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CP5046: Class Discussion

Week 1 – Software engineering
This week’s class discussion structure is:
1. Lecturer gives subject overview – ETA: 5 mins

2. Class is split into random groups of 3-5 students, each group

completes the “in-class” questions – ETA: 30mins
• The questions are strongly related to the content for the current week
• And are usable by students to complete part of Assessment Task 1

3. Answers are checked by lecturer – ETA: 1-2 mins each group

• Your lecturer may provide additional insights and advice about answering
these questions to the class or individual students as necessary
Activity purpose: understand and appreciate the
scope of “software engineering”

Note: this activity count towards Assessment Task 1
Week 1 Questions during class-time (group

1. Define the term “computer software”?

2. Why is computer software important to society?
3. Define the terminology “software engineering”?
4. Name and briefly describe the common stages of software
5. What are the characteristics of a “successful” software
Week 1 Questions completed at home
1. What is the difference between “software engineering” and
“system engineering”?
2. Explain why professional software projects fail?
3. What are the attributes of "good" computer software?
4. What is the difference between “generic” (aka “as-
advertised”) and “customized” (aka “made-to-order”)
5. Why is ethics important to software engineering?
You have until 11:59pm tomorrow to complete
all Week 1 questions

Submit your answers to your “class activities journal” on LearnJCU

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