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Done by Shreya 7D
Health and wellbeing
◦Health and well-being is the absence of
physical illness,disease and mental
distress.Heath and well-being is the result of a
combination of physical,social,intellectual and
emotional factors.Well-being is crucial to our
health and overall happiness.Health is
important to our immune system
Physical and mental health
Physical health is the state of your body and
mental health is the state of your mind,feelings
and emotions.The examples of physical health
are sleep,stress,nutrition and health.The
examples of physical health are
sleep,stress,neutrino and health.The examples of
mental health are mental health
disorders,anxiety,addictive behaviors and
depression .
Healthy lifestyle
◦ Living a healthy lifestyle involves doing activities
that make you happy and feel well. Feeling good
about yourself and taking care of your health are
essential for self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a
healthy lifestyle by taking good care of your body.
Make it a habit to always concentrate on the positive
aspects of life if you want to live a healthy lifestyle.
Even if you are in the worst possible position, there is
always an upside to it- something good and positive.
Instead, concentrate on these things.
Balanced diet
◦ A well-balanced diet provides your body with the
nutrients it requires to function properly. Limit your
consumption of empty calories and instead aim to
gain your calories from meals rich in other nutrients
to maintain better health. A well-balanced diet
provides your body with the nutrients it requires to
function properly. Without a well-balanced diet,
your body is more liable to sickness, infection,
fatigue, and poor performance.
Factors that influence our health
◦Health is controlled by many factors, which
can be categorized into five main categories
known as health determinants: genetics,
behavior, environmental effects, medical
treatment, and social status
Types of health
Types of health
◦ A meaningful existence, being cheerful and hopeful,
exercising self-care, and connecting with others all
contribute to spiritual wellness.Your physical health is
the state of your body.Environmental health is based
with the interactions between people and their
environments; it encourages human health and well-
being.A person's mental health is their whole state of
well-being.Social health refers to methods for
increasing one's emotional well-being.Our emotional
health is defined by how we feel and think.
Mindfulness-what is it and its importance,
◦ A person's mental health is their whole state of well-
being.Social health refers to strategies for increasing one's
emotional well-being.Our emotional health is determined by
how we feel and think. The quality or state of being
conscious or aware of something is referred to as
mindfulness. Mindfulness entails being aware of our
thoughts, feelings, and physiological sensations in the
present moment. Living in the present moment is what
mindfulness implies. Mindfulness is crucial because it is an
efficient approach to deal with stress and anxiety, and
becoming more aware of the present moment can help us
enjoy our surroundings and understand ourselves better.
Physical and mental exercises-indoor and outdoor
◦The best exercise for physical and
mental health are aerobic
gardening and dancing.
◦Being overweight isn’t something to be ashamed
about.In Fact,many people suffer from it.Obesity is
generally caused by eating too much and moving too
little.If you are overweight and have obesity,you are
supposed to change your habits of overeating.start by
writing a few points about health eating plan and
regular physical activity .
Physical and mental health- are they
correlated with each other
Mental and Physical health is
fundamentally linked.There are multiple
reasons why it’s correlated.Poor mental
health is a risk factor for chronic physical
conditions.People with serious mental
health conditions are at high risk of
experiencing chronic physical conditions.
Emotional wellbeing-how to process your
emotions in healthy and productive ways

◦Acknowledge your emotions and try to

understand why you feel them
Make a gratitude list.
Punch a pillow
how can we achieve good health and wellbeing
◦ Spend the day entirely on yourself

Get organized in the workplace and dispose of

Positive thinking regardless of circumstances

No one is perfect, so learn to forgive yourself

Celebrate what you have accomplished

Meaning of spiritual wellness
◦ Spiritual wellbeing is considered as experiencing a
stronger feeling of purpose and meaning in one's life.
Spiritual wellbeing involves being at peace with
one's environment and balancing one's personal
needs with the needs of others. Spiritual wellbeing is
being connected to something larger than oneself, as
well as maintaining a set of values, principles,
morals, and beliefs that bring a sense of purpose and
meaning to life, and then living on those values.
Relationship between health and wellbeing
◦Well-being is related to a numerous
of health, career, family, and
advantages. It increases your chances
of living a longer and healthier life, as
well as relieving symptoms of
depression and anxiety.
Current global health issues

◦Heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes,

and other noncommunicable diseases
still the leading causes of death for both
U.S. men and women still the leading
causes of death for both men and
What are the most serious health
problems with teenagers
◦Depression is one of the leading factors of
sickness and impairment among teenagers,
with suicide being the second most common
reason for death in people aged 15 to 19, and
eating disorders being the third greatest
cause of death.
Stress and anxiety

◦ Stress causes both mental and physical

symptoms, includes anger, rage, exhaustion,
muscle aches, digestive problems, and
difficulties sleeping. Anxiety may be defined
as irrational anxiety or worried about
different items or circumstances.
◦ Depression is a mental condition characterized by
chronic sorrow and loss of interest. It affects how
you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a
variety of mental and physical difficulties. It is also
known as major depressive disorder or clinical
depression. People suffering from depression may
lose interest in previously loved hobbies and have
trouble concentrating.
Personal health routine
◦Find a soothing healthy activity. For
example-Reading an inspiring book,
spending quality time with a pet,
meditation, or simply taking a few
minutes to remind yourself of all that is
going well in your life .
Sleep patterns-good quality sleep, impact of poor sleep on our health,
impact of good sleep on our health
◦ Sleep enhances brain performance, mood, and health. Not receiving
enough quality sleep on a regular basis increases the risk of a variety
of illnesses and disorders. To get good quality sleep you need to
achieve REM sleep.REM sleep is thought to play an important role in
memory and learning. Normal sleep consists of four to five sleep
cycles that last approximately 90 minutes each and include both light
to deep sleep. Without sleep, your brain cannot establish or maintain
the neural pathways that allow you to learn and generate new
memories, and it is more difficult to focus and respond swiftly. Sleep is
essential for a variety of brain activities, including how nerve cells
work. Sleeping reduces blood pressure, and getting enough rest early
in the day might reduce your chance of developing significant heart-
related medical disorders.

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