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 Using data from the internet, InnovateTech has established its

position as innovators in technology, technology platforms, as
well as the recent innovation in technology

 Some of the changes in recent past include change of leadership

whereby Dr. Harrison was a key transformative leader who
delivered many changes and innovation

 This transition holds the prospect of dynamism that InnovateTech

needs to capitalize on while continuing to be a competitive force
to reckon with in the market while wholly new leadership
structure is in place.

Leadership Assessment

 Dr. Harrison's leadership style was primarily transformational. His approach included:

• Strengths:
• Innovation-Driven Vision: Fostered a culture of continuous technological advancement.
• Inspirational Leadership: Motivated employees to achieve high performance.
• Strategic Thinking: Aligned the company with market trends and maintained relevance.

• Weaknesses:
• Overemphasis on Innovation: Sometimes neglected operational efficiency and cost
• Resistance to Delegation: Limited middle management growth.
• Disorganized Structure: Rapid innovation led to occasional project management issues.

 Dr. Harrison's style aligned with the company's strategic goal of being a leader in
innovation but posed challenges in operational efficiency and organizational structure.

Company Challenges

 Key challenges for InnovateTech during the leadership transition include:

1. Maintaining Innovation Momentum: Continue fostering an innovative culture

post-Dr. Harrison.

2. Balancing Innovation and Efficiency: Harmonize strong innovation focus with

operational controls.

3. Strengthening Middle Management: Develop robust middle management

capable of taking on more responsibilities.

4. Navigating Organizational Change: Manage uncertainties and resistance


5. Improving Operational Efficiency: Enhance process and cost management

without stifling innovation.

Leadership Needs

 To address these challenges, InnovateTech requires a leader who can blend

transformational and transactional leadership styles. The new leader should

• Visionary Thinking: To drive continued innovation and industry leadership.

• Operational Efficiency: Focus on effective processes and cost control.

• Empowering Leadership: Decentralize responsibilities and develop middle


• Change Management Skills: Navigate organizational change and manage


• Collaborative Culture: Promote teamwork and cross-functional collaboration.


Reflection on Personal Leadership

 I have a participative approach to leadership, which focuses on

the idea of collaboration and collective decision making. This is
particularly striking given the necessity for the beginning of the
decentralization of authority to middle managers and the
cultivation of a sense of teamwork. In turn, certain gaps in
considerations of visionary thinking and of managing
innovations on the large scale remain an issue for InnovateTech,
specifically for the implementation of big-scale innovation

Action Plan

Agile development
Diversity and inclusion initiative
Sustainability initiative
Situational Leadership
Digital transformation initiative

Infographic: Top Five Priorities for
Innovate Tech
 riority 1: Enhance Visionary Capabilities
Rationale: Agile development encourages continuous improvement and responsiveness to
change, which ensures the company remains innovative and adaptable to market trends.

 Priority 2: Focus on Operational Efficiency

Rationale: Diverse teams can improve problem-solving and decision-making processes,
leading to more efficient operations.

 Priority 3: Develop Middle Management

Rationale: Middle management must understand and drive sustainability practices, ensuring
that these initiatives are integrated into everyday operations.

 Priority 4: Effective Change Management

Rationale: Situational leadership is crucial during times of change, as it helps leaders guide
their teams through transitions smoothly and effectively.

 Priority 5: Promote Collaborative Culture

Rationale: Digital tools can enhance collaboration across the organization, breaking down
silos and enabling more effective teamwork and innovation.

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