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Assistant Professor, CSE - IoT Dept.
R. V. R. & J. C. College of Engineering
UNIT-1 [ 11 periods ]
Introduction to IoT, Evolution of IoT - IoT versus M2M, IoT versus CPS, IoT versus WoT; Enabled technologies,
Networking components, Challenges and applications.
Definition, Characteristics, Deviations, Sensor Types - Scalar, Multimedia, Hybrid and virtual; Considerations.
Definition, Types-Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electric, Thermal or Magnetic, Mechanical, Soft and shape memory polymers;
Classification of IoT boards
Microcontroller boards, Single board controller, System on Chipboard.


FACULTY DETAILS - PRUDHVI KIRAN P, Asst. Prof., CSE (IoT), RVR&JC College of Engineering

1. Define IoT. Differentiate between IoT and Internet.

2. Discuss the evolution of IoT with important year-wise milestones.
3. Discuss IoT in contrast with M2M, CPS & WoT.
4. Discuss briefly various technologies enabling IoT.
5. What are the application areas of IoT? Mention 2 real-time example applications for each area.
6. Discuss briefly the types of IoT.
7. What are the challenges faced by IoT? Discuss them briefly.
8. Define the sensor and discuss the characteristics of the sensor.
9. Mention different types of available sensors in the application view and explain the phrase
‘Sensor Deviation’ in detail.
10. Define scalar and vector sensors.
11. What are the considerations for selecting the sensor?
12. Define actuators and what are the types of actuators?

13. Define the characteristics of actuators with a block diagram. Draw a block diagram explaining
the sensor and actuator workflow.
14. Explain and differentiate microcontroller boards, SBC boards, and SoC boards with one example
1.1. Introduction to IoT


connected devices by the end of 2022 will be 13.1 billion


IoT products and devices basically include laptops, smartphones, smart gadgets, smart
watches, smart and digitalized vehicles and almost all of these are used majorly today.

It basically depends on two things to transform a normal device into IoT smart device:
1. The device which has the capability to connect with the internet in any way.
2. The device which is integrated with technology like sensors, functional software, some
inbuilt technology which support network connections and also actuators.
1. 1982 - A graduate student in Carnegie Mellon University’s computer science department wants
to know if his department’s soda vending machine has cold soda bottles but doesn’t want to go
all the way there to check as the machine is quite a distance from his classroom. So, with the
help of two fellow students and a research engineer, he develops a code that can let anyone on
the university ARPANET monitor the status of the vending machine; whether it has soda bottles
and whether they are cold or not. The evolution of IoT began here.
2. 1989 - English computer scientist Tim Berners Lee proposes the framework of the World Wide
Web and lays the foundation of the Internet.
3. 1990 - MIT’s John Romkey invents a toaster that can be turned on or off via the Internet. It was
connected to a computer as there was no Wi-Fi then, but this toaster is considered to be the
world’s first IoT device – the first ‘thing’ in the Internet of Things. Later in 1991 a small internet
controlled robotic crane was added to the system, to pick bread slice and place in toaster.
4. 1993 - Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky from the University of Cambridge build the
Trojan Room Coffee Pot in their computer laboratory where an image of its interior is uploaded
to the building’s server thrice every minute for people to check the level of coffee when they
want a cup of Coffee.
5. 1999 - Executive Director of Auto-ID Labs at MIT, Kevin Ashton, coins the term Internet of Things
(IoT) in a presentation he makes at Proctor & Gamble about linking RFIDs in their supply chain to
the internet.
6. 2000 - LG introduced first Smart Refrigirator.
7. 2003-2004 - The term IoT starts to be used widely in mainstream publications like The Guardian
and Scientific American.
8. 2004 - First Smart Watch was introduced
9. 2005 - The United Nations International Telecommunications Union acknowledges the impact of
IoT in its report.
10. 2008 - The first IoT conference is held in Zurich, bringing together researchers and practitioners
from academia and industry to take part in the sharing of knowledge. In the same year, the US
National Intelligence Council recognized IoT as one of the six disruptive civil technologies. The
Evolution of IoT gained popularity from this point onwards.
11. 2009 - Google started testing Self Driving Cars.
12. 2011 - The Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (CIBSG) announces in their white paper that
the true birth of IoT was between 2008 and 2009 where the number of things connected to the
internet exceeded the number of people connected to it.
13. 2012 - Companies like Apple and Samsung make waves with their smartphones, there is a
proliferation of AI-powered personal assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa
14. 2015 - Tesla comes out with Auto Piolet drive for their cars. Today, all our devices work in
tandem over the internet.
15. 2015 and beyond - We all start to have devices that control individual things in our home, all
working in concert with our computers and phones to share data and interact.

