Simple Present Tense

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 Menyatakan kebiasaan sehari-hari/kegiatan
yang dilakukan berulang-ulang
Contoh: I go to campus everyday
 Menyatakan Fakta/Kebenaran Umum

Contoh: The sun rises in the east

Pola 1: Present of Verb (Kalimat
 Present of Verb adalah kalimat yang
menggunakan main verb (kata kerja utama)
seperti go, work, study, read, eat, drink, dll.
 Rumus

+ Subject + Verb 1/ Verb 1+s/es + Object

? Do/Does +Subject + Verb 1+ Object ?
- Subject + do/does + not + Verb 1 + Object
 Kalau subjeknya I, You, We, They, Romi and Rini,
My friens, two cats dll, gunakan verb 1 tanpa
s/es. Kalimat tanya gunakan ‘do’. Dan kalimat
negatif gunakan ‘do not’.
 Kalau subjeknya She, he, it, Andi, Dewi, a lion,
dll, gunakan verb 1+ s/es. Kalimat tanya
gunakan ‘does’. Dan kalimat negatif gunakan
‘does not’.
 Ket. Waktu yang biasa digunakan: Everyday,
every night, every Monday, always, usually,
generally, often, sometimes, seldom, ever, never.
Contoh kalimat Present of Verb
 + They play badminton every morning
? Do they play badminton every morning?
Yes, they do/ no, they don’t
- They do not play badminton every morning

 + She reads a book every night

? Does She read a book every night?
Yes, she does/ no, she does not
- She does not read a book every night

 What do you do every morning? I get up, take a bath, and go to

 What does she read everynight? She reads a book
2. Present of Be (Kalimat Nominal)
 Present of be adalah kalimat yang tidak
menggunakan kata kerja utama (main verb),
sehingga harus ditambahkan auxiliary verb
atau to be (is, am, are).
 Rumus:

+ Subject + to be (is, am, are) + Complement

? To be (is, am, are) + Subject + Complement?

- Subject + to be (is, am, are) + not + Complement

 To be Is, am, are = ada/adalah
 Subjek I = am
 Subjek She, he, it, Nizar, a tiger, a pen = is
 Subjek you, we, they, my father and my mother, my
friends, 5 dogs = are
 Complement adalah pelengkap, bisa berupa Noun
(kata benda seperti a student, a book, dll), bisa
berupa adjective (kata sifat seperti beautiful, smart,
black, dll), bisa berupa adverb (kata keterangan
seperti here, there, 07.00 p.m., dll), bisa berupa
prepositional phrase (contoh at home, in the
hospital, in the class, dll)
Contoh Kalimat Nominal
 1. + I am a student
? Am I a student? Yes, you are/no, you aren’t
- I am not a student
 2. + She is beautiful
? Is she beautiful? Yes, she is/no, she isn’t
- She isn’t beautiful.

 3. + We are at home everyday

? Are we at home everyday?
Yes, we are/no,we aren’t
- We are not at home everyday

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