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Session 9

INSC 559
Spring 2022
Professor Joy Marie Doan
• Grant Selection Exercise is graded.
Please strongly consider suggestions (if applicable) made on this assignment.
• Preliminary (1st draft) of grant proposal is due 15 April @ 11:59pm ET.
We’ll have time at the end of today’s class to answer questions regarding your preparation of these proposals.
Objectives & Readings
Objectives Readings
Landau, Herbert B. “Proposal Writing Section by
Examine how best to construct budgets
Section.” In Winning Library Grants: A Game
(e.g., personnel, equipment) that work in Plan, authored by Herbert B. Landau, 94 - 131.
tandem with the narrative, methods, and Chicago: ALA, 2010.
evaluation of grant proposals. (re-read)

Pain, Elizabeth. “How to Budget Your Grant

Proposal.” Science (American Association for the
Advancement of Science) (27 September 2017):
doi: 10.1126/science.caredit.aaq0687.

Plausible identification of project costs

based on the narrative (aka the budget).
Stages of Pre-Award

Prepare for
Convey the Story Construct the Budget Demonstrate Impact Human /Animal
Identify a CFP to respond to Based on identified and plausible Extract methodology and Examine the methodology to
based on the results of the costs in the narrative, construct a evaluative phases from within the determine if IRB/IACUC
community assessment (Session line item (detailed) budget narrative (Session 10). approval/exemption if needed
6). (Session 9). (Session 11).
Utilize responses in the
community assessment, as well
as gathered exploratory and
empirical research to show
compelling need—the narrative
(Session 7).
Composing the Budget
• It is suggested the you write the budget after you’ve finished, at least, a 1st draft of the narrative
(discussed Session 7).
Order of Composition of Budgetary Items
1) Personnel, is typically, the most expensive component of the budget.
2) Training
3) Equipment (e.g., computers, 3D printer)
4) Supplies (e.g., specialized software, books, tools, equipment components, food)
5) Travel
6) Dissemination
7) Other
Composing the Budget Cont.
• If personnel, equipment, supplies, travel, etc. are discussed in your narrative these items
should surface as line items in the budget.
Vice versa, if an item is not discussed in the narrative, its first appearance should not be in the budget.
• Office supplies are only included when your narrative and methodology indicate their use.
Example: Packages of pens/pencils and small notebooks will be needed for use during the project’s forum
Please Return in 5 minutes
Pre-Class Activities

Based on class discussions and readings through 24

March; and your submission, and any applicable
feedback, of the Grant Selection Assignment, please
complete the following worksheets, based on your
grant project idea, from the Gerding and MacKellar
•Personnel Budget Worksheet (p.178)
•Non-personnel Budget Worksheet (p.179)
•Project Budget Worksheet (p.180)
Class Discussion Point
Utilize your experience(s) and knowledge building from the pre-class activities to complete the following.
In small groups (break-out) rooms;
develop an itemized budget—personnel and non-personnel—based on the full proposal, as provided by IMLS, of the Laura
Bush 21st Century Librarian Program ( ), The University of Tennessee (UTK). “RE-13-19-0027-19-
University of Tennessee.” IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, 2019 (discussed during Session 2);
You will have 45-minutes to construct this budget and 3-minutes to discuss your responses in the main room.
• Place your answers in a shared Google sheet and upload a link to your sheet to the Session 9 Canvas discussion page.
• Be prepared to provide examples of how y’all translated the narrative into budgetary items.
• Be prepared to discuss any discrepancies your group grappled with in formulating your budget, as well what you ultimately decided.
• Designate a primary spokesperson for your group; he/she/they will share their screen with the class during the main room discussion.
Next Class
Pre-Award/Method(s) & Evaluation

Please prepare for class with the

Gerding & MacKellar, Kino-
Rodriguez, and U. Kansas materials,
along with the pre-class activities.

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