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Environment friendly barangay tanods guided by
shared community values and interest to help create
a safe place to live, work and do business with.

To deliver auxiliary public safety services at the
barangay level in partnership with the
community the police and the chief executives
Reinforced Tanod Organization in
the Barangay
Punong Barangay


Patrol Leader


Tanod Patrol Teams Volunteers/

Members NGOs/Citizens
Functions/Duties (Basis: PD 299 LG
Code of 1999)
1. Ronda
2. Enforcement of local laws, ordinances
3. Providing assistance for emergency
4. Assist the duly constituted authorities in the dissemination of
information on peace and order, community development, laws
and ordinances and administrative issuances
5. Support and assist the local government in the identification
and implementation of community development projects.
6. Assist the community and barangay disaster coordinating
councils in providing medical, traffic safety and security
services in cases of emergency.
7. Assist the local officials and the PNP authorities to gather and
collate information materials/date on insurgency, crime, drug
addiction, juvenile delinquency, vice dens, gambling and
prostitutions houses.
Other Functions/Duties
1. Carry out the functions of security service team of
ligtas bayan in times of calamities
2. Assist the local residents and the PNP authorities to
promote good relations among themselves.
3. Assist the local or national officials and functionaries to
arouse civic consciousness and citizen involvement in
the development of their community.
4. Assist the government and the civilian populace in the
promoting the traditional systems of bayanihan and
inculcate in them the spirit of volunteerism; and
5. Conduct ronda in coordination with other legal
organized groups doing similar neighborhood watch
1. Make initial response on crime incidents and other
emergencies, before the arrival of police assistance
and other concerned agencies;
2. Report and relay crime incident and other
emergencies to patrol -117;
3. Pacify would be crime or check safety violation in
their community;
4. Render assistance to facilitate smooth flow of traffic;
5. Report violation on waste disposal and environment
safety violations;
6. Other concerns on security and development; and
7. Others as punong barangay may direct.
Duties and Responsibilities
 Team Leader
1. Responsible for the team’s response and actions
2. Responsible for rendering report.
 Assistant Team Leader
1. Assist the team leader.
2. Takes over when the team leader is not available
 Recorder
1. Records all activities/events concerning crimes and safety, and other
environmental concerns.
2. Prepare consolidated reports for feedback for authorities concern
 Members
1.Prevent crime and ensure safety in the locality.
2. Reports/check wanton waste disposal
3. Assist in maintaining the smooth flow of traffic.
4. Perform other duties as the Punong Barangay or Team Leader may direct.
Maintenance of Peace and Order
(Information Noted During the patrol)
1. Deep excavation without safe barricade
2. Open manhole
3. Broken/leaning pole
4. Uncollected/accumulated garbage
5. Flooded road or any portion thereof
6. Leaking (water system) water line
7. Alleged illegal water connection
8. Busted (APEC) light post
9. Stalled/ abandon vehicles
10. Ongoing/newly completed illegal construction
11. Fell/broken tree/plant
12. Fire hazard such as natural or man-made
13. Alleged illegal wire-tapping
14. Defective traffic signs/light

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