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• Genetically Engineered Insulin

 a hormone that regulates sugar metabolism in human and it is
of immense value to diabetics.
Insulin is produce by the B-cells of islets of Langerhans of pancreas.
• Human Insulins
 contains 51 amino acids , arranged in two poly peptide chains.
The chain A has 21 amino acids while chain B has 30 amino acids.
Both are held together by disulfide bonds
In 1980 recombinant DNA technology was used to produced human
insulin in bacteria (E-coli) which is called HUMULIN N.
• Gene Therapy

Is a technique of biotechnology which is to treat and diagnose

diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s disease etc.
• Significance of Gene Therapy
 Identification of gene that play the key role in development of
a genetic disorder.
Determination of the role of its product in health and disease
Isolation and cloning of gene
Development of an approach for gene therapy
Types of Gene Therapy
• 1. Germ line gene therapy- germ cells, i.e sperm or eggs are modified
by introduction of functional gene, which are ordinarily integrated
into their genomes. Therefore, change due to therapy would be
• 2. Somatic cell gene therapy- the genes is introduced only in somatic
cells, specially of those tissue in which expression of the concerned
gene is critical for health.
Gene Therapy Treatment
• 1. Exvivo- outside the body,,\ cells from the patient’s blood or bone
marrow are removed and grown in the laboratory.
• 2. Invovo- inside the body, no cells are removed from the patient’s

Pentadiplandra brazzeana- a plant of west Africa that produces a

protein called brazein.
• Ethical Issues- includes moral principle that control or influence a
person behavior. It includes a set of standards by which a community
regulates its behavior and decides as to which activity is legitimate and
which is not.
• Bio Patent
A patent is granted for:
1. An invention, including a product
2. An improvement in an earlier invention
3. The process of generating product
• Biopiracy- happens when a big organization and multinational
companies exploit patent biological resources or bioresources of other
nation without proper authorization from the countries concerns.

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