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Electrochemical Cells-

LO: Be able to interpret data on chemical cells in terms of the relative
reactivity of different metals
Know how to carry out an investigation into chemical cells using
different electrodes.
Lesson plan:
• Advantages vs Disadvantages
• How do they work?
• What actually happens?
• Try this at home!
• Voltaic Cell
• A level bit #Scary #NotReally
Are these things any good?
Non-rechargeable Rechargeable
Cheap Expensive
Only be used once Used many times

Expensive in the Cheap in the long

long run run
Output falls Output stays
gradually constant until flat

Creates a lot of Creates less

How do they work?
How do they work?
• All cells are basically
displacement reactions.

• The bigger the difference in

reactivity between the two
metals used, the bigger the
voltage produced

• What metals do you know that

are found in cells/batteries?
What actually happens?
• Write an equation for the
reaction between Zinc and
Copper Sulphate.
• Write an ionic equation.
• Are there any spectator ions?
• If you had to describe this
reaction in one word, what
would you call it?

What actually happens?
• Write an equation for the • …………………………………………………
reaction between Zinc and …………………………………………………..
Copper Sulphate.
• ……………………………………………….
• Write an ionic equation.
• Are there any spectator ions?
• Y/N
• If you had to describe this
reaction in one word, what
would you call it? • Redox! What does that mean?

You could try this at home!
• Need adult permission/supervision first.
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st r ta e t a t A c o ay
eac kes l n n
tive plac is ano ode (- fusing
me e d ve) .
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ode (+v
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• Cell- 2 different metals connected by an electrolyte
• Electrolyte- electrically conducting solution.
The Daniell Cell

Battery will run out because reactants
will get used up.
Zn will deteriorate into Zn2+
Rechargable batteries are reversible
A level bit…
• This table shows E values
(electrode potential values)

• The bigger the difference in E

values, the bigger the voltage
the cell will be able to produce.

Exam Qs from booklet
• Q8 a,b,c
• Q9 a,b
• Q10 a,b,c
Fuel cells
LO: Know the reactants and products in a hydrogen fuel cell.
Be able to describe how a fuel cell works.
Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells.
Lesson plan
• What are fuel cells?/Where are they used?
• Video- You explain it…
• Diagram
• Half equations
• Advantages/Disadvantages.

• You need to be able to write half
equations for what is happening
at both sides of the cell.

Half equations- summary
• If you can’t work them out- memorise them!
2H2(g) ==> 4H+(aq) + 4e–

O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e– ==> 2H2O(l)

For an Acidic Cell!
2H2(g) + O2(g) ==> 2H2O(l)
Half equations- summary
• If you can’t work them out- memorise them!

2H2(g) + 4OH–(aq) – 4e– ==> 4H2O(l)

O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e– ==> 4OH–(aq) For an Alkaline

2H2(g) + O2(g) ==> 2H2O(l)
Advantages vs Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
• Less pollution and less carbon • Storing and transporting hydrogen has
dioxide and air pollutants safety implications (explosive gas)
produced • Feasibility of storing and transporting a
pressurised liquid
• Greater efficiency • Limited life cycle of a solid adsorber or
• Limited lifetime(requiring regular
replacement and disposal)
• High production costs
• Use of toxic chemicals in their production

Multiple Choice Quiz Question 1
What are the reactants in a fuel cell?

A: B:
Water and oxygen Hydrogen and water

C: D:
Oxygen and hydrogen Carbon dioxide

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses
Multiple Choice Quiz Question 2
What is the product from a fuel cell?

A: B:
Water Hydrogen

C: D:
Oxygen Carbon dioxide

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses
Multiple Choice Quiz Question 3
Which is NOT an advantage of fuel cells?

A: B:
Keep producing electric if the fuel
No harmful emissions keeps being supplied

C: D:
Faster refuelling than electric cars Currently cheap to make

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses
Multiple Choice Quiz Question 4
Which is NOT a disadvantage of fuel cells?

A: B:
Difficult to transport hydrogen Difficult to store hydrogen

C: D:
Create harmful emissions Expensive to make

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses
Multiple Choice Quiz Question 5
What is the word equation for the reaction in a hydrogen fuel cell?

A: B:

C: D:

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses
Multiple Choice Quiz Question 6
What is the balanced chemical equation for the reaction in a hydrogen fuel cell?

A: B:
None of these

C: D:

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses
Multiple Choice Quiz Question 7
What is the half equation for the reaction at the anode in a hydrogen fuel cell? (AQA HT Only)

A: B:

C: D:

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses
Multiple Choice Quiz Question 8
What is the half equation for the reaction at the cathode in a hydrogen fuel cell? (AQA HT Only)

A: B:

C: D:
None of these

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses
The Debate
“Think, Pair, Share”

I think the UK government I think the UK government

should support hydrogen fuel shouldn’t support hydrogen
cell cars because… fuel cell cars because…

Learning Objectives
• Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an electrical current, water and heat
• Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works
• Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses

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