Carnegie Mellon University

Soda Vending Machine


*Images are for understanding purposes only
Please don’t attempt to draw in exam!
IOT versus M2M, CPS & WOT
 Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
 Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS) IoT
 Web-of-Things (WoT)
Indeed, these technologies are very
commonly used to describe IoT
applications and have certainly M2M WOT
some overlapping aspects to IoT.
Nevertheless, there are some subtle
differences between IoT and these
technologies, which researchers and
engineers had better have in mind. WSN
IOT versus M2M
• M2M refers to communications and interactions between machines and devices.
• Such interactions can occur via a cloud computing infrastructure (e.g., devices exchanging
information through a cloud infrastructure).
• M2M offers the means for managing devices and devices interaction, while also collecting
machine and/or sensor data.
• M2M is a term introduced by telecommunication services providers and, pays emphasis on
machines interactions via one or more tele communication networks (e.g., 3G, 4G, 5G,
satellite, public networks).
• Hence, M2M is part of the IoT, while M2M standards have a prominent place in the IoT
standards landscape.
• However, IoT has a broader scope than M2M, since it comprises a broader range of
interactions, including interactions between devices/things, things and people, things with
applications and people with applications.
• IoT includes the notion of internet connectivity (which is provided in most of the networks
outlined above), but is not necessarily focused on the use of tele communication networks.
IOT versus CPS
• CPS the highest degree of overlap with IoT. In my view, most of the CPS systems/applications
could well be classified as IoT systems and vice versa. Of course, it all depends on the definition
and perception about these terms and technologies.
• Both CPS and IoT are networked systems and likely to involve physical sensing and/or
embedded devices i.e. both combine aspects of the physical and digital/cyber worlds.
• Nevertheless, different communities favor one term over the other, and refer/use the two
terms differently. For example:
 CPS is commonly used (and preferred over IoT) by the engineering communities (e.g.,
mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, aeronautics). It is also used extensively by
computer scientists working on embedded systems and systems testing & verification.
 CPS is preferred in the case of systems/problems that involve large scale real-time control
(e.g., time critical problems), i.e. human interaction is needed and IoT is preferred for
problems that collect and process sensor data (including IoT analytics problems/systems),
without essentially involving real-time control, where human interaction is not needed.
IOT versus WOT
• While IoT is about creating a network of objects, things, people, systems and applications, WoT
tries to integrate them to the Web. Technically speaking, WoT can be thought as a option of an
application layer added over the IoT's network layer.
• The scope of IoT applications is broader which also includes systems that are not accessible
through the web (e.g., conventional WSN and RFID systems). But WoT focuses of systems
accessibility through Web only.
• From a developer's perspective, the WoT enables access and control over IoT resources and
applications using mainstream web technologies (such as HTML 5.0, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP,
Ruby n' Rails etc.).
IoT primarily exploits standard protocols and networking technologies. However, the major
enabling technologies and protocols of IoT are;
2. NFC
3. Low-Energy Bluetooth
4. Low-Power Wireless
5. Low-Energy radio protocols, and
6. LTE-A
These technologies support the specific networking functionality needed in an IoT system in
contrast to a standard uniform network of common systems.
 RFID - Radio Frequency Identification, provides a simple, low energy, and versatile option for
identity and access tokens, connection bootstrapping, and payments.
 Application of RFID technology in IoT is extremely broad and diverse. RFID tags are primarily
used to make everyday objects communicate with each other and the main hub and report
their status. Retail, manufacturing, logistics, smart warehousing, and banking are among the
major industries using RFID Internet of Things solutions.

• Passive RFID tag doesn’t include a battery; therefore, its’ built-in antenna picks up on the
electromagnetic waves that are sent out by the reader.
• Active RFID tags have a built-in battery power allowing it to transmit the data stored on to it
directly to the reader continuously.
Distribution center uses RFID to ensure assets are moved to correct docks for truck
transportation. RFID readers are placed at dock doors and give workers a green light if asset is
being placed on the correct truck.
 NFC, or near-field communication, is a short-range wireless technology that allows your
phone to act as a transit pass or credit card, quickly transfer data, or instantly pair with
Bluetooth devices like headphones and speakers.
 NFC is a proximity-based wireless communication standard. Unlike Wi-Fi or Bluetooth,
however, NFC interaction is limited to an extremely short range.
 Besides smartphones, you can find NFC on tablets, speakers, collectibles, and even gaming
 Both RFID and NFC operate on the principle of inductive coupling, at least for short-range
implementations. This essentially involves the reader device generating a magnetic field by
passing an electric current through a coil. When a tag (with its own coil) is brought nearby,
the field induces an electric current within the tag. Then, once the initial handshake is
complete, any stored data on the tag is wirelessly transmitted to the reader.
 It’s important to note that, NFC is based on RFID technology, but has a much lower
transmission range. NFC, however, only has a maximum range of a few centimeters, at most.
 Another noteworthy point is that NFC devices can act as either a reader or tag. This
bidirectional capability allows you to use one piece of hardware - such as your smartphone -
for all kinds of different applications.

 Bluetooth Low Energy is a

wireless, low-power personal area
network that operates in the 2.4
GHz ISM band. Its goal is to
connect devices over a relatively
short range. BLE was created with
IoT applications in mind.
 Bluetooth Classic is designed to handle a lot of data, but it also consumes power quickly.
Think about transmitting music from your phone to Bluetooth headphones. That is a
traditional use case for Bluetooth Classic. BLE, on the other hand, is designed for applications
that don’t require handling a lot of data but do require really good battery life. Think about a
sensor in a temperature-controlled warehouse that you want to set and forget for months or
even years. BLE would be a better fit for that kind of application. Data communication with an
LE radio happens in short bursts that do not need to be very frequent.
 A typical LE use case would include periodically turning on the radio, transferring or receiving
a few bytes or kilobytes of data, and then turning off and going back to sleep.
 To transfer data from a BLE-only device to the Internet, another BLE device that has an IP
connection is needed to receive this data and then, in turn, relay it to another IP device (or to
the internet).
 Various Applications Includes;
1. Home automation 4. Contact tracing (Used during Covid in ArogyaSetu)
2. Fitness tracking 5. Item finding tags
3. Audio devices 6. Inventory management
 Low-power wireless
technologies generally require
the periodic transfer of small
amounts of sensor information
between sensor nodes and a
central device, while minimizing
power consumption, so
bandwidths are typically
 The low power, low bit rate, and
intended use distinguish this
type of network from a wireless
WAN that is designed to connect
users or businesses, and carry
more data, using more power.
1. ZigBee
2. Z-Wave, and
3. Thread
are radio protocols for creating low-rate private area networks. These technologies are low-
power, but offer high throughput unlike many similar options. This increases the power of small
local device networks without the typical costs.
 ZigBee is an answer for short-duration wireless communication requiring less energy
consumption mainly in IoT for low-rate sensors. IEEE 802.15. 4 is the base protocol for ZigBee

