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July 15, 2023 NEWSUPDATE


Fashion is an aesthetic expression that is popular at a certain time, period, place
and in a certain context, especially in clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories,
facial makeup, hair style and body proportions. While trend itself often
connotes an outlandish aesthetic expression and often lasts much shorter than a
season, fashion is also a distinctive and industry-supported expression

Accurate knowledge of dress and fashion history is vital to the practice and
study of not only art history, but also archaeology, classics, history,
literature and visual culture. Yet analyzing and understanding dress can be
daunting to scholars and students who have not been trained in fashion
history. The Fashion History Timeline is intended to demystify dress and
fashion, offering the academic community and the public an easily
accessible starting place for their research.
Style is an expression that spans many seasons and is often
associated with cultural movements and social markers,
symbols, class and culture , different modes of clothing and
costumes. The former describe technical materials and
garments, while the latter have been relegated to specific
senses such as costume-wear or masquerade-wear.


The beginning of fashion began
in 1920 because it was in this
decade that the world of fashion
began. This year was the
beginning of the awakening of
women to achieve freedom and
independence. women, that's
why in the era of the 20s it was
abandoned. The 1920s was a
new new century when the
world of fashion returned with
a different view. America had
an important role in the fashion
style of the 1920s
America has an important role in the
style of dress in 1920. After the first
world war was over, America became
one of the world's fashion centers. At that
time women got the right to express
opinions and many of the workforce
were dominated by women. Jazz music
and glamor also influenced the fashion
trends at that time.
Developments in World Fashion Trends
The era of World War II and the Cold
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ADD THE When it comes to the fashion industry,
there is no end to it. Fashion itself has
been around since the first time

humans used clothes. But don't worry,
we won't go that far. This time we
want to discuss the history of the
SUBTITLE development of the fashion world
from time to time.

As we know, the development of

fashion was more influenced by the
economic and social conditions that
occurred at that time. The fashion THE
industry, of course, changes with the TITLE
times, although there are times when
In 1930 (calca comprida) the development of fashion trends repeat themselves.
fashion was a bit slow. The fashion style also
changed to be more casual. Clothes that were

looser than thick and closed fabrics were the
choice in that era.
ADD THE 1930
This year was marked by the
depressed state of the
American economy. This
SUBTITLE inevitably also influenced the
fashion style at that time.

1940 THE
The world war that occurred in the
1940s also influenced the world
In 1930 (calca comprida) the development of fashion style at that time.
fashion was a bit slow. The fashion style also
changed to be more casual. Clothes that were
looser than thick and closed fabrics were the
choice in that era.
This year the Melinndrosa or flapper fashion style appears. This style
is characterized by the use of thick makeup and glamorous make-up.
This style replaces the Victorian style that had appeared before.
Developments in World Fashion Trends The era of World War II and
the Cold War, led to the influence of world fashion styles. The material
for making woolen cloth was used to finance the war, so that synthetic
products appeared, such as stockings and underwear made of nylon.
Clothing with a round and wide collar with a shirt Outer is becoming

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