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Cyber crime related to

Telephonic conversations

Created by :-
Kumar Tanay
Kanhaiya Kumar
What is Cyberbullying?


used to describe bullying
taking place on the internet
mostly on social media Sites
like Instagram , Facebook,
Twitter etc.
Cyber Bullying of A Physical Disabled Student
The story
of Ravi

Cyber Bullying of A Physical Disabled Student

• A Young boy named Ravi with physical disability , he

was 15 years old class 9th Student from Delhi public
school, Pune

• Ravi was A brilliant student of his class and he always

get first position in class

• Due to his condition he got harassed by his classmates

on Social media sites like Instagram , Facebook,
WhatsApp etc.

Cyber Bullying of A Physical Disabled Student

• The bully created a fake profile and sent him

hateful messages via text and social media , and
wrote derogatory message about him

• he tried to block them but They always text him

with new fake id

• His classmates posted Mean, negative comments

on his Social media account

Cyber Bullying of A Physical Disabled Student

• They commenting on his physical condition

• They called him derogatory names and
told him he'd be better off dead
• They mock him humiliate him everyday
• They ridiculed him ,they wrote
“why don't you die?” or “you are a just burden on
your parents”.

Impact of cyber bullying on RAVI

• Due to continuous bullying the Ravi's Self Esteem

takes a hit and He started hating himself then ,
He starts avoiding many day of school and Social
• He experience Anxiety and Depression Affecting
his academic performance and his overall well
• Due to this, thoughts of suicide started coming
to his mind.


 The case got highlighted in the media and it sparked a

larger conversation about the issue of cyberbullying in
 The school provides Ravi with Emotional Support
 The bullies receive disciplinary action, including
suspension and mandatory counseling sessions.
 The school implements cyberbullying prevention
programs and educates students on responsible online


 This case is a sad example of how cyberbullying

can have a profound impact on a young person's
life and the importance of schools and law
enforcement to take it seriously.
 It also bring attention to the lack of awareness
and resources for victims of cyberbullying in
 Cyberbullying is a growing problem in the
country and it's important to educate how to
prevent it and deal with the consequences.
Thank You

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