 The Zigbee technology range for transmission distances mainly ranges from 10 - 100 meters based
on the output of power as well as environmental characteristics.
 Z-Wave is a wireless communication protocol
used primarily in smart home networks,
allowing smart devices to connect and
communicate with each other.
 Z-Wave supports full mesh networks, enabling
numerous Z-Wave devices to communicate with
each other simultaneously. Z-Wave allows for Mesh networks work in such a way that, the
secure and low power consuming more devices you add to a mesh network, the
communication between approved Z-Wave stronger it becomes.
When a new device is added, it weaves itself
 Due to its interoperability, Z-Wave encompasses
into the mesh and the best pathways for data
a broad ecosystem of intelligent products that transmission are created with each device
work together between brands and models. acting as a repeater.
With the advanced technology of Z-Wave, there
is no interference from Wi-Fi, Zigbee, or other There are over 300 plus manufacturer of the Z-Wave
devices in the market spanned across different
2.4GHz wireless technologies in a similar band. applications like Home Entertainment, Smart Security,
Today, over 50 million Z-Wave products have Smart Lighting solutions, etc. Some of the famous
already been sold worldwide. brands that work on Z-Wave are Samsung SmartThings,
GE, Yale Security, etc.
 Thread is a low-power and low-latency wireless mesh
networking protocol built using open and proven
standards. Thread solves the complexities of the IoT,
addressing challenges such as interoperability, range,
security, energy, and reliability. Thread networks have no
single point of failure and include the ability to self-heal.
 Thread is based on existing technologies in all its layers:
from routing, packeting, and security to its wireless radio
technology. Similar to Wi-Fi, with its broad range of
devices, Thread is an open standard that is not tied to a
specific manufacturer, which minimizes the risk of
 Thread also securely connects devices to the cloud,
making it easier to control IoT products and systems from
devices such as mobile phones and tablets.
 With Thread, developers can bring their apps, devices,
systems and services to market faster because they’re
using the same rich set of tools available for the Internet.
6.LTE - A
 LTE-A or LTE Advanced is the upgraded version of LTE, which increases the stability, bandwidth,
and speed of traditional LTE networks.
 The main new functionalities introduced in LTE-Advanced are Carrier Aggregation (CA),
enhanced use of Multi-antenna technique, Multi-input Multi-output (MIMO) and support for
Relay Nodes (RN)

Carrier Aggregation (CA)

 Carrier Aggregation (CA) is a
feature of LTE-Advanced that
allows mobile operators &
devices to combine two or
more LTE carriers (aka
frequencies) into a single data.
It leads to an increase in the
capacity of the network and the
data rates.
 So instead of having just one LTE connection between the network and your phone, an LTE
modem that supports carrier aggregation when paired with a compatible network can actually
bond together multiple, separate LTE connections and treat them as though they’re one. It can
double or even triple Internet speeds.
 This technology can be applied with a maximum of five component carriers, each with a
bandwidth of up to 20 MHz, resulting in a total transmission bandwidth of up to 100 MHz.
 Carrier Aggregation (CA) is a feature that allows a mobile device to send and receive packets
from multiple carriers (aka frequencies) at the same time.
Do Indian Telecom Operators support CA?
 Jio: Band 3,5 & 40 - Jio enabled Carrier
go to your phone's dialer, type in
aggregation in their All Bandwidths
 Airtel: 1,3,5,8,40 - Airtel Enabled Carrier
Aggregation in Band 3, 40 only,
and hit the dial button!
 Vodafone Idea: 1,3,8,40,41 - Vodafone You can see the band information and much more.
Idea enabled carrier aggregation in their
20mhz network.
Multi-input Multi-output (MIMO) technology
 MIMO or ‘multiple-input, multiple-output’ is a wireless technology that, when deployed, uses
multiple antennas at both the source (transmitter) and the destination (receiver). This allows
for more data to be sent and received at the same time, unlike in conventional wireless
communications where only a single antenna is used.
 LTE-A Pro will use this technology to exploit its capabilities to provide much-improved
connectivity. Eventually, this drive in usage of MIMO will evolve towards Massive MIMO, a key
enabler for 5G.

Relay nodes
 Type of node in the blockchain network that can reduce system noise by collecting protocol
messages from participating nodes as well as other relay nodes that are connected to them.
They perform duplication checks, validate signatures and other steps, and then transmit only
valid messages.
 LTE Relay Node (RN) is more than a simple repeater as it extracts the data from the received
signal, applies the noise correction techniques and retransmits the new “clean” signal in its own
coverage zone. So basically, instead of only repeating the signal, the relay node also increases
the signal quality.
As well as the above mentioed enabling technologies, the IoT also relies on other technologies
to maximize the opportunities that are created by the IoT. These include:
1. Big Data
2. Cloud Computing, etc.

Understanding IoT Eco System to have a view of Enabling Technologies of IoT

1. Healthcare
2. Industrial Use
3. Smart Homes
4. Smart City
5. Agriculture
6. Smart Supply Chain
7. Retail Purpose
8. Transportation
9. Smart Grid
10. Wearables
1. Wearable IoT devices let hospitals
1. HEALTHCARE monitor their patients’ health at home,
thereby reducing hospital stays while
still providing up to the minute real-
time information that could save lives.
2. Smart Beds keep the staff informed as
to the availability, thereby cutting wait
time for free space.
3. Putting IoT sensors on critical
equipment means fewer breakdowns
and increased reliability, which can
mean the difference between life and
4. Elderly care becomes significantly more
comfortable with IoT.
5. Sensors can also determine if a patient
has fallen or is suffering a heart attack.
1. Centralized System to control and
2. INDUSTRIAL monitor all company processes. Plant air
quality and the frequency of illnesses in
a company, it is possible to avoid
hazardous scenarios that imply a threat
to the workers.
2. Predictive maintenance consists of
detecting the need for a machine to be
maintained before a crisis takes.
3. Smart wearables can can monitor health
conditions, trigger instant warning
messages to employees during
emergency, can provide feedback if not
fit for particular task.
4. Smart Robotics - Man machine interface
design concept will reduce the
complexity of operation.
1. Activating Environmental Controls so that your house is at peak comfort (AC/Heater) when you
come home. 2. Security is made more accessible with Smart Door Cameras and Smart Door Locks.
as well as activating a smart lock to allow the appropriate people to enter the house even if they
don’t have a key.

