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Democracy & Policy

1. Which of the following best describes the term "governance" in the
context of a country or organization?
A) The act of military control over a territory
B) The act of enforcing laws without consideration for public opinion
C) The system of decision-making and implementation of policies and
regulations ✔
D) The process of ruling with absolute power
E) The process of distributing wealth among citizens
2. In a democratic system of governance, who typically holds the
ultimate power to make decisions?
A) The religious leaders
B) The foreign investors
C) The elected representatives ✔
D) The monarch
E) The military
3. What is the main purpose of good governance in a country?
A) To prioritize the interests of foreign governments over domestic
B) To ensure accountability, transparency, and efficiency in decision-
making and implementation ✔
C) To concentrate power in the hands of a few individuals
D) To promote economic inequality
E) To suppress dissenting voices
4. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of good
A) Rule of law
B) Authoritarianism
C) Transparency and accountability
D) Participation and inclusiveness
E) Responsiveness to the needs of the people ✔
5. How does corruption affect governance in a country?
A) It improves transparency and accountability
B) It ensures equitable distribution of resources
C) It weakens institutions and undermines trust in the government ✔
D) It fosters a culture of honesty and integrity
E) It enhances the efficiency of decision-making
6. What role do civil society organizations play in promoting good
A) They act as a watchdog to hold the government accountable and
advocate for the rights of citizens ✔
B) They reinforce authoritarian rule
C) They limit public participation in decision-making processes
D) They work to protect the interests of the ruling elite
E) They provide a platform for corrupt practices
7. Which international organization is known for its work in promoting
good governance practices around the world?
A) United Nations Development Programme ✔
B) World Trade Organization
C) International Monetary Fund
D) World Health Organization
E) Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
8. What is the importance of the separation of powers in a governance
A) It restricts individual freedoms
B) It prevents the abuse of power and ensures a system of checks and
balances ✔
C) It allows the government to consolidate power
D) It increases opportunities for corruption
E) It undermines the rule of law
9. How can technology be used to improve governance?
A) By facilitating censorship and controlling public discourse
B) By limiting access to information for citizens
C) By enabling greater transparency and citizen participation ✔
D) By decreasing government accountability
E) By promoting offline communication and reducing digital interactions
10. Which of the following is an example of direct democracy in
A) Monarchy
B) Referendum ✔
C) Authoritarian regime
D) Representative democracy
E) Oligarchy
11. A federal system of governance involves a strong central
government with limited powers granted to smaller subnational
A. true
B. false ✔

12. In a parliamentary system of governance, the executive branch is

separate from the legislative branch.
A. true
B. false ✔
13. The concept of separation of powers in governance refers to the
division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to prevent
one branch from becoming too powerful.
A. true ✔
B. false
14. Authoritarian governance typically allows for free and fair elections,
ensuring a democratic process.
A. true
B. false ✔
15. In a presidential system of governance, the head of government is
elected separately from the legislature and serves for a fixed term.
A. true ✔
B. false
16. A unitary system of governance is characterized by strong
subnational governments with limited powers delegated by a central
A. true
B. false ✔
17. The rule of law is a principle in governance stating that all
individuals and entities, including government officials, are accountable
under the law.
A. true ✔
B. false
18. Pluralistic governance refers to a system where power is
concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group of
A. true
B. false ✔
19. Checks and balances in governance mechanisms ensure that each
branch of government can limit the powers of the other branches,
preventing any one branch from becoming too dominant.
A. true ✔
B. false
20. Transparency in governance involves openness, accountability, and
ethical behavior within the government institutions and processes.
A. true ✔
B. false
21. In a direct democracy, citizens elect representatives to make
decisions on their behalf.
A. true
B. false ✔
22. Freedom of speech is a key principle of democracy.
A. true ✔
B. false
23. A dictatorship is a form of democracy.
A. true
B. false ✔
24. In a democracy, the majority always have the final say in decision-
A. true ✔
B. false
25. Democracy promotes transparency and accountability in
A. true ✔
B. false
26. In a democracy, political power is concentrated in the hands of a
single individual.
A. true
B. false ✔
27. All countries in the world have fully implemented democratic
A. true
B. false ✔
28. In a democracy, all citizens have equal rights and opportunities to
participate in the political process.
A. true ✔
B. false
29. The concept of democracy has roots in ancient Greece.
A. true ✔
B. false
30. Democracy guarantees that all decisions made will be popular and
well-received by the citizens.
A. true
B. false ✔
31. What is the literal meaning of the word "democracy"?
A) Oligarchy
B) People's power ✔
C) Authoritarianism
D) Monarchy
E) Rule by the elite
32. In a direct democracy, how are decisions made?
A) By the legislature
B) By the military
C) By the executive
D) By the judiciary
E) By the people themselves ✔
33. Which of the following is a characteristic of a representative
A) Citizens have direct control over decision-making
B) Citizens have no influence on the government
C) All citizens have an equal vote in decisions ✔
D) The government is controlled by a single individual
E) Only the wealthy have a say in governmental affairs
34. What is the role of a constitution in a democratic system?
A) To give unlimited power to the government
B) To protect the rights of the citizens ✔
C) To limit the power of the people
D) To establish a monarchy
E) To enforce strict censorship laws
35. Which of the following is NOT a pillar of democracy?
A) Free and fair elections
B) Authoritarianism
C) Independent media ✔
D) Rule of law
E) Civil rights and liberties
36. Which country is widely regarded as the world's oldest existing
A) North Korea
B) Cuba
C) Russia
D) Greece ✔
E) China
37. What is the term for the concept that all citizens are equal before
the law in a democracy?
A) Egalitarianism
B) Plutocracy
C) Equality under the law ✔
D) Theocracy
E) Meritocracy
38. In a democracy, what is the role of the opposition party?
A) To challenge the ruling party's policies and hold it accountable ✔
B) To fund the ruling party
C) To suppress dissent
D) To merge with the ruling party
E) To support any decisions made by the ruling party
39. What is the system where power is divided between a central
government and regional governments in a democracy?
A) Totalitarianism
B) Confederation
C) Federalism ✔
D) Autocracy
E) Monarchy
40. What is the term for the practice of people voting directly on
specific policy initiatives in a democracy?
A) Absolutism
B) Fascism
C) Coup d'état
D) Direct action
E) Referendum ✔

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