of Technology for
Teaching and Learning
Three Domain of Educational
Technology according to Stosic (2015)
Together with the teacher, technology can support
the teacher to teach another person or technology when
programmed by the teacher can be a tutor on its own. The
teacher will simply switch on or switch off radio programs,
television programs or search to Google or YouTube that
contain educational programs.
Technology as a tutor
Technology is a teaching tool, but it can
never replace a teacher. Like any other tool, it is
being used to facilitate and lighten the work of the
Technology as a Teaching Tool
As a learning tool, it makes learning easy
and effective. Even teachers who are teaching can
utilize similar tools for learning.
Technology as a Learning Tool
Three categories of knowledge
according to Egbert (2009):
Consists of the discrete pieces of information
that answers the questions what, who, when, and
where. it is often learned through memorization of
facts, drills, and practice. It can be learned by
simple mnemonics or conceptual maps.
Declarative Knowledge
Consists of facts or pieces of
declarative knowledge put together to attain
meaning. It can be presented by concept
maps, categorization, or classification.
Structural Knowledge
Is knowledge in action or the knowledge of
how to do something. It is based on facts but
learned through the process of procedural
knowledge. Procedural knowledge is indicated by a
performance task or graphical representation of a
Procedural Knowledge

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