3. Consumer having the ability to Control appliances and lights remotely. 4. Facilitate 24/7
Monitoring, giving us absolute peace of mind, when we are away from home. 5. Easy to Scale -
flexibility and scalability in replacing older appliances or even in case of adding more appliances to
your existing network.
Mark Zuckerberg's
grey t-shirt cannon
Mark Zuckerberg's AI - Personal Assistant

- Jarvis -
Home Automation,
his personal challenge for 2016

*not for exam! only for understanding purpose.

4. SMART CITY 1. Smart meters also allow users to track their
energy consumption, leaving a significant
Smart cities use IoT devices such as connected sensors,
lights, and meters to collect and analyze data. The cities
financial impact. This also allows the utility
then use this data to improve infrastructure, public companies connected through smart grids, to
utilities and services, and more. manage energy flow more effectively.
2. Smart waste management solutions enables
full trash cans to send alert to waste
management companies, providing the best
waste pick-up routes.
3. Smart air quality monitors can detect these
particles and inform users of pollutants and
unsafe pollutant levels via an indicator light or
push notifications to one’s smartphone or
4. Smart parking sensors sends data about free
and residential parking areas via a
web/mobile app.
1. For Indoor planting, IoT makes
5. AGRICULTURE monitoring and management of micro-
climate conditions a reality.
2. For Outside planting, devices using IoT
technology can sense soil moisture and
nutrients, in conjunction with weather
3. Sprinkler systems dispense water only
when needed, prevents wasting.
4. Using drones for crop surveillance can
drastically increase farm crop yields
while minimizing the cost of walking the
5. IoT is utilized in various agricultural
practices, such as irrigation,
fertilization, pesticides, weed
management, etc., helping in decision.
1. IoT devices can be attached to specific storage
6. SMART SUPPLYCHAIN containers or to raw materials or products
themselves, which will transmit its location, which
can be picked up by GPS satellites and used to track
movement of goods.
2. Monitoring the storage conditions of products
which enhances quality management throughout
the supply chain. Some goods like food and
chemicals need to be stored in ideal conditions.
Specialist IoT devices can monitor areas like
temperature, humidity, exposure to an atmosphere,
light intensity and other environmental factors.
3. Streamline the Problematic Movement of Goods,
by identifying where and when goods are delayed
in transit, followed by contingency planning and
alternative routes to speed up the supply chain.
4. Locate Goods in massive storages.
1. Cashier less payment systems.
7. RETAIL 2. Movement tracking systems for optimal store
3. Real-time condition monitoring of goods.
4. IoT enabled helps retailers determine optimal
staffing levels for different dates and times,
improve marketing strategies, gauge traffic flow,
enhance customer service and more.
5. IoT-based drone that monitors inventory in real-
time and sends alerts in case there are no
available units left.
6. Using cameras, retail sensors and tracking
technology together with advanced analytics,
managers can better understand customer
journeys, e.g. identify an impatient or confused
shopper, figure out the reasons for an abandoned
shopping experience.
*not for exam! only for understanding purpose.
Shopper mapping and analyzing mall traffic

*not for exam! only for understanding purpose.

*not for exam! only for understanding purpose.

Passing by a Starbucks, people would get notifications about new coffee brews or
promotions and were invited to visit. According to RT Insights, once introduced, the iBeacon
campaign has proven to be highly efficient.
Avery Dennison personalized shopping
experiences by turning clothes labels into
RFID tags. These tags give shoppers VIP
passes to access bonuses in stores around
the town. When Avery Dennison customers
are near the stores that offer promotions,
they are immediately alerted.

*not for exam! only for understanding purpose.

1. Efficient Traffic Management using CC TV
Cameras, smart parking systems, automatic
8. TRANSPORT traffic light system and smart accident
assistance and many more
2. Automated Toll.
3. Self-driving Cars.
4. Enhanced Security of the Public Transport - Ola
Cab live monitoring, Speed Monitoring, etc.
5. IoT technologies help to provide customers
with more accurate, up-to-date, real-time data
to better plan journeys.
6. IoT efficiently looks after, Trip scheduling, Fleet
tracking, Driving times and driver rest break
scheduling, Alerts for speeding, harsh
cornering, acceleration or braking, Monitoring
of vehicle load, Distance travelled and fuel

It’s an electricity network that

consists of a system of
infrastructural, hardware and
software solutions that enable
two-way communication between
all system parts and participants
and provide efficient power
generation and distribution in the
supply chain.
1. Adoption of smart grid technology by households and
9. SMART GRID the whole cities helps monitor and control energy use
in real time and optimize it with the best interests of
citizens and the environment in mind.
2. At the same time, improved visibility of every grid’s
element - loads, equipment, transmission lines,
appliances - allows management to detect any problem
in time or even in advance, address it accordingly and
prevent expensive and dangerous problems like outages
and downtime due to untimely maintenance.
3. Real-time data analytics and visualization. 4. Prevention
of Energy Theft. 5. Remote Control. 6. Improve Billing
1. Smart Ring 2. Smart Belt 3. Gaming Armbands 4.
Smart Shoes 5. Fitness Tracker 6. Smart Clothing 7.
Smart Glasses 8. GPS tracking Band 9. Smart Gloves
10. Smart Jewelry
A Few operations performed by smart wearables:
• sleep monitoring.
• activity tracker.
• detecting stress levels and generates recommendations on the
mobile phone to relax the mind.
• detect temperature.
• respiration rate.
• heart rate and other health-related information.
• calories burned
• weight gained
CLICK BELOW FOR DETAILS • distance travelled and many many many more ...
*not for exam! only for understanding purpose.
2015 to 2019
2014 to 2019


2015 - PRESENT
2019 - PRESENT
There are two types of IoT:

