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by Baraka Tabuae
Listening Task
• You will hear the people in photos a-c
discussing how they met one of the people
in photos 1-3. Listen and match the
• Listen again and make a note of where and
when each of the people met; and what
they said to each other.
Language focus 1
• Past simple and continuous
Look at Andy’s tape script
and find two examples of
each of the following.
- Regular Past simple verbs
- Irregular Past simple verbs
- Past continuous verbs.
• What methods do you use to remember
things? Look at the pictures below. What
methods is the man using to remember his
shopping list?
• Add the missing prepositions. Look back at
the text, if necessary.
a. Interested ___ e. associated ____
b. Struggle ___ f. add ___
c. Focus ___ g. listen ___
d. Think ___ h. sit
1. The verbs on the left are related to memory. Cross out the phrases which
cannot follow each verb.
Vocabulary cont….
Complete the questions with one word, if necessary.

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