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Lady Faty


By Jerry Spinelli
The year of the first publication
Is the: 08-08-00

• Jerry Spinelli (born February 1, 1941) is an American children's novelist. He was born in
Norristown, Pennsylvania. His works focused on adolescence and early adulthood. He is best
known for Maniac Magee, Stargirl and Wringer.
• He is a editor.

• The story take place in Arizona in Mica Area School.

• It’s in the present.
• It’s a realistic fiction, because the events in the book is not real but it’s could happen in the real

• Stargirl : Her real name is Susan Julia Caraway. She was a 10th grade girl with blonde hair and
freckles. She called herself Stargirl.
• Leo Borlock :the narrator of the story, was a student at Mica High School. He found himself
thinking about Stargirl much of the time.
• Archie Brubaker :Archie was a retired professor who had known Stargirl for years, since long
before she started going to Mica High School.
• Kevin Quinlan :Kevin was a student at Mica High School. He was a good friend of Leo Borlock.
• Hillarie Kimble :Hilari was the developer of Hilari's Hypothesis, as Kevin called it.

• -Speech:
• Leo is a discreet student because he is not talking a lot
• Susan Julia Caraway alias Stargirl she is very jovial and kind but also very unusual.

o The Exposition: Leo moved to Arizona after his uncle’s death. On the day of his birthday every year somebody leaves him
a gift on his front door. Then he mets Stargirl and immediately fell in love.
o Rising Action: Stargirl is very weird but she doesn’t care. When she arrived at high school, Mica Stargirl became a hopeful
for the soccer team and everyone fell in love with her. Stargirl invites Leo at her place and they become friends.
o Climax : Stargirl is very mysterious so Leo ask somes questions about stargirl past to Arcie Brubaker who now her until
for a long time. but one day of a match one of the players on the team gets injured so stargirl decides to accompany him in
the ambulance which displeases the school because she abandoned them.
o Falling Action : Leo suggests that Stargirl blend in so that she can be accepted and therefore become normal, which she
tries to do but can't.
o Resolution :Stargirl disappears and no trace of her is found. Leo then decides to go to her house where there is no one.
When he goes to his office he finds the plans of all the high school students' plans and their birthdays, he then understands
that Stargirl is only looking to make friends. But it's too late because she moved to another country and is no longer there.

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