CIoT often focuses on convenience for

individual customers, improving
Security, Convenience and Comfort.
Whereas IIoT is strongly focused on
the industry sector, improving the
efficiency, security, and output of
operations with a focus on Return on
Investment (ROI).
1. Scalability
2. Interoperability
3. Dependency on Internet
4. Security And Personal Privacy
5. Design Based Challenge
6. Brute forcing and the risk of default passwords
7. Battery life
8. Connectivity
9. Cross platform capability
10. Data collection and processing
11. Lack of skill set
12. Customer expectations & Customer level understanding over the deployed hardware.
1. Privacy issues: There is always the possibility of hackers breaking into the system and stealing
the data. And one might want some personal space in life. So staying connected with family and
friends always giving them every detail of our life activity is not good. There is every possibility of
misusing your information.
2. Too much Dependency on technology and electronic gadgets: The younger generation has
grown up with readily available things. The internet and technology making them so non-brainy.
A simple math calculation of adding and subtracting is done through a calculator readily available
on our phones. The more we entrust and dependent on the Internet, there are more chances of
a potentially grievous event if we lose it.
3. Becoming Indolent: People are more habituated to have click-based work making them lazy to
any sort of physical activity, applied science in their daily routine.
4. Unemployment: People at lower levels like unskilled labor may have high risks of losing their
jobs. Security Guards, House Servants, Iron & Dry wash services, etc may not have proper
employment opportunities as the IoT devices replace their work, and people can work on their
1.2. Sensors
 Sensors are devices that detect external information, and
communicates it in form of signal that humans and
machines can distinguish. Sensors play an important role
in creating solutions using IoT.
 Sensors provide an output signal based on measuring an
environmental phenomenon such as measuring
temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude, ambient light,
distance etc. And this signal acts as Input to Actuators.
 Sensors have been around for a long time. The first
thermostat was introduced in the late 1880s and infrared
sensors have been around since the late 1940s.
 Sensors are crucial to the operation of many of today’s
businesses. The IoT is bringing sensor usage to a new

 The fundamental purpose of any sensor is to report the state of some variable which
characterizes the process. Any measuring device necessarily contains at least one sensing
 Most measuring devices also contain another element, the transducer. A transducer converts
information from one form to another. The output or response of the sensor may be in a
form that can not easily be processed by the controlling element. The most common output
signals form measuring devices are electrical (either voltage or current) or pneumatic ( air
 Sensors may also be categorized by their response as a function of time. Thus a sensor may
be analog (if its response is a continuous function of time), or digital (if the response is in
the form of a pulse train, or a function which switches instantaneously between two fixed
amplitude states). A special case of digital sensors is a binary sensor, which is basically a
switch, that can only have two states.
1. Range - It is the minimum and maximum value of physical variable that the sensor can sense or
2. Span - It is the difference between the maximum and minimum values of input.
3. Accuracy - The error in measurement is specified in terms of accuracy. It is defined as the
difference between measured value and true value.
4. Precision - It is defined as the closeness among a set of values. It is different from accuracy.
5. Sensitivity - It is the ratio of change in output to change in input.
6. Linearity - Linearity is the maximum deviation between the measured values of a sensor from
ideal curve.

7. Hysteresis - It is the difference in output when input is varied in two ways- increasing and
8. Resolution - It is the minimum change in input that can be sensed by the sensor.
If the sensor is not ideal, several types of deviations can be observed:
 The sensitivity may in practice differ from the value specified. This is called a sensitivity error,
but the sensor is still linear.
 If the sensitivity is not constant over the range of the sensor, this is called non linearity.
 If the output signal is not zero when the measured property is zero, the sensor has an offset or
 If the output signal slowly changes independent of the measured property, this is defined as
drift. Long term drift usually indicates a slow degradation of sensor properties over a long period
of time.
 If the deviation is caused by a rapid change of the measured property over time, there is a
dynamic error.
 Noise is a random deviation of the signal that varies in time.
 Hysteresis is an error caused by when the measured property reverses direction.
 If the sensor has a digital output, the output is essentially an approximation of the measured
property. The approximation error is also called digitization error.
 The sensor may to some extent be sensitive to properties other than the property being
measured. For example, most sensors are influenced by the temperature of their environment.

