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Subunit - 2

Problem Scoping
Problem Scoping
• The aim and scope of the project undertaken, are
• Choosing a theme for problem scoping for
example(environment, agriculture, healthcare,
infrastructure, transport)
• You can choose a theme from the 17 SDGs
• Once you have selected the theme, next you need to
pick a topic from the domain of your selected domain.
• For Example
Theme : Healthcare
Topics :Digital OPD, Vaccination, spreading
of diseases, medical imaging, clinical
Clinical Trials
• It is a research investigation when a new treatment is first
given to humans, with or without a disease, to establish if
the drug is safe and effective at treating the disease.
• It is done in different phases :
• Pre-clinical Trail - Test carried out in laboratories to test and measure
impact and effectiveness of drug.
• Phase 1 : Safety , what does the drug do to body and what body does
to drug are studied
• Phase 2: Efficacy and Safety around the drug is studied
• Phase 3 : Data of clinical trials are submitted to regulatory authorities
for approval
• Phase 4 : Trails are carried out to check the drugs performance in real
life scenarios.
Identify problems around the selected topic

• Once you have studied and researched on

your chosen topic and listed its problems, it is
time to set goal for AI project.
Problem around Clinical Trials
Finding appropriate number
of criteria matching patients

Problem in monitoring
Clinical trial
Ensuring treatment
Chosen topic
Chosen theme
Huge cost incurred

Huge time taken by manual


List of problems
Problems Scoping- Identify
Stakeholders, Actions and Ethical
4W’s Canvas

4W’s Canvas is a framework to define the

problem statement articulately that is effective
and clear definitions by finding factors like
‘Who’, ‘What’, ‘Where/When’ and ‘Why’.
Using 4Ws canvas
• 1. ‘Who’-‘Who’ are the stakeholders? That is
• Who have the problem?
• Who are getting affected by it (Directly/
• The stakeholders are the Directly or Indirectly
affected people who are facing the problem
and who will benefit from the solution.
‘WHO’ canvas of the problem
In the context of the stakeholders problem
‘Who will bell the cat?” Mice Cat
Cat Mice
• What exactly the problem is:
• What is the nature of the problem?
• What is the evidence that proves that it is a
problem (and must be solved)?
‘What’ canvas of the problem
Where does the problem arise? Here, the context,
situation/location of the problem is studied:
• Figure out the context/location of the problem.
• Observe the problem in its context.
• Describe the context of the problem
‘Where’ canvas of the problem
Stakeholders Location/context of the problem
Mice When mice come out in open (out of their
dens) for the foods, cat also comes there
for its food scaring the mice.
Cat When mice come out in open cat also
comes there for its food but has to
struggle as very few mice now come out
in open
• Why this problem should be solved and how it
will affect the stakeholders.
• Is it worth solving?
• How will it benefit the stakeholders?
‘Why’ canvas of the problem

stakeholders Why the problem should

be solved?
Mice To free them from fear when
they come out in open for
food or play.
Cat to help her find staple supply
of food
Writing problem statement
• A problem statement is a short, clear
description in words of the problem listing its
stakeholders, their issues, context, and
reasons to solve the problem.
• It gives the overview of the problem.
Ethics involved in the goal of the project
• Ethics inculcate acceptable behavior in all parties involved and ensure the fair
use and play of the resources include in human resources.
• Principle of essentiality
• Principles of Voluntariness, Informed consent in community agreement
• Principle of Non-Exploitation
• Principle of Privacy and Confidentiality
• Principle of Precaution and Risk minimization
• Principle of Professional Competence
• Principle of Accountability and Transparency
• Principle of the Maximization of the public interest and the distributive
• Principle of Institutional Arrangements
• Principle of Public Domain
• Principle of Totality of Responsibility
• Principle of Compliance

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