DCCN Lecture 28 Network Management

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Computer Network and Data


Network Management

Mr. Aizaz Raziq

Network Management: outline
 What is network management?
 Internet-standard management framework

 Structure of Management Information: SMI

 Management Information Base: MIB
 SNMP Protocol Operations and Transport
 Security and Administration
What is network management?
 autonomous systems (aka “network”): 1000s of interacting
hardware/software components
 other complex systems requiring monitoring, control:
 jet airplane
 nuclear power plant
 others?

"Network management includes the deployment, integration

and coordination of the hardware, software, and human
elements to monitor, test, poll, configure, analyze, evaluate,
and control the network and element resources to meet the
real-time, operational performance, and Quality of Service
requirements at a reasonable cost."
Infrastructure for network management
managing entity agent data managed devices
managing contain
entity data managed device
managed objects
agent data whose
data is gathered into a
managed device
protocol agent data Management
managed device
Base (MIB)
agent data
agent data
managed device
managed device
Chapter 9 outline
 What is network management?
 Internet-standard management framework

 Structure of Management Information: SMI

 Management Information Base: MIB
 SNMP Protocol Operations and Transport
 Security and Administration
 ASN.1
Network management standards
OSI CMIP SNMP: Simple Network
 Common Management Management Protocol
 Internet roots (SGMP)
Information Protocol
 Manage and Monitoring
 designed 1980’s: the
 Concept of Manager and Agent
unifying net
management standard  started simple

 too slowly standardized  deployed, adopted rapidly

 growth: size, complexity
 currently: SNMP V3
 de facto network management
SNMP overview: 4 key parts
 Management information base (MIB):
 distributed information store of network management data
 Track the resources that will use for managing
 Structure of Management Information (SMI):
 data definition language for MIB objects
 SNMP protocol
 convey manager<->managed object info, commands
 security, administration capabilities
 major addition in SNMPv3
SNMP naming
question: how to name every possible standard object
(protocol, data, more..) in every possible network
answer: ISO Object Identifier tree:
 hierarchical naming of all objects
 each branchpoint has name, number
ISO udpInDatagrams
ISO-ident. Org. UDP
Internet management
SNMP Protocol Mode
Response Mode Trap Mode
 Initiated by the SNMP  Initiated by the SNMP agent.
manager.  The agent sends a trap message
 The manager sends a request
to the manager to notify it about
to the agent to either fetch an event or an issue without any
some information or perform prior request from the manager.
an action.  asynchronous, meaning the
 The agent then responds with
agent doesn’t wait for a
the requested information or response from the manager.
an error message if the  Traps are used to alert the
request cannot be processed.
manager about exceptional
 Synchronous
events or conditions
SNMP protocol
Two ways to convey MIB info, commands:

managing managing
entity entity

trap msg

agent data agent data

managed device managed device

request/response mode trap mode

SNMP protocol: message types
Message type Function
Mgr-to-agent: “get me data”
(instance,next in list, block)

InformRequest Mgr-to-Mgr: here’s MIB value

SetRequest Mgr-to-agent: set MIB value

Response Agent-to-mgr: value, response to

Trap Agent-to-mgr: inform manager
of exceptional event
SNMP protocol: message formats
Get/set header Variables to get/set
PDU Error
Request Error
type Status Name Value Name Value ….
ID Index
(0-3) (0-5)

PDU Trap
type Enterprise Agent Type
Specific Time
Name Value ….
Addr code stamp
4 (0-7)
Trap header Trap info

SNMP security and administration
 encryption: DES-encrypt SNMP message
 authentication: compute, send MIC(m,k):
compute hash (MIC) over message (m), secret
shared key (k)
 protection against playback
 view-based access control:
 SNMP entity maintains database of access rights,
policies for various users
 database itself accessible as managed object!
Chapter 9 outline
 What is network management?
 Internet-standard management framework

 Structure of Management Information: SMI

 Management Information Base: MIB
 SNMP Protocol Operations and Transport
 Security and Administration
 The presentation problem: ASN.1
The presentation problem
Q: does perfect memory-to-memory copy solve “the
communication problem”?
A: not always!

struct {
test.code a test.code a
char code;
test.x 00000001
int x;
00000011 test.x 00000011
} test;
test.x = 256;
host 1 format host 2 format

problem: different data format, storage conventions

ASN.1: Abstract Syntax Notation 1
 ISO standard X.680
 used extensively in Internet
 like eating vegetables, knowing this “good for you”!
 defined data types, object constructors
 BER: Basic Encoding Rules
 specify how ASN.1-defined data objects to be transmitted
 each transmitted object has Type, Length, Value (TLV)
TLV Encoding
Idea: transmitted data is self-identifying
 T: data type, one of ASN.1-defined types
 L: length of data in bytes
 V: value of data, encoded according to ASN.1 standard

Tag Value Type

1 Boolean
2 Integer
3 Bitstring
4 Octet string
5 Null
6 Object Identifier
9 Real
lastname ::= OCTET STRING {weight, 259}

TLV weight ::= INTEGER {lastname, “smith”}

encoding: module of data type

declarations written
instances of data type
specified in module
in ASN.1
example Basic Encoding Rules

Value, 259
Length, 2 bytes 2
Type=2, integer 2
h transmitted
t byte
i stream
Value, 5 octets (chars)
Length, 5 bytes 5
Type=4, octet string 4
Ubiquitous Networking

Introduction to the term Ubiquity.

What is Ubiquitous Computing and What Ubiquitous Computing

isn’t ?

Introduction to Ubiquitous Networking.

Working of Ubiquitous Networking.

“Anytime, anywhere”.
It is total mobility

The concept of using ubiquity in the

computing world, beyond the desktop is going
to be a new paradigm in the Information
Ubiquitous Computing
Ubiquitous computing is
enhancing computer use by
making many computers
available throughout the
physical environment but
making the effectively
invisible to the user.

It is also called
What Ubiquitous Computing Isn't
• Ubiquitous computing
is opposite of virtual reality.
• The difference between
computing and virtual reality is
that virtual reality puts
people inside a computer
world but ubiquitous
computing forces the
computer to live in the
world with people.
Power Of Ubiquitous Computing
Major Trends In Computing
• These trends are coming from the results of
computing getting smaller, faster, and cheaper.

• The First Wave was many people per computer

( Mainframe Era )
•The Second Wave was one person per computer. ( PC
Era )
• The Third Wave will be many computers per person.
( Ubicomp Era )
Major Trends In Computing
Ubiquitous Networking
• Ubiquitous networking is the
actual implementation of the
ubiquitous computing.
• Ubiquitous networks are an IT
paradigm comprising
1. Network infrastructures
featuring broadband, mobile
and constant Internet access,
2. Diverse information
equipment that provides access
to internet Protocol version
6(Ipv6), and
3. Seamlessly linked
interactive contents.
 The network can reach
handhelds through a
simple serial wire,
infrared, or wireless
digital radio and turn
them into Internet
clients and servers .
 Ubiquitous networking will
allow connectivity to
corporate applications
anywhere, anytime.
Employees will be able to
retrieve and send
information easily from
their cars, mobile
devices, and homes as
well as from their offices.

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