All these deviations can be classified as systematic errors or random errors. Systematic errors can
sometimes be compensated for by means of some kind of calibration strategy. Noise is a random
error that can be reduced by signal processing, such as filtering, usually at the expense of the
dynamic behaviour of the sensor.
Scalar Sensors
 Scalar Sensors produce output signal or voltage which generally proportional to the magnitude
of the quantity being measured.
 Physical quantities such as temperature, color, pressure, strain, etc. are all scalar quantities as
only their magnitude is sufficient to convey an information.
 For example the temperature of a room can be measured using thermometer, which responds to
temperature changes irrespective of the orientation of the sensor or its direction.
Multimedia/Vector Sensors
 Vector Sensors produce output signal or voltage which generally proportional to the magnitude,
direction, as well as the orientation of the quantity being measured.
 Physical quantities such as sound, image, velocity, acceleration, orientation, etc. are all vector
quantities, as only their magnitude is not sufficient to convey the complete information.
 For example, the acceleration of a body can be measured using an accelerometer, which gives the
components of acceleration of the body with respect to the x,y,z coordinate axes.
Hybrid Sensors
 The hybrid sensor technology combines data from a few sensors on your asset with a global
numerical model of the structure, hence creating a Hybrid Twin with a virtually unlimited
number of hybrid sensors which are used to get insight in all areas of the structure.
 A hybrid twin/digital twin is avirtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object. The
object being studied. For example; a wind turbine is outfitted with various sensors related to vital
areas of functionality. These sensors produce data about different aspects of the physical object’s
performance, such as energy output, temperature, weather conditions and more. This data is
then relayed to a processing system and applied to the digital copy.
Virtual Sensors
 Virtual sensors represent a software layer that provides indirect measurements of a process
variable or an abstract condition based on data gathered by physical (or other virtual sensors
over cloud) sensors.
 A virtual sensor functions with the help of mathematical models which use readings of an
physical sensor to compute the expected condition or property.
 What’s great about this is you can place virtual sensors on a simulation model anywhere. For
example, think about locations with high radiation and many similar cases.
The range and variety of sensors available on the market is extensive. As a result, trying to choose an
appropriate sensor for a particular purpose can be an overwhelming task. Here are the Top
considerations for selecting the right sensor;
1. Sensor type
2. Intended application
3. Accuracy and precision
4. Durability
5. Output types
6. Response time
7. Repeatability
8. Cost power/top-considerations-for-selecting-the-
9. Special Requirements
1. Sensor type
 The choice of sensor will be determined by the composition of the property being detected
(metal, solid, liquid, gas etc.) This is the primary factor that will determine if a particular sensor is
suitable or not.
2. Intended application
All application requirements need to be considered prior to choosing a sensor. These could include
factors such as:
 Distance from the target- this will provide guidance as to the required sensitivity of the sensor in
meeting its target and the required range to ensure that it is fit for purpose.
 Location of the sensor- the environment within which the sensor is placed will determine the
appropriate size of sensor and will indicate the extent of mounting options.
3. Accuracy and precision
 Accuracy is often a critical specification that a product needs to meet. In the marketing of
sensors, accuracy and precision are regularly used interchangeably but in reality represent two
different things. It is imperative that the difference between the two is understood when
deciding which specification is a priority.
 Accuracy refers to how close the sensor output reading is to the true value, whilst precision
relates to the sensor’s ability to detect minor changes. A sensor that is more precise has a
narrower distribution, whilst a more accurate sensor is closer to the actual value.
4. Durability
When choosing a sensor it is important to consider factors relating to its durability. Questions to
consider include:
 How durable is the sensor?
 Will it last for a long time without needing to be replaced?
 Will it withstand harsh environments?
5. Output types
There are three key output types:
 Analog voltage
 Serial digital
6. Response time
 Most sensors have response times measured in milliseconds, although some (often sensors for
gases and leaks) can be measured in seconds or minutes. The optimum response time will often
be determined by the data being obtained.
7. Repeatability
 It is important to consider if the variable that is being sensed can be consistently measured
within the same environment. Repeatability refers to the consistency of a sensor against itself,
determining whether it will provide the same result under the same circumstances again and
again. This value is often associated with accuracy, however, a sensor can be inaccurate and yet
able to produce repeat observations.
8. Cost
 Sensors typically operate within the confines of a larger infrastructure network. As such, when
considering the potential for development and scalability, the cost of the sensor is an important
factor. Whilst sensors are often an essential component of any infrastructure, they must be
priced at a level that is proportional to the financial scope of the overall project that they
9. Special Requirements
 There may be special requirements specific to a particular sensor or use of sensor that need to
be taken into consideration. Such requirements may include excessively high temperatures,
humidity or close proximity to welding processes which might render an otherwise suitable
sensor inappropriate for a particular use

Understanding Accuracy & Precision on a Graph


 An actuator is a part of a device or machine that helps it to achieve physical movements by
converting energy, often electrical, air, or hydraulic, into mechanical force. Simply put, it is the
component in any machine that enables movement.
 Actuators are present in almost every machine around us, from simple electronic access control
systems, the vibrator on your mobile phone and household appliances to vehicles, industrial
devices, and robots.
 Sometimes, to answer the question of what does an actuator do, the process is compared to the
functioning of a human body. Like muscles in a body that enable energy to be converted to some
form of motion like the movement of arms or legs, actuators work in a machine to perform a
mechanical action.
 Actuators are not something you would read about every day in media, unlike artificial
intelligence and machine learning. But the reality is that it plays a critical role in the modern world
almost like no other device ever invented.

This categorization depends on what kind of energy is converted to mechanical motion.

 The hydraulic actuator is a popular category that has applications in heavy-duty operations and is
suitable for construction, marine, offshore, transportation, and military industry.
 In hydraulic actuators, any incompressible hydraulic fluid(normally any oil that exhibits fluid
properties) is used and they are pressurized to the maximum so that, it effectively converts
hydraulic energy into mechanical force.
 This actuator can exert a large force and the output will be in terms of linear, rotatory, or
oscillatory motion.
 If considering the drawbacks of a hydraulic actuator, the primary concern is leakage. Leakage of
hydraulic fluid can make the workspace dirty and will result in workspace accidents. Other
concerns are high initial investments and maintenance requirements.
 The pneumatic actuators utilize compressed gases to convert energy into motion.
 The basic working of both hydraulic and pneumatic actuators are similar.
 In pneumatic actuators, the piston moves with the pressure of compressed gases, and this
piston movement converts the pneumatic energy to corresponding rotary or linear motion,
which depends on the attached mechanism to the piston.
 Simplicity, durability, ease of installation, and safety are the key benefits of pneumatic
 Some common applications of the pneumatic actuator are grippers, tie-rod cylinders, pneumatic
artificial muscles, vacuum generators, etc.…
 Pneumatic actuators have some limitations. Among them, the limited strength and work
capacity is the first point to be considered. Also, pneumatic actuators have a shorter life cycle
compared to others.
 Electric linear actuators can push, pull or
transfer workloads in a distinctly different way
from pneumatic actuators.
 By contrast, an electric actuator employs an
electronically controlled motor and ball screw
to deliver a precise motion profile through
acceleration, speed and deceleration.
 Further, the controller is capable of integrating
multiple ‘stop’ positions along the actuator's
stroke with high precision and repeatability.
 Beyond motion control, electric actuators save
on energy costs by programming all
movement with no need for compressed
air/oil infrastructure like
hydraulic/pnuematic. So, in electric actuators,
Leaks are eliminated.
 A thermal actuator is a type of non-electric motor
made of components such as a piston and a
thermal sensitive material capable of producing
linear motion in response to temperature
 Thermal actuator doesn’t require outside power
source to produce motion. In a thermal actuator
system, temperature changes can be used to
perform pre-defined tasks such as release
latches, operate switches and open or close
 These devices are very sensitive and can be used
for applications that require actuation even at
very slight temperature changes.
 They can be used for many applications; the HOT COLD
aerospace, automotive, agricultural industries,
solar and HVAC, etc.
 The power sources used in
these actuators are; electric
current, pneumatic &
hydraulic which are operated
manually or turned ON/OFF
through an automated system.
 The working principle of a
mechanical actuator is to
perform the movement by
changing rotary motion into
linear motion. So the
mechanical actuator operation
mainly depends on structural
component combinations like
rails & gears, or chains &

