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Match the word with the correct definition
charterer or the shipper.

3- Volume of cargo that fills a truck trailer.

 A-Dangerous good declaration
4- Document(s) prepared by a consignor or shipper to certify that the
 B- Export Declaration dangerous goods being transported have been packaged, labeled, and
 C- Dock receipt declared in accordance with the standard international shipping
 D- Dead Freight regulations
 E- Foul bill of landing
 F- Net weight 5- Air or ocean freight charges that are paid at the port of origin or
 G- Prepaid freight loading, and are billed to the importer in the exporter's invoice.
 H- Truckload
6- Actual, computed, or estimated weight of a good without its container
and/or packaging. Gross weight less tare weight equals net weight.

7- B/L with adverse remarks or notations (called 'clauses') by the carrier

that the goods received for shipping (or their packaging) look wet,
damaged, or otherwise in doubtful condition, or not of correct quantity.

1- Customs form completed and submitted by an exporter at the port 8- Document issued by a shipping company to acknowledge that goods
of export, it is meant to serve two major purposes have been received for shipment.

2-Charge payable on space booked on a ship but not utilized by the

Answer key

 A- 4
 B- 1
 C- 8
 D- 2
 E- 7
 F-6
 G-5
 H-3
Estructuras logísticas

 1- Hice un pedido el mes pasado y aún no ha llegado.

 I placed an order a month ago and it hasn’t arrived yet.
 2- ¿Cuánto tiempo tardan los productos en pasar la aduana?
 How long does it take for my godos to clear customs?
 3- La entrega se ha retrasado otra vez. Es urgente.
 The delivery has been delayed again. It is urgent.
 4- Me dijo que mi envio estaría aquí a las 10.
 You told me my shipment would be here by ten o’clock.
 5- Siento mucho lo ocurrido. Dejeme comprobar y le informaré
 I’m very sorry about this. Let me look into it and get right back to you.
 6- ¿Cuáles son las ventajas del envio de mercancías por camión en vez de ferrocarril?
 What are the advantages of sending my goodºs by truck instead of rail?
 7- Es la tercera vez este mes que no tienen las piezas que necesito.
 This is the third time this month you haven’t had the parts I need.
 8- Siento mucho las molestias señor/señora. Intentaremos solucionarlo lo antes posible.
 I’m sorry about the inconvenience sir/madam. We’ll try to sort it out as soon as possible.
 9- ¿Cuál es el procedimiento para que este envío pueda pasar la aduana?
 What’s the procedure for getting this shipment through customs?
 10- La mitad de mi pedido está dañado. ¿qué está pasando?
 Half my order is damaged. What’s going on?
 11- Podria enviarme por fax una lista de los productos dañados? Me encargaré de ello en seguida.
 Could you fax me a list of the damaged goods? I’ll look after it straight away.
 12- Lo siento debe haber habido un malentendido. Le explico…
 I’m sorry; there must have been a misunderstanding. Let me explain…
Find and explain these terms
 Allocation (push) versus requisition (pull)
 Lead time
 Monitoring and evaluation
 Pipeline
 Supplies, commodities, goods, materials, products and stock-
 Service delivery point.
 Users, clients and customers.
 Budget
 Staffing

1. EXW (ex-works) = the buyer pays all delivery costs once the goods have left the seller’s factory or warehouse

2. FAS (free alongside ship) = all charges paid for by the seller up to the ship (maritime)

3. FCA (free carrier) = the seller pays all delivery costs up to custody of carrier

4. FOB (free on board) = all charges paid for by the seller up to placing the goods on board (maritime)

5. CPT (carriage paid to) = the seller pays all delivery costs to destination, except insurance

6. CFR (cost and freight) = the seller pays all delivery costs to a named destination, except for insurance
 7. CIP (carriage insurance paid to) = the seller pays all delivery costs to destination
 8. CIF (cost, insurance, freight) = the seller pays all delivery costs to a named port of destination (maritime)
 9. DAT (delivered at terminal) = seller pays for delivery to quay of port of destination, buyer pays for duties, taxes
and other charges
 10. DAP (delivered at place)
 11. DDP (delivered duty paid) = all charges including insurance, duties, taxes (VAT) + import license to destination
paid for by seller
Incoterms exercise


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