 Inspired by physically adaptive, agile,

reconfigurable and multifunctional soft-bodied
animals and human muscles, soft actuators
have been developed for a variety of
applications, including soft grippers, artificial
muscles, wearables, haptic devices and medical
 The soft grains consist of a hyper elastic shell
and multiple solvent cores. Upon heating, the APPLICATION 2
encapsulated solvent cores undergo liquid-to-
gas phase change, inducing rapid and strong
volumetric expansion of the hyperelastic shell
up to 700%.
 Soft Robotics promises many potential benefits
such as resistance to mechanical damage and
better compatibility for human-robot
interaction, etc.
 Shape-memory polymers (SMPs) are (ORIGINAL)

polymeric smart materials that have the

ability to return from a deformed state HEAT (EXTENDED)
(temporary shape) to their original
(permanent) shape when induced by an COLD SHAPE A
external stimulus (trigger), such as (RETURNED TO ORIGINAL)

temperature change.
 The shape memory polymers which change
in shape with the change of temperature are
called thermo responsive shape memory
 The range of applications of such materials is
huge, covering medical, industrial,
electronics, textiles and others, and
development across all of these areas is still
ongoing in laboratories around the world.
 Power source: This provides the energy input that is necessary to drive the actuator. These are often
electric or fluid in nature in the industrial sectors.

 Power converter: The role of the power converter is to supply power from the source to the
actuator in accordance with the measurements set by the controller. Hydraulic proportional valves
and electrical inverters are examples of power converters in industrial systems.
 Actuator: The actual device that converts the supplied energy to mechanical force.
 Mechanical load: The energy converted by the actuator is usually used to make a mechanical
device function. The mechanical load refers to this mechanical system that is being driven by
the actuator.
 Controller: A controller ensures that the system functions seamlessly with the appropriate
input quantities and other setpoints decided by an operator.
 A development board is a printed circuit board with
circuitry and hardware designed to assist
experimentation with a certain microcontroller. The
number of design boards available for IoT is also
overwhelming with large industrial involvement.
 Any development board you consider for an IoT
project may include a few important features like,
processing power, wireless capabilities, scalability,
memory. Developers/Hobbyists and developers have
to select the right IoT board according to their needs
and specifications.
 Along with the microcontroller/microprocessor, these
boards typically include a power supply, an interface
that allows components on the board to be
programmed, and some basic input and output
devices, like buttons and LEDs.
IoT boards can be broadly classified into three segments:
1. Microcontroller Boards
2. Single board Computer
3. System on Chipboards

1. Microcontroller Boards
 Microcontroller Boards are intended to run small, repetitive tasks like switching a button on and
off based on an input. Microcontroller boards are intended to run only one program repeatedly.
Typical components of a Microcontroller based Development board:
 Power circuit - Generally set up to run off of a 5V-9V power supply
 Programming interface - Let you program the microcontroller from a computer
 Basic input - Usually buttons
 Basic output - Usually LEDs
 I/O pins - Used for motors, temperature sensors, LCD screens, etc.
 To get started with an microcontroller board, we need two major things that are development
board and an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
 Microcontroller boards are the simplest type. They are generally driven by an external
operating system.
Notable Microcontroller Based IoT boards include:
Arduino REV
• The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip
ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by and initially released in 2010.
• The board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be
interfaced to various sensors, expansion boards (shields) and other circuits.
• The board has 14 digital I/O pins, 6 analog I/O pins, and is programmable with the Arduino IDE
(Integrated Development Environment), via a type B USB cable.
• It can be powered by the USB cable or by an external 9-volt battery, though it accepts voltages
between 7 and 20 volts.
I2C Communication I2C Clock (1st PIN),
Components of Arduino REV I2C Data (2nd PIN)


USB to Serial
Poly Fuse Serial

NC (Not Connected
/Shouldn’t Connect)
Arduino IDE


Upload Open

Verify New Save

• Given its low cost, small size and
adaptability with embedded devices,
the ESP8266 is now used extensively
across IoT devices.
• The ESP8266 has process and store
capabilities allowing it to be
integrated with sensors and other
device-specific devices through its
• The NodeMCU (Open Source
Platform) is a popular development
board with ESP8266 wifi enabled
chip on it. It also comes with a USB
connector and breadboard-friendly
pins, to make it easy for you to test
and develop projects on the
• The NodeMCU offers a variety of development
environments, including compatibility with the
Arduino IDE (Version 1.6.4 or Greater).
• Technically, you can consider the NodeMCU
firmware as an interpreter for Lua Scripts. So, if
your ESP8266 is loaded with NodeMCU
Firmware, you can simply write your application
in Lua and send it to the ESP8266, using ESPlorer,
a tool that uploads your LUA scripts to an ESP
• When you use the NodeMCU with the Arduino
IDE, it will write directly to the firmware, of
NodeMCU erasing the original firmware, So if
you want back the Lua SDK, use the “flasher” to
re-install the firmware.
• When using Arduino IDE for Node MCU Keep in
mind that labels on NodeMCU board and that
use in Arduino IDE are differed from each other.
Lua Script for LED Blink in Node MCU
2. Single board Computer (SBC)
 A Single-Board Computer (SBC) is a complete, functioning computer in which the
microprocessor, input/output functions, memory, and other features are all built on a singe
circuit board, with RAM built in at a pre-determined amount and with no expansion slots for
 The biggest difference between an SBC and a microcontroller is that the SBC is a self-contained
computer with the ability to run an OS, whereas the latter is just a chip with far fewer resources.
 Also, unlike SBCs, microcontrollers are intended to run only one program repeatedly. For instance,
SBCs like Raspberry Pie run Linux, while boards like Arduino Uno don’t.
 Microcontrollers are intended to run small, repetitive tasks like switching a button on and off
based on an input. These tasks aren’t resource-intensive, so microcontrollers aren’t as capable as
SBCs, which are capable of resource-intensive tasks.
 SBCs, on the other hand, are computers. They have an operating system and be used to run
multiple tasks at once. To decide on the best one for you, all you need to do is consider your
individual needs.
 Many companies are involved in manufacturing of SBCs.
Block Diagram of a Single-Board Computer (SBC)
Notable SBC Based IoT boards include:
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
• Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the
Raspberry Pi Foundation in association with Broadcom. The Raspberry Pi project originally
leaned towards the promotion of teaching basic computer science in schools and in developing
• The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap computer that runs Linux, but it also provides a set of GPIO
(general purpose input/output) pins, allowing you to control electronic components for physical
computing and explore the Internet of Things (IoT). Raspberry Pi Board runs Linux on an SD card.
• The Raspberry Pi hardware has evolved through several versions that feature variations in the
type of the central processing unit, amount of memory capacity, networking support, and
peripheral-device support. The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is the latest product in the Raspberry Pi
3 range, boasting a 64-bit quad core processor running at 1.4GHz, dual-band 2.4GHz and 5GHz
wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.2/BLE, faster Ethernet, and PoE capability via a separate PoE HAT.
• Raspberry Pi is popularly used for real time Image/Video Processing, IoT based applications and
Robotics applications.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+



BeagleBone Black
• BeagleBone Black is a low-cost, development platform for developers and hobbyists. Boot Linux in
under 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 minutes with just a single USB
• The Beaglebone Black is open-source hardware that's like Raspberry Pi but more powerful. It's
based on the TI Sitara AM335 a SOC application processor with ARM Cortex A8 processor. It
comes with a 512 RAM, and unlike the Raspberry Pi, it includes onboard storage in the form of
4GB eMMC Flash.
• The beaglebone board comes with 92 connection points, which includes 65 GPIO pins, which is
far more than the Raspberry Pi with 40 pin header.
• BeagleBone Black Wireless is an easy-to-use, credit card-sized Linux computer designed for
powerful Internet of Things (IoT) applications. This board like the Pi requires an operating system
to function. However, this board is shipped with an operating system already pre-installed on its
internal memory. Making it a little easier to set up over the Pi.
• One of the biggest downsides to the Beaglebone is that it only has one USB port compared to the
Pi’s four. This lack of USB ports means a USB hub is a must if you plan on getting the Beaglebone
and will need to hook more than just one USB device.
BeagleBone Black
3. System on Chipboards (SoC)
 SoC stands for system on a
chip. This is a
chip/integrated circuit that
holds many components
of a computer - usually
the CPU (via a
microprocessor or
microcontroller), memory,
input/output (I/O) ports
and secondary storage -
on a single substrate, such
as silicon. Having all of
these components on one Block Diagram of a System on Chipboards (SoC)
substrate means SoCs use
less power and take up
less space than their
multi-chip counterparts.
SBC vs SoC

Block Diagram of a Single-Board Computer (SBC) Block Diagram of a System on Chipboards (SoC)

Processor is the heart of SBC usually ARM Processor is the heart of SoC, usually, SoC has
processor is used in SBC. The static RAM multiple co-processors. It can be a microcontroller,
memory of size 8-bit or 16-bit is mostly used microprocessor. SoC contains memory for storage. It
in SBC. SBC uses GPIO pins to interface with may have RAM, ROM, EEPROM, or Flash memory.
some input-output devices such as sensors, SoC also has GPU. Universal Asynchronous Receiver
displays, and keyboards. Ethernet port is used Transmitter (UART) is included in SoC and voltage
in SBC to connect to wired networks. Usually, regulators, oscillators, clocks, and ADC/DAC are also
SBC operates on a 5V DC power supply. part of SoC.
Notable SoC Based IoT boards include:
Tessel 2
 Tessel is an embedded development platform used to connect sensors and actuators to the
internet. It utilizes powerful web development tools like Node.Js to make hardware prototyping
more accessible and less time consuming.
 The Tessel 2 is a development board with on-board WiFi capabilities that allows you to build
scripts in Node. js.
Particle Photon
 Particle photon is a complete IoT (Internet of Things)
hardware development kit, it provides everything that we
need to build a connected product.
 It has powerful 120Mhz ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller
with a Broadcom Wi-Fi chip in a tiny thumbnail-sized
 Particle provides access to a free cloud service of the
particle cloud. The Particle Cloud has some great features
for building connected projects, including over-the-air
firmware updates, an easy-to-use REST API, and firmware
Particle Photon Cloud Working
development supported by Web and local IDEs.
 The Photon has an RGB LED and two buttons--Setup and
Reset--to switch between different modes to help debug
your project. Particle is an open source platform, so you
have access to all of their schematics and code to easily
improve upon their products.
Intel Edison Board
 The Intel Edison is a very capable computer in a tiny form factor.
By itself it's no larger than a postage stamp. The Edison specs are
a dual-core 500 MHz Intel Atom processor, 1GB of memory, wifi,
bluetooth, usb, and a bunch of GPIO. It's basically an entire
computer without a display port.
 What's most exciting is that unlike most common IoT hardware
today, the Edison runs on the x86 architecture, which is likely the
same type of processor in your laptop. This opens up a world of
possibilities in terms of what software the Edison can run.
 The best way to get started is to purchase the Arduino Kit for
Edison. This board exposes all of the I/O in a much more useful
 Attaching the Edison to the Arduino Kit is extremely easy. Simply
push the compute module into the connector and screw it down
using the provided nuts.

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